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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. There's a reason why more and more of us are saying Little Orbit did more in these 5 months (with the first month taking ownership) compared to G1 in years. And its true. G1 abandoned us and milked us back then. Jericho back in the day as infested with cheating and not all just to cheat but also to be able to play against the cheaters. It was a downward spiral that G1 back in the day refused to pull out of. And because of it a lot of toxic behavior started forming. Then Little Orbit bought out G1 and made many policy changes as well as game changes. The toxicity on Jericho is nearly gone thanks to that. There's still some but its no where near the levels its been in the past few years. An engine upgrade that was teased by G1 is diligently being worked on by Little Orbit also while other things are being done to work on APB. A true attempt for cheater protection is being used and some cheaters from the past openly apologized sincerely. Actual communication with staff happens regularly which shows how much you all truly care about us. Not everything went smoothly but this is an imperfect world so of course it wont. Regardless Little Orbit has continued to work on things regardless with a true diligence to make things better for APB and Fallen Earth. (and i truly feel bad that fallen earth players have it immensely worse than APB) Some of us agree with changes made to guns for APB and some disagree but that appears more to a personal preference to me than anything else currently happening. Converting an old engine over to a newer one and dealing with spaghetti coding is a nightmare and Little Orbit made progress faster on this than any of us thought possible (some of us thought summer MIGHT be doable but not this fast by far) Many things still need work like matchmaking , threat level, points for objectives , and points for kills so that it balances out more to actual skill than what it is at the moment but to me I truly believe it should be done after the engine upgrade to make sure it can be done in a full complet4e sense rather than just a band aid for now which may in fact make it beyond broken. But that's not something I can answer on because I wouldn't know for sure. I don't see the coding and how to go about this so I can only speculate. There's a lot of things to talk about but regardless of any topic I firmly believe Little Orbit is doing just fine and has the best wishes and intent for fixing APB and fallen earth. These past 5 months are proof of that.
  2. I personally don't want that toxic name and shame APB used to have. It made such a hostile environment that it was hard to play for fun anymore.
  3. I like this idea but having so many posts first would be good together with this. too many trollers come in claiming they are the voice of the community when they clearly are only complaining about things already being worked on Tired of that "entitled now" mentality To make Little Orbit slow down on the engine upgrade they are already working on for a thread complaining about the engine upgrade is dumb If someone team killed them for it I wouldn't blame them at all.
  4. is that the secondary stun weapon? that thing is annoying to use in a pinch
  5. which one was that again? kinda tired right now
  6. but what would we use to arrest with them? The orange stun grenades blow up cars if used wrong but percs are a lesser to them so they dont normally do so unles its almost dead anyways. percs are great for arrests the way they are for around corners when ops run from you but if they did more damage i cant see enforcers getting as many arrests when its already hard to arrest iono...... what do you guys think.
  7. I don't believe shotguns suck. I can break even with a kill/death ratio with them Where as before Little Orbit made any changes I would get lucky to get 2 kills with the shotguns GeForce1080 ti graphics with 60 fps so my comp is decent enough but I couldn't get kills with a shotgun unless i got lucky before the update to shotguns
  8. shotguns dont suck..... ive used them before the update was done to what it is now the pre update shotguns were horrible to the point i didnt use them unless i had to now they function a lot better to where i can play a balanced mission with them.
  9. APB is APB no matter what system it is on so yes I'm time they all will have the updates I just don't know for sure when since Little Orbit has so much to work on.
  10. but I'm not the op I'm the one who said its a bad idea and spawns should be fixed instead *shrugs* heres a story for you : I want to kick trashcan in his trashcan trolling butt ..... the end.... lol
  11. exactly my point which is why theoretically its a possibility but only Little Orbit would know for sure personally I honestly believe mos t things cant be fixed properly under the current engine or we wouldn't be in this predicament. makes em feel bad for fallen earth players they have it way worse than APB the spawn map doesn't show properly where we spawn though so it takes ups sometimes 50m further than it says
  12. so you can spawn kill then in a close quarters match? uh no the ones who handcuff you for naughty time with you? G1 did in the past so theoretically it is possible now to do so however that spawn map needs to be fixed at the same time so that its more accurate of spawns when they lay it all down again
  13. yood awake with eyes closed? or yood asleep with eyes open?
  14. any gun can be controlled better with tap fire doesnt mean id want to use shaw though *shrugs*
  15. I have a good ways to go as well. I'm near the psr though.
  16. No definitely not but to me getting all of the rewards are worth it since I get to support APB then. Not that I'm saying all at once but buying clothes cars and their kits etc would keep APB here and i get to run people over in style so works for me Just in moderation of course. some money spent here n there wont hurt much.
  17. sometimes it does seem to disappear right away. possibly lag though I cant tell with the current situation
  18. no you shouldn't sell your kidney for an euryale you should sell your kidney to give the euryale to me though
  19. just think it was only 5 months of owning APB and the first month was just moving in (taking ownership) not bad for 4 months of work right? I sure didn't expect this much done this fast. and the engine upgrade is scheduled for two months from now.
  20. they have been fixing the entire game and to fix matchmaking properly it can not just be done so easily. matchmaking uses a more complex system than you think. threat has to do with matchmaking which means points for objectives as well as points for kills have to be fixed as well. So Little Orbit has to fix matchmaking , threat , points for objectives as well as point for kills for matchmaking to be able to function properly and fairly give them time please they had to fix many core problems with apb including the engine upgrade which will make things even better for apb its possible to dethreat in one mission with how its broken
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