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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. n5 = teamkill bug when i didnt see teamkilling during the event possibly why they took it off
  2. meh i was hoping this wouldnt be considered off topic since its about the zombies we are making but theyre dead and dried out....sooooo ......???
  3. Do zombies taste like jerky? What type of seasonings would be used? putting this in social since its a relevant question involving Halloween event (sorta lol)
  4. life sucks. It's why we are on APB and the forums *shrugs* Have fun with the Halloween events
  5. yup. we agree I'm just saying some of that was because I got hackusated a lot for blowing cars up like that *shrugs*
  6. no its not ironic I didn't throw rocks at anybody maybe i should at you though leave my symbol maker alone it didn't do anything to you they did
  7. ummm did you skip your meds? because crackers buddy crackers
  8. DONT TOUCH MY TAGS no reason to throw rocks at me over what someone else does no ty I don't want to see yours
  9. you said a paranoid and naughty word so they didnt like it
  10. that doesn't mean they pressed k for a mission and no I already said it takes 2 or more for missions
  11. if its from the Q&A then it would possibly be on the thread for that as well then.
  12. if i remember correctly it was suggested by MattScott that a good idea would be to make n5 not activate until the mission is done. hard to remember what was and was not said sorry and even then it was ideas and nothing written in stone
  13. Mattscott commented on this before. I do not recall where the post is. I believe after the engine upgrade is when they plan to make it to where notoriety 5 can not happen during a mission or affect those in other missions.
  14. don't forget how many for years requested racing districts. (in case you didnt imply it already) it's a big enough thing to get old as well as new players back.
  15. I have to disagree from APB being slooty enough already and then people would stop designing clothes because huurr duur huur huur bewbies
  16. a mission starts with 2 people of the same faction. I believe what you are asking for already happens
  17. because we spent money on more slots for more characters to make more design goods other than that..... because we could *shrugs* power is a dangerous thing lol
  18. If the enforcer and criminal packs were for any enforcer or criminal made on those accounts I'm sure more people would want them. It's a lot of money to spend for some people who have a dozen or more characters
  19. if you are going to start a thread then shouldn't you actually be a part of the discussion as well?
  20. those events were fun even when on the receiving end. hope Little Orbit can bring them back even if only for a short time
  21. some of those reports are people accusing me for cheating....for blowing up their car with a shotgun and grenades as they stood by it trying to shoot me *shrugs*
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