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Everything posted by NotTheEnforcer

  1. Lol its Kariiim, did you expect anything different?
  2. Yes there'll be new contacts. Yes there'll be new ranks. No there won't immediately be a new district, but the 3.5 update would make it much easier for them to create one, so it's a possibility in the future.
  3. Hey finally something I agree with you on lol. Fuck JMB's, fuck gambling, fuck the whole concept in particular. Either make the gun available under reasonable conditions or don't put it in at all. I have a buddy who makes the "fuck you" kind of money, dude's spent like $1000 on JMB's alone and hasn't gotten a single legendary. Convinced his patootie to stop regardless of how much money he has just because it's not worth it in the least.
  4. Oof, goddamn. Makes sense it'd cost that much for an accurate translation though, especially when a lot of Slavic/European/MiddleEastern countries have an extreme reliance on context and cant just be translated word for word.
  5. Dude. USA players normally play with anywhere from 10-100MS if they have good internet. Mine usually jumps around 40-120ms. A ddos as bad as this one, brings me up to usually 250-300. Sometimes even above that if mitigation isn't doing its job well. I grew up playing multiplayer games with an average of 200ms ping. Trust me, you guys aren't affected as much as we are.
  6. It's legitimately fucking awful at this point. I had to do a Drop Off objective. Every time I moved into the point it'd rubberband me back the fuck out about 5-10m and I'd get killed because I could never get it to stay in the fucking thing. And yet somehow all the sketchy BR players don't seem to be affected by it at all. APB is legitimately unplayable right now. I was having fun this morning too, now it's just a dumpster fire. Also petition to recreate the Hoplon server so us USA players dont have to deal with BR's anymore. It's bad enough that a popular cheat-maker is based there. Worse still when it seems most BR's are using it.
  7. Bigger playerbase "New" and improved Waterfront district Possibility of a new district New contacts New vehicles 64-bit compatibility More optimization Hopefully updated graphics in the future. Please god let there be an upgrade overall. Motorcycles maybe? Though I cant see the use in them, they'd still be fun to drive. Visible weapon mods More customization options for both characters and vehicles MORE DETAILED CARS. Seriously, my small decals look like fucking garbage because of the 32-bit decal compression system.
  8. I didn't intend for it to be a biased poll, but I see the perception. The problem is that they implemented the 32-bit BE when its obvious it really doesn't work to BE's full potential. Granted they have planes for implementing the 64-bit, is it unreasonable to ask that there should be a capable anticheat until the 64-bit is available and implemented? Plus, we aren't necessarily sure how well the 64-bit BE will ever fair. ArmA 3 still has it's share of cheaters running around in it and that's 64-bit BE as well.
  9. Partially true. I still think it's right for the players to be able to voice their opinions. Granted not all people that are hackusated will actually be cheaters, but some people will still find actual cheaters and it'll make them question things. Better to have a voice for something than never have a voice at all.
  10. Let's try and keep it on topic please, not that that should even have to be asked anyway.
  11. Agreed, but the cheat was released in August. It's now late January, 6 months later. I think that's ample time to figure out how ONE cheat works.
  12. I mean I could literally upload a video showing a blatant hacker SHAW aimbotting like it was 2012. But hey you're the one who spams the same comment over and over *shrug*
  13. Yeah that's true. The 32-bit one is quite a steaming pile of garbage. Thankfully with the 3.5 update bringing 64 bit, thatll be a much needed upgrade
  14. As I'm sure many of us are WELL aware, there's been a recent infection of cheaters. It's a massively noticeable difference in Jericho, so I can only assume it's worse in Citadel. While I don't doubt that LO is working on trying to rid these cheaters from the servers, it's quite obvious now that BattlEye is falling short and APB lacks any decent cheat-preventative measures. Did a little bit of lurking and found out that a cheat was manufactured way back in August for APB as it started gaining players back. I can only assume that such people have been closet-cheating for the majority of the time since then. But the problem lies in the fact that apparently it's no hard task for these people to get around BattlEye, and after that there's literally nothing stopping them except the /Report system. Of which, if they're decent as closeting, they'll never have to worry about. Word goes around about an in-house anti-cheat being developed but I can't imagine it being implemented before at least the 3.5 update. Until then, or even included afterwards, I feel like more measures need to be put in place to deter these people from messing with APB and the experience. FairFight, even while messily implemented and issuing some false bans, did a decent job of cleaning APB. And I've seen EAC's upping aggressiveness deter other providers from even bothering to make cheats for certain games. So, I created this poll. Vote and make your opinion seen. Feel free to discuss the issue. Preferably without flaming so this thread stays open and discussion stays active.
  15. Decided to make a thread for odd things you've noticed here and there. I present to you something that I've never seen before: A VEGAS WITHOUT A HOOD
  16. Man whatever's causing the issue is pretty specific to you. In all my years I've never experienced this and I've had a wide variety of hardware to try it out on. Also APB loads on my SSD pretty quick, so not sure what you're on about there
  17. NotTheEnforcer


    Obviously, but they aren't going to keep the same price when it's triple the effort. It'll be raised accordingly which will stop some people from buying it regardless. If they raise the price and lose sales, they can still keep the same profit margin
  18. NotTheEnforcer


    Not to mention the trouble of going through 3 anti-cheats and keeping it updated for every single one. Granted some assclowns will still get through, but at that rate, they'll be charging exorbitant amounts and that'll at least cut down on the cheaters by damaging the customer base for those hacks and take out some providers as well.
  19. NotTheEnforcer


    We don't really, but it can usually be assumed by when you notice you no longer see a certain player anymore even thought they used to be on often
  20. NotTheEnforcer


    My point isn't the quality of the reports or anything, the report system is actually very in-depth and usable now. My point is that they can't get to the reports quick enough to take timely action. You could have anti-cheats that ban instantly for anything out of the ordinary, but right now it's like the support ticket system. It's so back up with so few people manning it that it can take weeks or maybe even months for a reported person to get banned.
  21. NotTheEnforcer


    From what I can find, it'd be best to use the trio of AC's. Fairfight for the Statistics base to ban blatants, BattlEye for the public ez-cheats (not good for private since it rarely updates/changes), and then EAC for the private cheats. Some of the major providers stopped providing cheats for games like Rust when EAC got more aggressive with their updates, making it too time consuming to even bother with updating cheats. Yeah, it's costly to have so many, but until LO has the capacity to ban cheaters quickly by themselves, they're gonna need all the help they can get. The report system does nothing but tell them to investigate an account, they need shit to do that for them while they get their strength.
  22. Also enjoy my creations in chronological order. The rusty one was from some odd months ago, the Mad Max MFP one was last month, and every other one is from the last 2 weeks. Boxcut GTO is yesterdays work Really wish Decal Compression wasn't such a gigantic fuzzy bunny though. Kinda makes some of them look iffy.
  23. Wait, so if I create a design on a sellable car, and then create duplicates, I can sell the duplicates without losing the original car?
  24. Hey yall, I've just recently got into car customization since I've bought kits. So far I've made a few that I really like and think would fetch a decent price on the MP. Is there a way I can transfer designs between two identical vehicles so I don't have to handmake every single car I want to put on the MP? Some of the designs are rather complex and would take me at least a couple hours getting just a single car properly done, as Im pretty nitpicky with angles and such. Like I know you can duplicate the car, but you cant sell the duplicate. So if I have my design on a 2 slot vegas, and I buy another 2 slot vegas, is there a way I can transfer the design from the 1st to the 2nd without redoing everything?
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