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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I'm not peeking through your windows..... Even though you want me to be apparently
  2. have you played regularly? I see waterfront and financial full often enough on Jericho. What server are you on?
  3. sounds good and nice, but since the release of the game, we didnt receive any free weapon (excluding event weapons). Am I wrong? that's why I said both I don't think there has been but I don't remember either either way though new guns available to new people would help them a lot because right now choices are limited for them
  4. I'd say both so that bills can be paid.... New cars - new guns - a racing area for cars and racing area for wheelchairs with nos - midtown - motorcycles - smoke grenades - flash bangs - daily reward system - joker tickets updated to be more friendly to New people - the beacon fight club area - a way to sort out guns and clothes easier - an update to the district choosing section so that more districts can exist to begin with.... - the threat system But all of this needs the engine upgrade Need a proper foundation to build not just a house but a mansion fit for a king Then strippers...lots of strippers... (saints row joke)
  5. I agree yet disagree with this statement. too many who aren't good enough to be gold call anyone who kills them a cheater which is a major cause of toxic behavior as well. with how its not hard to get gold , it says a lot of their skill vs someone who can get gold. I blame the threat system...seriously I do. and yes massive points for doing nothing is absurd. Not good to raise ranks up for people who cant shoot or drive or even know the map for good strategy plays. on a different thread recently on the forums players said the tutorial needs a complete rework because of lack of skill training and how its just not too clear on some of it to them. the suggested a noob training area like a shooting range tutorial or something like that so that they can be trained properly. I think its planetside 2 that has something like that as well. Then there's cosmetics that can help bring in a new player base. clothes are always a good thing since who wants that tacky starter clothes set all the time. lots of new clothes. tons. Also to me its creepy that my character never makes no sound.... having a choice of default voices would be nice as a cosmetic to make players like APB more. many games have that feature. And a voice taunt system built with those voices would be interesting as well. On heroes of the storm sgt hammer says "you'd make a fine looking crater" and abathur says "unacceptable must eliminate leave no trace left" something civil enough for kids but annoying enough to want to hunt them down...a lot all I can think of to make it funner and more friendly for new players at the moment
  6. if it wasn't open slot but had something like tagger or whatever would that be ok banned?
  7. coding a web page is much easier than miles of spaghetti coding *shrugs*
  8. A few months ago on the forums it was posted how making the guns more diverse rather than packed together they way they are now would be good so that not every gun feels the same. To me it looks like this is what Little Orbit is aiming for. Honestly it sounds good to me. Too many guns have been all around rather than better in certain situations.
  9. ....................................wth
  10. [citation needed] A few enforcers mentioned spawn points putting them 150 to 200 away and how crims were spawning closer. some thread about fixing spawn points.
  11. theres a few other good APB videos made by players but I do not know where to find them
  12. I don't like this. Reasons why : Crims already appear to spawn closer than enforcers. LTL is hard to use as it is and with those two factors combined the respawn time keeps the arrests balanced Plus why are you not you rescuing the people arrested when that is why there's a wait time to begin with..... Throw out rescuing? no
  13. I never said anything about stroking a banana in a closet. Sorry, but you're either bad at reading or that's the first thing the came into your mind and you accidentally went with it. Guess you're a bit shy still. *shrugs* maybe a different one im not yolo in game yeah has to be someone else then. ok.
  14. Somebody throw a brick at him and make him take a pic of exactly where he is talking about Trying to guess is annoying with how its his responsibility to say where he means cookie and banned without coffee in the morning full blown airhead is at least entertaining lol
  15. Why would you be stroking a banana in a closet? Wouldn't they just get ripe hanging in the kitchen anyways? Now I want a banana to eat. didn't we play on Jericho on the same team? or was that a different yolo
  16. And yet its true op talked to me and didn't know basic things that I know I do when I'm on apb Your marinade is salty and lacks good flavor for beef jerky
  17. sure when there's enough money and population from Brazil to cover a new server to justify it.
  18. nonono its been pratice for 1500 hours, and there is no really chance to kill someone that fast from that distance without loosing accuraty no matter how good ur pc is. but I can....I do it daily..... and no I don't cheat certain guns when tap fired correctly you most certainly can.
  19. MssWolfy not to insult you You come off as a bronze or low silver who just does not know how to play very well. Which means you should be taking notes from those who are higher up so that you can learn how to play better. it doesn't sound like there were cheaters to me but instead sounds like you just aren't good enough yet.
  20. joker cr5 i most certainly can kill you in that range before you fart from being frightened
  21. Tap firing does wonders so does a gaming mouse. You sound new to higher end computers. They really do make that big of a difference even if you only drop a new graphics in a store bought comp it will make leaps and bounds of difference. had a potato comp dropped in a new graphics card then went to silver threat just like that. Oh forgot to comment about vac bans....that's on a vac server and APB has their own. Not sure about how vac servers can be signed up for to be used to function for APB though sorry.
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