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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. at first I thought about commenting on this but then I realized..... I just don't give a damn either way how the anime feminine features turn out for the 2d people *shrugs*
  2. chaos is fun now and then. cmon live it up a little lol
  3. hey enough is enough. Little Orbit had him do it to test the server. Kewlin was supposed to on the otw server and its been stated enough times. If Little Orbit has him do something to help test who are you to say what it is or isn't? OTW is a testing grounds and this was one of the tests.
  4. lightning would need a darker skies look and harder fain than that adds to the creepiness when you come around a corner then lightning flashes to see your opp who probably freaking out too would be also great for Halloween
  5. you are forgetting a few important factors. 1. Enforcers are completely vulnerable while trying to arrest and as long as criminal team members are supporting properly that enforcer is as good as dead. Seriously it sucks. 2. No recoil does not mean the LTL will absolutely hit. 3. pig has 8 shots if i remember correctly..... that's it. Then what? 4. Actually arresting without other enforcers killing the arrest is hard as well to do. It's chaos out there.
  6. 1. the irony .... 2. opinions backed by the data isn't just an opinion. research much? 3. I told you about the posts on the old as well as new forums. that's a lot more than one person who posted to benefit. 4. so you say I cant say you're salty , yet you are because you were told no its a bad idea and shown why.....and people can see that. *shrugs* (also you are acting "entitled" now sigh) 5. I don't troll as a hobby nor a job. I provided as much legitimate explanations as I could and you got an attitude for being told no its a bad idea. grow some skin bottom line..... you ignore your on bottom line...irony again. I brought in some explanations why it was bad and here you are saying a bunch of hot air because you cant have your way from how it cant work. you also claimed the first amendment yet did I ever say you couldn't speak? no i did not but i did say how that idea cant work properly and if you don't like that it wont get a tissue i guess *shrugs* no where in that did i ever try to take first amendment rights away however you just tried to take mine....... get real
  7. you just want to change servers so you can cop a feel on new people since the old ones are boring now
  8. I'd play aggressive just to play aggressive pansies get stepped on cant beat the opposite team by NOT being aggressive *shrugs* "get good or get wrecked" - D.va and there's plenty of people who would tell you that because you're gullible enough to believe it so that they can troll you
  9. I'm the one with the cheesecake *shrugs* they're the ones trying to steal it saying its a good thing damn pirates
  10. the golds never called in backup if they could and that's if they weren't trying to dethreat which is unlikely since they tore us up willingly rather than dying. now imagine if it was plats vs silvers n bronze..... and yes you know they would dethreat all over again just to go in and do this (the dethreaters always do seem to go out of their way to be in bronze to kill bronzes) how would you gauge how many silvers n bronzes get called in for backup? the current matchmaking would be broken for sure, the lat thing id want is new players chased off of apb. sorry but no thank you i know better ikr
  11. yesterday in financial actually just because you didn't see it doesn't mean every one else is lying geez
  12. I don't say so (the coding would be a mess and slow down the engine upgrade) do you say so?
  13. There are countless posts on who knows how many thread on the new as well as the old forums on why this idea of yours simply wont work. Everyone is taking the time to explain it to you why but instead you keep insulting and being salty The segregation that another color added would not only split the population up even more so but would also make matchmaking in its current form completely unbalanced as it is ( in some cases ) you can have three silvers and a bronze against two golds but if it was two platinum instead then what? more little guys who get slaughtered? Your idea would not fix matchmaking however it would unbalance the matches to where there wouldn't be a real match against other players only a slaughter also then people would be forced to dethreat just to get match which means the added change would do nothing to fix matchmaking at all it would however make more spaghetti coding to fix for the engine upgrade. its just not a good idea *shrugs*
  14. agreed. a true person who shouldn't be gold wouldn't have to dethreat anyways. people dethreat to play opponents who aren't true golds. Removing threat segregation would instead chase people off the game from being forced to play people who are clearly beyond their scope of playing , which is why threat segregation was made to begin with. To not separate players from threat level (skill) means to stick them all in one pot , and that just doesn't work. I can not think of any successful game that does not have certain areas locked in some form so that only higher players can go in who are ready for it so that they don't get crushed then frustrated and rage quit the games. edit : read more of your posts.....disappointed to throw bronzes in the same pot as golds when SO MANY CRY ON THE FORUMS FROM GOLDS IN BRONZE...... how can you be deaf to their pain so much? that's pretty cruel and yes that is what you are saying ....I'm disappointed in you.
  15. sure we can. nuclear bomb is about to go off. one territory or another......bomb diffused....... no one kills the other but in doing so no ones territory is destroyed so no one loses either. thats an ideal tie. pretty much what we ran into...... wish we ran into a taco stand instead.
  16. wow no one said "wtf is a genger" yet? ;-;
  17. see? my point exactly. is this one where we both lose on tspawning? looks like it *shrugs*
  18. map death timer thingie keeps you from being in the car *shrugs*
  19. you're still taking it out of context
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