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Everything posted by Slickmund

  1. You're either talking about G1's launcher, APB's launcher, Steam, or launchers in general. Three out of 4 I have talked about, you keep telling me I need to read, sorry but read fookin what? You only mentioned an "application to start an application" and I am the one causing miscommunication? Give some clarity about what you're trying to say if you phrase it ever so poorly or create a context where a reader could extract it from. In case you try to bash on steam, LO and G1 before them alike are only half balling it on steam. Otherwise you'd have the comfort of auto-updating etc, which causes them to keep their own launcher and updating services (Even though steam offers better service there, for free). Unless you're joking about using any form of OS, you have lost me and it annoys me because it reminds me of talking to all knowing teenagers which can say anything without saying anything. E.g. You know, the stuff! Gawd.
  2. To patch the game before you start the application. If you meant to say: "why do I need a application to launch an application to launch an application?", then you should have said so. G1's launcher that launches an APB launcher that launches APB itself, is a bit redundant, but has its own reasons as well. You see, G1 bought a lot a of games rather than making them and probably planned on selling them off later if necessary and as such they didn't implement much personalization to the game when it comes to G1 Features, hence the browser based in game store and such. That way they could easily add features like in game shops without embedding much of it into the game, across many games with the same currency. You don't even know what I am talking about at all. Read more before posting. I always make sure to read entire threads before posting, please dont assume fault would be at my end preemptively rather than considering discrepancies on your own end in conveying what you mean to say. Thanks for clarifying that.
  3. To patch the game before you start the application. Its automated patching. It is really simple. Go watch Dbz
  4. Lol, we're talking about the resale of an item, LO doesn't lose money on that. What can happen though, which probably already happened, is that theres an amount the in game currency translates to in terms of real currencies. Of which the price of any in game trade-able item could be based on. If you want to make a proper comparison take a look at what happened to EVE currencies once plex was introduced as a trade-able item. I doubt APB has enough items which are interesting enough to sell so I doubt a real market outside of certain Legendaries being sold will ever come to exist. Legalities only start applying if we are talking about serious amounts for which the bar might be higher than you assume, atleast in most European countries that is the case.
  5. In most western countries cheating itself is not illegal. Developing cheats, cheats that hack into parts of the software you distribute under a license is not treated as an offense but however is deemed illegit use of the licensed software and give's the owner of the hacked software the right act on it. In the worst case scenario, where hacking software really damages a software's reputation or business awhole the hacker can become allegible for damage claims by said company. Its one of those stupid things that falls under the vague, up to a certain point you can handle this yourself laws, which pretty much comes down to a judge personal opinion on the matter and the objective proof of damage presented by the offended party.
  6. Thanks and great work so far! I feel way more comfortable being adressed for what I really am in game rather than having to be confronted with the quality standards of being a "person" on a daily basis. On another note, when is the cheating engine upgrade coming? Theres still a bunch of fair players ranking up through normal procedures which is probably killing this game or something.
  7. Claiming us lot is people, unacceptable. @Tobii Hotfix needed @ @Tobii
  8. you obviously feel very strongly about this Forum acted up on me, but it does display my feelings better than I myself was capable of so +1
  9. 98% of the time he adds a somewhat nice avatar and all kinds of somewhat refreshing signatures. I estimate that is 98% more enjoyable than the OP's comments.
  10. LO should prioritize fixing Yood above all, is obviously broken due to the game
  11. Olden days runescape, now thats a proper childhood. Clicking on coloured rocks thinking you'll get virtually rich all day, fugh ye
  12. PubG European servers used to run on 12ticks in the past. Ive hated that game with a passion
  13. They should also add popup windows with Count Count from sesame street that counts the 0's for you in an entertaining way. On a more serious note; Just read large numbers from right to left rather than left to right. Makes it a whole lot easier.
  14. Fake news alert! @Tobii stated he was "Not fine and never will be" with forum rep not showing but his message was intercepted and mingled with. Make forum rep great again! Vote @Tobii
  15. We need a new @Tobii that actually cares. Tobii borked, hotfix when? Try turning Tobii off and on again? Revert Tobii changes pls...
  16. I am gay for shotguns being changed back. I miss my old unreliable boomstick
  17. Can confirm, theres defenitely some cheaters on Citadel, currently the most populated server. Keyword is some however, but at the least there are not 'no cheaters at all'. That is hardly the main issue though, in fact there is no main issue but rather a bunch of issues stacking and overlapping. I dont like the 'is fact' attitude, but I will say the following of which I am fairly confident. APB died ages ago, it has been in a decaying state for a very long time and that is solely based on it being unable to maintain a decent playerbase. G1 has pretty much always had a top-down strategy in adressing their financial issues and need to satisfy player demands. They would emphatize on what the experienced long time player (the one with a fair chance of being a whale) needs and how to make them topple their wallets. Which would be fine if they could actually keep a decent percentage of the new players that got interested in the game. One has to keep in mind that the new players that leave APB arent people that simply walked by your store accidentally and came in to check it out. They got interested one way or another, losing those, is absolutely inexcusable and will cost your game its future. I stopped caring about what most vets want, and what I myself would like to see in the game as well. LO needs to make up on what G1 refused to do, protect new players from the vet community, give them a playground to get to know the game without having to be thrown litterally into the middle of a boiling pot. I have some ideas for that in mind, Ive seen plenty of suggestions on the topic, game mechanic wise theres a lot of options to improve on it. Anywho, stop caring about and thinking about how you could potentially enjoy the game another 200h or so, and think about how to get new players in APB and keep them rather then getting them to leave bad reviews with only under an hour worth a gameplay.
  18. Slickmund

    Diamond threat

    Right now players are cramped into 2 threat levels, silver+below and gold, due to the district threat locks and being able to play down one threat level. Green rank is non-existent in terms of skill level, its next to impossible to get it. Bronze rank is barely existent as well, since apparantly it's top limit is really low as well, hence you barely ever see a bronzie even in the bronze districts. Silver rank is the average player, apparantly this rank has decent sized bottom-top limits seen as the difference between low silvers and high silvers (fake golds) is quite big. Gold rank is decently high up in terms of skill level, but still very reachable for the average player that gets serious about the game. We dont need a new rank, neither a removal of the system. A removal of the system would just mean a rework of skill level measurement which would be hidden from a player, taking out the fun of ranking up. The threat level system can work fine but never has because of the increments set for the ranks (Bottom limit and rank up limit of a threat level). If true newbies would be green until they could hold their own against a bronze player, and vice versa for turning silver or gold it would be absolutely fine. The 3rd out of 4 ranks is what the average player is measured at, whilst their skill levels differ immensely. With 2 nonexistent ranks everyone is cramped into 2 ranks, of course matchmaking is terrible, within those 2 ranks skill levels are bound to be world appart. 4 Threat levels might be a bit too many for APB's current playerbase, I expect it'd leave players too divided in terms of threat throughout most of the day to properly fill up districts. But 3 defenitely could work, even as it is now. Not to mention the effort a dethreater would have to put in to be able to play against players way below his own skill level would increase quite significantly.
  19. Obviously it is a public private message, everyone has to ignore this like a billboard by the road cus privacy. Also this reply is NOT for LO, NEITHER for the OP, so in case theyre reading this stop, you are not allowed to. This is for the scullians only.
  20. You got very close to getting mobbed, watch your language around this turf man, you never what lurks behind the poles. Also, obviously the engine update is only a means to fixing and improving the main feature of APB, the traffic lights. Please keep your priorities in check.
  21. I think we should start a cult or church around this topic to spread the word. Cult of the lack of light, church of the crossroads catastrophe or something alike.
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