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Everything posted by Dexem

  1. Dexem


    yesss interact with me like my daddy never did
  2. But what a big tiddied sacrifice we must make
  3. Dexem


    Dont interact with them zombles
  4. Dexem

    Weekly Maintenance

    It's been so long since this game went to the doctor for it's weekly check-ups
  5. A character mod part is currently in the works actually! Also begone with you shite poster
  6. Dexem


    what is this can we get some ( : instead >:C
  7. A new map although cool should and would be definitely VERY far in the future
  8. No nudity in our PG version of APB.
  9. I hope that they are able to replace advanced launcher / low configs to an acceptable degree. Sure doing things their way makes sure nobody gets banned but who knows how long it will take for them to release a replacement and I hope I still have my 120 fps.
  10. Dexem

    OCA, why is?

    Aside from the norsemen all the SMG's are viable. The OCA is very strong but nerfing it would likely take it out of the pool entirely as was before when everyone mained the pmg, then everyone moaned about the pmg.
  11. Dexem

    Suggestions as CBT

    There's not enough players on Jericho to support this change at the moment. Getting op already takes too long as is. If the game could support multiple full districts at one time this would be a good suggestion. I think what LO needs to do after they implement the anti-cheat (which is what they seem adamant about doing first) is add the next contacts to the game, that will retain the most amount of players and gives LO time to work on other things.
  12. These forms are cool, like 90% of the way to being a full forum that works and stuff
  13. Making money with premium 2 ez, making money without somewhat ez. Although I am broke on most of my characters.
  14. Dexem

    OCA, why is?

    What is this even, all SMG's are in a pretty usable spot, why change things now?
  15. I dont know if I like these new forums yet, NEEDS IMPROVEMENT!
  16. Why can't they just up customization of free players to 25 slots instead of 3
  17. Dexem


    Bring back old 18+ APB
  18. I agree why isn't there a preview option?
  19. Don't be deceived zombie is a stupid rude mean
  20. STEAM GUIDE By Dexem Check out Aural's Guide too! Forum Version | Steam Version ABOUT I've been working on this guide for the past couple of years. For beginners it covers threat, how to get the best start in APB, car choices, and understanding modifications. For advanced players it goes over some simple strategies on how to contest some of the most difficult spots in the game, as well as utilizing effective communication strategies, and self improvement. With a few tips n' tricks thrown in there for anyone who doesn't know about them. I highly recommend checking it out as I'm sure there will be some sort of information for someone at any skill level. It is also being constantly updated so always check back for new sections! SOMETHING MISSING? If there is anything you would like to see in the guide that I have not covered, feel free to leave a comment and I will get to implementing it as soon as I can!
  21. this has already gone to shit/10
  22. Lol wow xD this wow is wow XD
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