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Everything posted by NotTheEnforcer

  1. Egocentric people gotta brag somewhere, right?
  2. Jesus nevermind the entire rest of that clusterfuck of a comment, that was the cringiest thing I've read this year plz stahp
  3. That face you make when some idiot thinks his griefing isn't a punishable act, and then he actually makes a post on the forums trying to call out a GM yet just continues to make himself look like an idiot.
  4. Lol 2 months? I want whatever you're smoking. Try 6 months. Thats literally how long it took me to get a response for a cheater ticket I sent in.
  5. Id be hesitant about calling it that while giving it to the APB community
  6. Trust me, we're all upset about the matchmaking AND the threat system. Luckily for you, you havent had to sit through years and years of such broken systems. In the upcoming Engine Update, both systems are being redeveloped so things like newbies being put up against RTW vets will stop happening unless you're statistically on par with them.
  7. Yup, word spread that it was called the Mirage. AFAIK no manufacturer was named, nor what category/style the vehicle was going to be.
  8. AFAIK the new car was called the "Mirage". Probably a pseudonym for the fact that we haven't actually seen it yet lol
  9. I mean under G1 it was just a pipe dream, but given how often its mentioned in the half-baked lore emails, it *would* be the most logical choice for a new district.
  10. Yeah, I mean it was at LEAST supposed to have MidTown as well. I wonder if they're going to do a Havalynd Heights kinda deal where it's like the really posh hills neighborhoods
  11. Yeah LO seems to have the general consensus that JMB's are distasteful. My bet is that they're trying to figure out a new way of obtaining/introducing legendaries that doesnt require such a gamble
  12. Yeah, we've had LO for about 6 months and they've spent the majority of that time cleaning up G1's shit-filled mess. Once the new updates rolls out of testing we should be getting a decent amount of stuff since it'll be much easier for them to work the new architecture, and pretty much make it easier for them to do everything altogether.
  13. You know what, before I answer that, I want to know what your experience with it is. Do you work for them? Do you know everything about the internals of BE? Do you have thousands of hours of experience with programs that run BE? You want to make yourself appear so superior to everyone else yet you provide zero background. I can tell you, from my 17,000+ hours of experience with Arma (and it's internals, such as the SQF format), that both architectures are different from each other. You will see vastly more cheaters in ArmA 2 than you will in ArmA 3, even though Arma 3 is much more populated, yet with very little differentiation in the server modes. So there's my experience. Wheres yours?
  14. Ah yes, because you are Mr.KingShit and know everything there is to know about every possible subject. How about accept the fact that you lack knowledge in some areas that others have more experience in? 32-bit BattlEye is less capable than 64-bit, as is literally EVERY program. Lets not forget that LO themselves have stated BE was not implemented properly. Next time don't be a dumbass Cooky, there are plenty of people who know more than you do.
  15. Had that happen just the other day. Idiot teammate decided rushing 2 NFAS enemies with his OCA would be a better idea than just keeping them occupied while I flanked and nailed them with an ATAC from a good distance. Then of course once he died, they separated and then closed in on me too early for me to counter their movements. Some people just have zero fucking common sense.
  16. Welcome to 32-bit. BE basically isn't doing jack shit right now about cheaters. Only thing it really does is detect cheaters who used a detected method of cheating. Anyone who's smart enough to bypass it is scot-free until the reports start flowing. But even then it'll take fucking ages with Support being so backed up. Maybe when 64-bit BE comes along it'll actually be able to detect and ban cheaters like it's supposed to. Go ahead and downvote me, yall know its the truth anyway. Hence why there's still speedhackers around even though you wouldnt see any of that shit with a statistics-based anticheat.
  17. Thats why he said "PURPOSELY GROUP UP". Not "accidentally". That means that the person knows the groupmate is cheating.
  18. Agreed. All Points Bulletin sounds better than APB Reloaded. I just like APB better. Also.... GIMME MY ORIGINAL LOGIN SCREEN
  19. He's a newboi. He has no idea what it was like under the tyrannical reign of G1 like we do. But still, LO is our beacon in the night, and I have hope that the engine update shall soon come around.
  20. Funny thing is, a lot of cheaters are cocky and dumb enough to go full-blatant especially while against another cheater, just so they can win. It's like a showdown of the cheats pretty much. In the end they both get banned though lmao
  21. Shit should start changing for the better and fast coming with the 3.5 update that introduces 64-bit. Unfortunately as it stands, there's incredibly little they can do at the moment. APB itself is so incredibly outdated that there just isn't 2 shits to do with it to make it better until the 64-bit upgrade. Basically everything thats happening right now, you've just gotta live with it. Once 64-bit drops, then start expecting new things and better anticheat. As of right now, there is VERY LITTLE that LO can do.
  22. Add trenchcoats and slicked-back hair for Matrix characters plz
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