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Everything posted by TheJellyGoo

  1. Seriously what are you even trying to say... this is beyond twisted to comprehend. Are you trying to make it impossible to work with your sentences? "Balancing is working with the gun to bring it into balance with other guns." What even is this supposed to mean - "working with the gun"? So essentially applying nerfs/buffs? "Nerfing is removing a buff that a gun previously had without the intention to balance it." Wrong, you remove it because you do in fact have an intention to balance it otherwise there would be no point in decreasing said variables unless you want to imply that developers change numbers just for fun and no intentions whatsoever? "Balances can bring "nerfs" for some guns but also bring "buffs" as well." Great, we made full circle and you just repeated what I initially said. Balancing is the umbrella term that includes nerfs and buffs! Of course you can keep to belabor on the definitions as much as you want when there are dozens that can all be true under the right context just to make your reply as difficult to work with as any other jurly-burly but it won't change the fact that it is an established slang for the general gaming community. kiss
  2. Nerfing is balancing so what you say makes no sense. Balancing is the nerfing and buffing of xy.
  3. I would prefer a direct phone call or a letter by registered mail.
  4. We shall play and see. Any change is a good change at this point and there is always the option for further tweaking along the way. #AndDeathShallRise
  5. Sees new topic created by Ray, still proceed to read it
  6. Is it so difficult to understand that adding slows (everywhere) just ruins fluid gameplay which is one of the best selling points of APBs pvp? How can you even be so bad to provide a video that shows nothing and still be so delusional to think it provides any actual evidence towards your point.
  7. The amount of wrong knowledge in this thread is to damn high! There is no benefit and please stop suggesting adding delays on every shitty mechanic to slow down every goddamn game to the level of singleplayer difficulty!
  8. ...but...but there is no max level!
  9. BDO is good if you decide to play in your pace and find the part that you enjoy. So many rushed the game and burned themselves by trying to be competitive... I still play it to chill out and explore stuff (obviously not participating in the fake pvp lol)
  10. General matchmaking starts out as even as it can possibly find with option for backup. OC just starts with what readies up right then and there (1 bronze vs 4 premade golds if threat was visible)
  11. It would actually balance and specialize them compared to most other guns that can use mods without their disadvantages having any large impact on the gun.
  12. You really have a wrong picture of the ACES. You will rethink all your points and make a whole 180 on the topic once you have trialed it^^ The ACER on the other hand might fit a bit more into your picture - recommend trialing that too I use ACES from time to time when I need a change and run a rather odd setup of HS3 and MS. Can be a fun gun.
  13. I prefer a longer afk wait time over 5minutes of perma-button-spam especially if it's a daily occurence!
  14. Could you elaborate which game you played competitively and what tournaments you participated in? Also, please, never touch an Anubis again or even talk about it!
  15. You forget that CS does matchmake though. That would be like letting Silvers and Globals play against each other. Silvers and Bronze think it's bad to get stomped by lousy dethreaters now (while valid complaint) and think OC is the solution? They will meet hell should this stupid idea ever be implemented because then all golds from average, decent to top will rain down on them. When you're at the bottom of the foodchain how does opening it up aid the situation - where is the logic?
  16. We got busted - numbers don't lie
  17. Yes, one of the many things (problems) we need to bring to LOs attention that have been neglected or ignored over time that we almost forgot to complain about it by now.
  18. Just because you can't keep a steady yellow doesn't mean it has no relation to skill at all. In fact the part where it really is broken means that anyone who doesn't even reach gold is incapable of possessing the qualifications for making any such statement!
  19. Where even to start... actually nowhere since you have clearly no freaking idea how "competitive golds" play or rather on what level. Just scrubs playing vs a littler more tryhardish scrubs! You can take that as an insult for as much as I took your degradation of actual golds!
  20. I've heard someone say only the real professionals play in OC. Wouldn't recommend for beginners!
  21. I knew it... I knew you were cheating on me. You nice lady!
  22. Really odd. When I play in silver district 90% of people I meet are bots and I don't mean the assisted third party software kind.
  23. It's not about Tutorials though. We have ignorant fools who choose to actively ignore those tutorials and then we have those who do the tutorial and grow tired of being spoonfed every little step (which were designed for the prior mentioned people) wasting their time. I loved the old manuals... always read them in anticipation while the game was installing and I agree it's a shame that those times are over. Now we have tedious tutorials which the wrong people decide to ignore but the topic at its core isn't about a tutorial but an additional babysitting program for exactly those who chose to ignore basic tools to learn. May seem a bit radical but I feel like we would end up far worse in the future avoiding self effort.
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