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Everything posted by NotTheEnforcer

  1. I mean it's not like using the mouse-wheel totally isn't an option either. I've been dominating with my OSCAR because of it lol. Carbine and OBIR can use the same function, but Carbine is only one shot and has hella-bloom/recoil unmodded, and OBIR is 3 shot that cant be spammed in CQC. Not macros, kids. Just smart players.
  2. Yup, ATAC all the way. Slap MS, HS3 and CJ3 on it and get ready for Rage-PM's lol
  3. Please point out where I said they should only celebrate 4th of July? Oh wait, I didnt. Get your head out of your patootie m8. I said there cant really be sales towards "country-specific" items since such a thing doesnt exist ingame. I never said anything about celebrating 4th of July specifically.
  4. That's what I was thinking. Like what game is that? It sure as shit doesn't look like APB at all.
  5. I mean, Gaijin Entertainment is a Russian company yet they celebrate US holidays, UK holidays, Japanese holidays, etc etc, with sales on specific stuff related to those countries. Obviously that cant necessarily be done here, but I think either login rewards or an Armas sale would be okay.
  6. DDOS attacks are definitely getting moe frequent. Worse though? Not really any worse than the last one. Jericho is definitely taking the brunt of it though, I havent heard any of my Euro friends talk about being DDOS'd or complaining about lag/packet loss at the same time as Jericho was getting railed.
  7. You just proved his point yet again by calling him "big boy". Just stop digging your own hole, dude.
  8. Change Jericho back to Joker. Also unmerge the Brazilian server back to it's own place. It was a good move to kickstart Joker's population back up, but now it's getting to be a little much when I cant find a teammate who speaks English on the NORTH AMERICAN server. Also they tend to DDOS (On multiple other games, not just APB) more often, Americans from what I've seen aren't going to bother taking the effort to DDOS, there isn't much point, so I doubt it's the US players. Also the incessant screaming into a $1 microphone whenever they die or god forbid you accidentally teamkill them in a firefight.
  9. Oh absolutely. Im not saying the game isn't fun. Even with the glitches, old content, and cheaters, it's still one of my favorites games and I honestly think Im addicted to it. But, it could always be better. I hope they implement IP/HWID/Payment bans. I think Payment bans would be the most effective. It'd prevent users who manage to bypass the IP and HWID bans and reroll, to be unable to buy anything from Armas with the same Paypal/Card/purchase method. So any rerolls would be stuck ranking up without premium, without any early unlocks or access to high-quality weapons at a low rank.
  11. Just last night I had two blatant cheaters on my team. They didn't hesitate to admit it when I asked them. They're definitely still around. BattlEye was only in Observation Mode regardless.
  12. Mainly because the majority of us were relatively high ranks. The issue isn't with the players or the mission in the screenshot. The issue is with the high rank players being in a Bronze district. The higher the rank, the more experience they have playing the game. High and low ranks should be separated. For accounts with multiple characters, the highest ranking character should be used for balancing, so an experienced player cant just join a Bronze server and seal-club everyone else.
  13. I don't have an end-mission screenshot, but the mission started getting much more intense towards the very end. The package was switching between both teams several times in a period of half a minute and people were racking kills left and right. Bad timing for this specific screenshot, I guess.
  14. The problem is that a bunch of high ranks, who were undoubtedly intentional dethreaters, were allowed to play on Bronze. As is common sense, Bronze servers are where most new players start, besides Green servers. My issue isn't necessarily with the mission or the specific players, more of the fact that theyre allowed in a low-threat server. A rank restriction or some form of restriction should be put in place to separate the high-ranks from the low-ranks. All these toxic dumbasses saying "git gud" obviously missed the point of the post. Hence why theyre toxic, and dumb.
  15. Hard to take it as an insult when that was a laughably poor attempt and execution at an insult. Also, your "actual golds" claim holds no value, considering the threat system is broken and therefore has no relation to skill.
  16. I think he might've thought I meant it as the "bork/doggo" meme-thing (or whatever it was). Not borked as in broken.
  17. Oh Im sorry, are we stooping to your level where you can't seemingly grasp that other people use different words than you would? Man, this community, still as toxic as ever.
  18. I know it's in the pipeline, but to seemingly many people ingame, there's a population that thinks it isn't an issue. And that's what I meant by dethreating is against TOS, intentional dethreating. Basically what I meant by "competitive gold", is that they're more than capable of fighting the highest-skilled players, but they choose to dethreat and instead use that skill against much less-capable opponents.
  19. Is that really where you're gonna start your thoughts on this thread? By being negative? Honestly that's just sad. Regardless, if you think the threat system isn't broken, then you haven't paid much attention to the game itself or it's community. Dethreating is bannable now under the new TOS, but there's no enforcement. Not to mention people can still dethreat without an issue and continue to cause hell on lower-threat servers.
  20. This is in Bronze district and judging from the way they played, the vast majority of them are competitive Gold's that just dethreat. I bounce between Silver and Gold pretty frequently because I can't devote all my time to learning about APB, but this is a serious problem. This fight wasn't fun in the least because everyone started pulling explosive weapons out and only things that high-ranks could get. If it's a pain in the patootie for me, what about all the new, low-rank players that face this garbage? It has to be hell for them. EDIT: THE POINT OF THIS POST IS TO ADDRESS THE FACT THAT HIGH-RANKS ARE INTENTIONALLY DETHREATING TO JOIN LOW-THREAT (BRONZE) SERVERS. THE SCREENSHOT IS ONLY PRESENT FOR SHOWING OF RANKS, NOTHING ELSE.
  21. I've been playing for a long time, but I never thought of myself as competitive or think of learning the tricks/advantages that seemingly most competitive Golds know. Obviously I like to win, but who doesn't? Im Gold threat right now, and have been for years. Havent been Silver in 2+ years and I don't dethreat. I'm competent enough to put up a fight against most high-rank golds, but being a mid-level Gold myself, who doesn't think of APB as my life or strictly play APB, I'm not like them, I consider myself a High-Quality Silver lol. I'd be near the top-grade Silvers, but not really good enough to get into Gold and be competitive against them. I'd like this idea, at least as a test for a new threat system and see how it works out. In theory it seems like it'd work well. Edit: Since I've been playing rather consistently, I've actually been fluctuating between Silver/Gold pretty often. I'd say a switch per day maybe. Like I said, I'm pretty borderline threat in my skill.
  22. I think during the time I've had my account, the only time I actually bought JMB's was through the BOGO event, bought 50, got 50 free obviously. Mainly got JT's and leased guns. HOWEVER I did manage to get the perma Whisper, Joker PR2, Joker CR3, and the 4x4 Vegas Gumshoe. Later I bought the Firehawk though. Since then I've sworn off of buying *ANYTHING* until LO takes a look at everything in Armas, especially the JMB's. I dont even have premium lol.
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