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Everything posted by TheJellyGoo

  1. Why? It got moved to live! Unless I'm wrong wouldn't work anyway the way steam is set up. You would need an extra client anyway.
  2. Hadn't seen the bot one yet. Gotta remember that one
  3. If I understood you correct, sorry but that's the whole point of character-/accountbound items. Please, do not pester support with that issue. You're not eligible to receive these items again on another character.
  4. Yes, some missions/objectives aren't perfectly well balanced on both factions - get out with the subjective witch hunt.
  5. It just isn't enough. A gun balanced around being "more forgiving" needs huge drawbacks. Shredder is an automated hold lmb and turn brain off at this point. Just thinking about wanting to balance a shotgun for midrange in APB is asking for nightmares. It just doesn't work with the game. It either will always be with more severe drawbacks or some non-user friendly mechanics to force it into it's niche. However like I mentioned the goal shouldn't be to balance around guns but to have a working classification for skillgroups. Guns need to be tools that represents a users skill in a balanced way. Sure given the state the game is in it might be an impossible task so it's sadly a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" since amount of players and distribution are a major criteria for a working system. I admit I hate the casualization of games and understand that it is what the masses pleases but you cannot let competitive players and casuals compete with each other at the cost of competitiveness integrity. If someone can't compete he has to question himself if PvP is ultimately the wrong mode for him. Not every game can be a BR kindergarten. I understand where you're coming from though.
  6. how can something be a crutch when its readily available for anyone to buy and use , JT Shredder is only 700 JTs Because availability stays in no relation to sth. qualifying as a crutch? What you just said is that there is no problem for a gun to be utterly broken as long as its freely available - I point you to my initial post that describes your objection perfectly. What the heck is a "smart gun"? So when casuals are given tools to cheese out wins over players who are actually putting in the effort they obviously have fun. But it's a terribly wrong approach. You can't establish your balancing around such things that's why we need (and have) proper classifications for skill groups. There is a reason why sports have norms and skillgroups. Why should someone worse be allowed to compete with someone better - that would be stupid.
  7. Scrubs already working on the defenses to defend their latest crutch. Always a sad laugh having to read through those delusions.
  8. Yes, and no. Theoretically you're correct but we both know that the way the market works it's not a feasible logic. Also clearly not the point... what is important is the mere possibility existing.
  9. I don't like gambling but I don't mind as long as the items are marketable and not luck exclusive. The revenue they make is good for the games so I'm happy with letting others try their luck on them.
  10. You're right, my bad. For some reason I thought you were OP so I took it as sarcasm.
  11. But I thought the APB community loves to circle jerk to the idea that progression rank didn't matter? Game is headed in the wrong direction because of LO becoming goodie goods with the people that support the idea that a r9 is on equal grounds as a r255 just because they might be able to kill them. Mods, map knowledge and gun knowledge is a much bigger advantage than aiming skill and the longer LO listens to these plebs the worse it'll get. And that's what threat is for. In a perfect world where we have the fitting threat for every player while maintaining a viable matchmaking system it wouldn't matter since the progression would go along with the threat classification. Also you're misunderstanding the point of the whole r-discussion. What it is about is that a re-rolling veteran would play just as fine on a new account as he would on his fully decked out character. However I also agree that it can't be seen as completely equal as there are some benefits through progression. Currently they may give an advantage just far less than you claim since "aiming skill" is coherent with "map [...] and gun knowledge" which arises from experience thus again the biggest difference of a r9 to r255 isn't some progression wall but just the time played.
  12. APB is ruthless in showing your own inferiorities compared to other players unlike most games which help cover those things with some game mechanics or gimmicks. Many can't handle that and look to escape that fact through accusing people of cheating which is usually not justified. APBs threat has hidden levels. In the past these were visible but have long been changed to just the regular 4 threats. Just imagine there being gold players ranging from Gold level 1 to level 10 while level 1 just made it out of Gold Nova and level 10 starts at GE (to visualize the difference in CS ranks).
  13. So... a gun that rewards the users skill? Sounds like a pretty balanced thing to me. Time to improve yourself or use sth. easier with less of an edge.
  14. Somehow half this thread is hidden for me but I seem to understand just as much as everyone else. FeelsGoodMan
  15. And again I don't care about the pointless juggle of accuse and excuse. Decision has been made and LO&community gotta live with the consequences. All my post was about was your pathetic belittlement of the cheating issue in general.
  16. Yeah, one of those "press button xyz while the whole screen is locked until task has been repeated 3 times" tutorials. Gotta spoonfeed the vegetables.
  17. "Played for a few hours".... never made it past T. Must have spent all this time on the boobslider Weird how he is still in a PvE district when he says that he went for the PvP maps so he even manages to get his own wrong knowledge wrong!
  18. Was this listed in any of the Patchnotes? We really need that one place on the forums where everything is documented and possible to research without much effort in the future. It's a real pain when you have the sweep through several pages of random threads and posts to find that one piece of information to quote.
  19. That was not the point of my post and I have no intention to participate any further in the unbanning discussion than already done months ago. Just be said there can be both cases where you just switch "proof/no proof" around what then? Obviously "proof" should at best stay banned but the decision has been made. Pointless discussion. Seeing that you kinda ignored the message of my post I assume you agree with it.
  20. While scrollwheeling might help a terrible player to become a bit better it will also stop him from becoming more than decent. Ruining your timings with semis will be more often a disadvantage than an advantage for you.
  21. It's weird that people actually bought into that excuse as a valid reason for those shotgun changes. I feel like some things are being soaked up far to easy just because they come from LO. Yes, we should give them some leeway but don't turn off the brains and stop thinking critically. How would this change solve the proclaimed hitreg issue - like what even?
  22. Yeah, no! That's a pretty deranged view and showcases the root of the problem which keeps the whole cheater farce afloat. Cheating damages the enjoyment of customers that try to enjoy the service and frustrations grow with continued violations of those malicious acts. Fair players are confronted with those wrongdoers and are usually helplessly exposed to their acts as any punishment will almost always be sth. of no affect for the past. Since it is affecting the playerbase as a whole it will ultimately have a direct affect on the businesses profit. Cheaters are guilty of stealing money to a far worse extent. Give the market time to expand even further and when lobbyists and greedy politicians start being involved we will see a whole change of prosecution. Here is another view on scammers. I enjoy playing the game and have a good time. I might have grinded for an item for quite some time (while having fun) or might have bought it for real money. Being scammed requires a faulty involvement of myself (unlike having to face cheaters) this is fundamentally the largest and most important difference already. Note: I don't want to say that the act to scam someone is in any way excusable but it is sth. that you're not helplessly exposed to. Also more often than not Support does seem willing to reimburse the scammed for their own stupidity... not something that can be said about the wasted time which is lost playing versus cheaters. Sounds like a whole other level, no?
  23. Because someone has to lose in a game of team vs team ? That would be correct if you win/lose an equal amount of elo (or lose more than gain) with wins and losses but that is not the case. It is easier to gain threat thus the playerbase will shift from bottom to top threat. Heck silvers are gaining gold threat while losing as we type.
  24. You're implying that fire rate is the only thing that can affect the grouping. Care to elaborate what you mean in your initial statement? Seems like I'm a bad player since I have no clue what you're trying to get to or how IR interacts with the bursts grouping. Are you perhaps confusing IR with old CJ or what else does IR change that it affects the grouping?
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