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Everything posted by NotTheEnforcer

  1. Pro-tip: Don't try and communicate in any other language than your native one if you don't actually know the language. Google Translate is *not* your friend because it fails to take into account context and subtext.
  2. Edited font for visibility. This is exactly what I did. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love APB and what it used to be. Played it everyday, first real mmo I stuck with. But god fucking damn it's a putrid mess of shit now and it's actually painful to play it. Another thing, while it's nice to have a consistent community, I shouldnt be able to recognize literally every single name in the district. That shows that there's nobody new joining. There was new people for a brief period after LO's acquisition of APB, but that stopped fairly quickly. I should be able to come on and see names I don't know, low ranks and newbies, cars with original and new designs. I see none of that today. Not a single piece of that. Things need to change, now. Engine Update, advertising/marketing, etc. Fuck RIOT, it was a dumb thing to have ever even wasted time concepting. They claim "its not a battle royale", even though that's exactly what it is. It's a battle royale with slightly different mechanics. APB doesnt need RIOT, it doesnt need a new gamemode, it needs a new fucking engine that isn't made of broken crayons and dog poo. After that, it needs model and texture updates assuming that those arent part of the engine update. After THAT, we can focus on content. But the focus right now SHOULD ONLY BE functionality and engine. I pray that such a thing is realized before the rest of the community stops playing.
  3. Lol, I remember when they said we'd have Engine Update by last September
  4. Considering literally nobody asked for RIOT mode, I highly doubt it will succeed. People will play it, sure. But it'll die quickly once the "new stuff" feeling goes away.
  5. A lot of us grow up with shitty internet. I can play relatively well on anything up to about 250-300ms. Above 300ms I start to suffer quite a bit and it just goes downhill exponentially above 350-400ms. 400+ is the point where I have to quit and do something else lol. It's like having all-natural lag compensation lol
  6. Based on a study conducted by a company who makes profits off of this industry, they claim that their target revenue source will never stop producing revenue for them. Seems legit, like an oil company saying that oil is the best energy source.
  7. Im surprised you used any of your time at all considering what a worthless perspective you have on the issue anyway. Like a flat-earther trying to debate a geologic process. Merged. That's exactly what I mean. Think about it. You, as a legitimate player who has not cheated, are only experiencing or have experienced ONE side of the argument. You can only see the effects from ONE side. I however, have experienced both sides. I have been the affected, and I have been the one affecting others. I experienced both sides of the argument. This argument does not have equal grounds, unless you have experienced both sides then you do not know the overall affects. You cant understand the full extent of what is happening unless you've experienced the full extent of the argument. Simple enough? Honestly, is that not the first rule of debating? You need to understand all the perspectives in order to debate anything properly, otherwise you bring nothing of value. Again, you only have one perspective so you fail to take into account WHERE exactly the harm is. Cheaters harm the community far more than the harm the industry. You could argue that harming the community harms the industry, and you'd be somewhat-right. But only to a small extent. Think of the industry as an apple orchard, and the apples as the community. The apple orchard suffers from blight (cheaters). The orchard has 1000 trees and 10 trees are affected by the blight. This harms all the apples on those trees that experience the blight. And yes, this does affect the orchard's business, but again, minimally. You can cut down those blighted trees and replant new ones, but the blight will always return one way or another at some point The portion of the community affected by those cheaters is small compared to the rest of the community. However, they tend to be extremely vocal, as evidenced by a certain someone claiming it should be a crime. But then again, if everyone is so interested in what harm has come from cheaters financially, why not just ask the person who would know that information instead of whining and arguing on the forums about it with other people and then jumping out of the argument when you realize you have nothing to contribute except your opinion that has no informational basis? Merged. Exactly. If I had decided not to cheat, the game would still be in the same place as it is today. My impact did not change the course of this game or this community in any significant way. Why people fail to see that, I don't know.
  8. That part. That part is what irks me that you don't know what you're talking about. You say *MY* perception is off, yet you refuse to counter it with any sort of value. Any POTENTIAL (if any) damages I caused were extremely minimal in the grand scheme. The fact that you think cheaters are such a huge issue shows how completely skewed your perception is. Cheaters are visible in APB because theres less than 1000 players in the fucking game, meaning you have an exponentially higher chance of encountering here than say, Battlefield 4. And let me state here that I was counting the time of other players as part of the potential damages. Their time has extremely little value to begin with considering theyre using it on video games. This isn't their job, it isn't their livelihood. I wasnt impacting their lives or forcing them to do things that bring about a negative affect to their lives. The whole rant of yours alone shows that you have zero grasp of the concept of industry and business. All this shit about the industry "growing old enough to consider cheating a crime". The game industry is over 40 years old already. Cheating is a crime in countries where cultural lack of education about cheating persists (see: China). Also, Cheat Developers != Cheat Users. Cheat Developers have a much more noticeable impact (obviously) than the user. Either learn how the fucking industry works or don't participate in the argument at all, as you have provided absolutely nothing of value. ILL REMIND YOU THAT I HAVE BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT, YOU HAVE NOT.
  9. Apples to Oranges, kid. Try your useless comparisons on someone who didn't study law. (Business Law at that) Ill give you the very basic rundown of why online cheating (that doesn't directly involve business affairs, for example: cheating in video games as compared to online gambling, which is a direct business-related affair) isn't an actual crime in the US Courts: Because the resources spent finding and punishing those who do it far outweighs the industry effects of the cheaters. That's extremely basic industry/law, you should know that. Think about it, Ill use myself as an example: I cheated on APB for roughly half a year, if that. I probably caused a couple dozen people to ragequit from their session. But, the actual revenue impact of that? I'd be surprised if I even cost them a single dollar of their revenue stream. DDOS'ers take out more revenue than a cheater ever will, which is why DDOS'ing is an actual punishable crime, because it can significantly affect a digitally-based company. So why would a court waste some undisclosed fuckload of resources, manpower, and money, to track me down, and fine me....what? 30 cents in damages? You see how useless that idea is now?
  10. I think the point that he's trying to make is that your point is far-reaching at best. Cheaters actively damage the industry, yes. But the damage they do is incredibly minimal in the grand scheme of things, not to mention the many active countermeasures available to deter cheating. US Courts will never find cheating an imprison-able crime as there are more than enough deterrents available to all companies. They'd majority rule that if a company's revenue or production is severely hampered by cheating, then the company isn't doing enough to prevent it. We're not a communist regime. We don't burn books and we don't imprison cheaters simply because they choose to cheat. We tell the companies to grow the fuck up and use the countermeasures that they all have access to, or develop their own.
  11. Speaking from experience here, yes: https://ffbans.org/Jericho/NotTheEnforcer Rank 210-ish I think now? Haven't played in a few months due to lack of updates/changes. When I was cheating, it was because I didn't care about the game, and more importantly, I didnt care about learning it either. At that time, everyone knew APB was going downhill and that it was gonna get closed down eventually, cheaters were rampant in those times, Id often face them myself and it became a hack-off lol. Now, I play legit, and Im surprised that Im actually good at the game too lol. Just gotta learn to play your own style, try new things, see what works and what doesnt. I figured out that Im really good at close-mid range fights, but I tend to lose more long range fights unless Im using launchers. Granted, only a small amount of people will go back to playing legitimately. Most cheaters ditched the game after getting banned AFAIK. Some really dedicated trolls kept rerolling to drive players out.
  12. Seems an awful lot like Fortnite's BattlePass system.....
  13. A Hot Wheels-Style stunt district with loops and continuing unbroken big tracks and jumps? Sign me up!
  14. Not sure who downvoted you, but it wasnt me. Im only active on forums like once a week. Regardless average wait time is still around 4-6 months.
  15. LOL this guy, thinking they'll respond to his support ticket in 2 weeks. Average wait time is like 4-6 months
  16. Pffffft, a month would be if they were drugged out of their mind on speed, coke, and a limitless pill lmao. Try like 5-6 months, that's a bit more in the norm, lets be honest
  17. They're the definition of a Superiority Complex. They think just because they havent seen them, that they must not exist at all and that only their experience is truth and nobody elses. Cheaters aren't rampant like people say, but theres definitely a specific few who are being obvious.
  18. That was just what I've been told. AFAIK it could be issues with functionality, art, music, I dont know. Regardless Matt's already acknowledged that it's on the roadmap at some point since everyone loves it.
  19. This has been suggested so many times already, even I've suggested it. Matt already said they're looking into it, however obviously it's not really a priority, not to mention a bunch of licensing bullshoot to work through
  20. If it was being developed around the same time as the Growl, it's more than likely they've at least got some concepts drawn of it. Possibly a model, just without mechanics.
  21. Eh, said it in the discord the other day. I actually hackusate only maybe 3 people or so. I just accuse them often because the same behavior is repeated.
  22. Kek, this boi was teleporting around the map and was undamageable. But hey you can be salty about my accusations all you like
  23. Yeah I figured they're likely just understaffed, not an uncommon sight among a lot of companies. I mean the least they could do is bring on a couple more people to help with it, at least as temporary employees if they don't have other skills to contribute to LO with. Hell, Id take a temp position lol
  24. I mean it took them 6 months to get to a possible cheater report with included video from me. It sure as shit feels like they're either not allocating enough people to support/not willing to hire more, or they're pulling people off support to work on updates. I refuse to believe that they're "swamped" with so many tickets that it could literally put them half a year behind without any forethought.
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