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Everything posted by NotTheEnforcer

  1. Okay Ill give you that, thats alright. I like my games looking as good as I can too. But I still feel like editing the configs is just a gateway to doing bad shit, it shouldnt be accessible. I dont know any other games that allow you to directly edit the complete graphical configs. Some games like Rust and ArmA can, but in a very limited capacity, like disabling some specific postprocessing or pre-rendered frames which you cant do ingame. Being able to fully change every conceivable graphic, particle, etc, is just going to give a excuse for people to do so
  2. If you cant run a game from 2010 thats not anyone else's problem but yours. Grab literally any cpu and gpu from the last 6 years and you'll get 60+fps at the bare minimum with ACTUAL graphics. Nobody runs the edited configs for "more fps". Every single twat does it so they can gain unfair advantages. No grenade smoke, no muzzle flashes, no particle effects. All of those are PURPOSE DESIGNED to obscure vision wholly or partially. It'd be like throwing a smoke in CSGO but being able to completely see through the smoke without issues, even though the enemies cant see at all. Anyone who runs ANYTHING other than the graphics options the game LETS you change, should be tempbanned until their config registers as default again. You can very clearly make your game run better on extremely low-end PC's, (lets be honest if you cant run APB with at least 60fps in 2023, its YOUR fault, get an upgrade from at least this decade), by using the INGAME graphics settings. Anyone who uses edited configs just wants an advantage, end of discussion.
  3. Kind of. The game definitely has a decent amount of people on Jericho now at any given time, the least Ive seen is a half-pop district. Problem is, the cheaters came back too. So if you're willing to sit through like 1/10-2/10 missions where theres a blatant cheater, then yeah its worth coming back. Hopefully the anticheat update will clear it all up, cause I highly doubt any cheater is going to want to bypass EAC and whatever else gets added for a game this old.
  4. You wouldnt be mad at all if this happened or otherwise you wouldnt be such a pretentious douche about something that happened nearly a year ago, but yeah sure whatever you gotta tell yourself. If you were actually capable of it, you'd be wondering how an actual company could even remotely managed to fuck something up so much in such a simply process. That should be the concern, but too many idiots here are focusing on the wrong thing. Guess its the same delusions people had about the engine upgrade back in 2019, LO can do no wrong. Merged. Its a defense mechanism. Any time you counter an idiots argument with something undeniably solid they just shout what they said louder and hope it works.
  5. Eh, shaw isnt used very much and with good reasons. And VBR is modeled after a mini-14, not exactly the same caliber or purpose as an M1 Garand. The thing this game doesnt need is more and more reskins. Serves no purpose at all.
  6. 100%. Reprimand just wants to hop on the bandwagon to freely throw insults around cause it probably makes him feel bigger. If this had happened to anyone on this thread completely focused on the symbol, I guarantee you they'd be far worse attitude than Im being. There's a reason temp bans are a thing, and a reason perm bans are a thing. LO saw fit in their judgement that a temp ban would suffice, and it did, I havent made another offensive symbol. That's why they dont do Mob Rule in court either, because if any of these idiots had experienced what I did, they'd be clamoring for the same thing. All I want is my account restored back to full functionality, I can regain the ranks and even the legendaries. But no, everyone would rather focus on the symbol thats already been seen and dealt with sufficiently by LO themselves.
  7. I'm not justifying shit lmao. That's something everyone else is trying to assign an arbitrary value to. If I was "justifying" it, I'd keep doing it. It was wrong, I shouldn't have made the symbol, it was childish and dumb. But that was never the point of the post to begin with, people are just getting overly mad at that small fact so THEY can justify completely disregarding how absolutely broken my account is for what should've been a simple 1 minute procedure of removing the symbol. Because apparently it their eyes LO can't do anything wrong, or something like that since they don't want to acknowledge it.
  8. I made a badge. A historically correct badge that isn't censored in 99% of countries around the world. I didn't make a swastika, I wasnt spraypainted it around the districts, I wasnt out spewing nazi propaganda or calling anyone jews or slurs for it. I didn't put the N-word, or a slur, or anything else on my uniform you absolute douchenozzle. They should ban you for having such a shit opinion. Thats how you sound right now. But considering how you've apparently been on the forums since 2015 and only made 2 comments, sounds like you're just an alt account for someone else here.
  9. So this isnt anything official, just a few ideas Im spitballing cause lets face it, the Corsair, Showstopper, and New Glory are kinda buttcheeks and aren't really used. Of course they should be fixed (I mean the Corsair fires a 12g slug, come on), but aside from that, I had a few ideas. A new type of launcher secondary, the Obeya Mini Grenade Launcher, or O-MGL. Upon realizing the popularity of the O-PGL platform, and its subsequent Less Than Lethal O-PGL CD, Obeya Armory Corp realized there may be a market for a smaller, more mobile platform. Designed initially for breach-and-clear missions by SWAT teams, this single-shot grenade launcher fires a special flashbang-type projectile, doing no physical damage, but able to blind many combatants for several seconds, giving SWAT teams crucial time to clear confined areas.. Running the same 40mm caliber as the regular OPGL, and on a less heavy and less cumbersome platform, this Mini Grenade Launcher saw massive use in San Paro's police forces and global use in many more. Rough stats: Deals a tiny 50HP damage, but 200 Stamina damage in proximity, and no hard damage. Single shot, incapable of using Extended Mag of course. Flashbang round bounces once, arcs like a Low Yield grenade. Detonates at a max of 50m. Blinds enemy players for 4 seconds within 10m, or 2 seconds with 15m. Carries 4 rounds total with a decently fast reload. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following Obeya's success with the OCSP Commandant series, and their Cap40 series of historical, yet useful weaponry, Obeya decided to up the ante and compete against the Medusa and Euryale with probably the most recognizable machinegun of that Era. Coined the MR-41 (Machine-Rifle series 41), nicknamed the Buzzsaw, this machine gun has the highest production cyclic rate of any currently used machinegun in all of San Paro, a staggering 1200 rounds a minute. However, due to its older production methods and heavy materials, the gun is also incredibly heavy, and is nearly uncontrollable if youre firing on the move. Stats: 75HP damage per shot. Decent hard damage but not great. Comes with 200 round mag, with 200 in reserve. CANNOT RELOAD UNTIL MAG IS EMPTY due to belt-fed design, belt design takes up 1 blue mod slot. Due to pre-modification era design, only 1 open mod slot. Awful controllability when moving and shooting, much better accuracy and recoil when crouched and not moving. --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Colby Battle Rifle (CBR) "Warlock" Designed as a counter to Obeya's CR762, and a subsidiary of the high powered but heavy HVR's or DMR's, Colby's designers got off their asses and started digging through the company's old file boxes to make a new gun. After weeks of throwing stuff away, a blueprint fell out of one of the files. It was for an admittedly older design that was passed on, but a strong one nonetheless. Only named the Battle Rifle Prototype on the blueprint, the company came around to calling it the Warlock, as it's presence on the battlefield seemed to do almost more damage to the enemy than the gun did. With a distinct ping noise and a high caliber round to boot, you know exactly what you're up against when you hear it. Stats: 300 HP damage per shot. 8 round en-bloc clip, locked blue mod. 75% faster reload, (1 second) but you lose whatever bullets you have left in your clip when you reload. Makes the distinct Garand Ping sound upon ejecting clip. 130 Hard Damage per shot. No movement penalty, low bloom but moderately high recoil, keeping control of your aim will reward you with easier kills. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to discuss, edit to your preference, or suggest other legendary ideas.
  10. Ive had my account for over a decade as well, muppet. Only time Ive ever been banned was for this, and only once. Oh, and cant tell me you've never broke the ToS before, everyone in APB has. Whether by insults, symbols, ear-spam themes, etc etc etc. Nothing in their ToS states that your account will be royally destroyed in the process of receiving a temp ban. But yeah, go ahead and excuse their shitty practices and incompetence, that doesnt make you look any worse at all /s
  11. Another shit take from the creator of really shit takes lmao. Why dont we talk about your fuckin 2-shot FBW suggestion? Bahahahaha Lets see you get your account broken over something as minor as a symbol. Saw a bunch of cars driving around will full out swastikas, plenty of hentai/nude symbols (all break TOS), and nothing gets done. But yeah, "i deserved it" for having a tiny little badge on my jacket. Fuck off
  12. Soon to them is within the next decade. Took them this long just to do goddamn 64 bit. I dont have high hopes for anything else to be updated within the next year.
  13. Buddy, you dont understand. 1) Literally a 5 second google search can bring up 30 different websites used for "fake" phone numbers that are constantly use for mobile authentication globally. 2) The only way you could separate those from the "big mobile operators" is by having a partnership with said mobile operators, duh. On top of which LO would never get said partnership because they offer *nothing* for the mobile companies. 3)An extra layer of protection would be FAR better, if it was a fuckin anticheat, not some gimmick. EAC + FairFight + an actually updated and current version of Battleye, not this 5 year old ancient shit they have now.
  14. The one large problem I see with adding mobile authentication is that its just too late. All the cheaters in APB probably have legitimate phone numbers they'll use. Cheaters apparently dont get banned anymore (seen some 2015-esque spinbotters on Jericho recently). And IF they ever do get banned, there's fairly easy ways to get around mobile authentication. It'd have worked if they brought it in back in like 2016-2018, but not now. Far too late
  15. $5 says theyre paid more than $20/hour and their duties dont include literally anything other than "answering" tickets which Im sure they all just have a notepad file for copy-paste robo-answers.
  16. Unironically a valid point. With how much mud elephants ingest on a daily basis, there's a realistic (albeit tiny) chance you could find gold in them. Ironically, the support team has a smaller chance than that of doing something properly and fixing their mistakes
  17. Yeah I just found out that its an unrelated bug. Also because people have done some FAR worse symbols and only got temp bans. Seeing as it was my first and only offense, judging by other games that run the same sort of designer rules, it wouldnt be perm anyway. I mean its APB, Ive seen everything in symbols from swastikas, to just overtly racist stuff, to hentai and people would put them on graffiti spots. Hell I even remember one that was just straight up furry porn. My point is, yes my symbol was offensive, but it was only ever on my character, hard to notice, and again was only my first offense.
  18. Thats what baffles me too. The *only* offensive symbol I had was an SS badge. That was it. The removal of that wouldve taken me less than a minute, from the second I logged in to deleting it in Social. I understand the 7 day temp ban I got. I broke TOS, I paid the listed price. But like, it baffles me how they managed to break so much completely unrelated other shit within my characters. I even lost all my roles and access to skins I bought through Armas. Pretty sure thats illegal, and they even told me theres nothing they could do about that specifically.
  19. The problem is that, twice now, theyve specifically told me "lmao fucking nothing we can do, good luck". All of my roles are bugged and acting like theyre all 0, I have none of the skins I unlocked or purchased, Ive lost legendaries, etc etc etc. They have done nothing to rectify that and even though they claim theyve tried, I've seen zero evidence or have any reason to believe they've actually tried anything.
  20. Or have support staff who arent braindead. You know, cause theyre a fair bit more of a critical component to the game than 1 player is. Merged. Because 1) I knew it wasnt going to be a perm ban for a couple pixelated symbols 2) Same reason youre getting so bent out of shape about it. I mean jesus christ my clan name is "Hippity Hoppity Women Are Property" and that doesnt piss off anyone and didnt get removed when I got temp'd. I feel like theres more people who'd get offended about that versus an SS symbol, but maybe Im not like you and dont assign evidence-less arbitrary value to random things. I made all of this stuff back when "edgy" was the trend. It was made as a joke, some people laughed, some people apparently got really overly offended by it. I accepted my consequence, I dont accept having my account broken over it and neither would anyone else if all they were supposed to get was a 7 day temp ban. 3) Ive made plenty of things with the editor. Currently my character is Naked Snake from MGS3, and Ive designed and sold some of the best looking non-copy/paste cars out there. Making 1 tiny 140p symbol as a joke shouldnt result in my account not having access to core game mechanics. Merged. I did. Since my ban I havent made any "harmful" symbols or anything like that, regardless of how I personally feel about it. I accepted my consequence of a temp ban, but doesnt mean my account should get royally destroyed. Im not out here blasting the n-word left and right, like honestly Yeah, showcases the mentality of the bare remaining population of this game community. I think "progressive" and "inclusive" are probably the 2 most polar opposite terms in relation to the APB community.
  21. Oh please kid, that's the dumbest take I've seen this year and its only just begun. You deserve a permaban just for having such a shit opinion. See how dumb that sounds? Yeah, thats you. Oh and for context, making ultra-thin-skin people like you cry was always worth the potential tempban. I got temp'd, I stopped. But seeing how a tiny pixelated badge just completely mentally destabilizes someone like you makes it just insanely funny
  22. Ah yes, typical Cookie, ignoring literally everything else in the post. Can't imagine you thinking that you contribute anything of value with that mentality. Im not even going to acknowledge you at this point if that's all you can manage to focus on.
  23. So, about 8 months ago I was rightfully and justifiably temp banned. For context on that, I had designed a fairly innocuous symbol, it was a small patch on my jacket and helmet. The ones on my shoulder and chest were just a rank and medal symbol but dont know who would get offended by what so all censored. I understood and accepted that ban, expecting the offending symbol to be removed. About a week goes by and the ban is lifted. Well, the offending symbol was definitely removed. So was my exp. And about half of my legendary weapon collection. Rank 251 down to Rank 239, a significant chunk of time when youre high rank trying to grind. They also completely broke my ability to use equipment, character mods, consumables, and vehicle mods. All slots locked, as if I was an Rank 0. I wont post the support ticket or any info inside of it because of ToS, but needless to say it could be a small book. Wanna know something else? They claim they cant add the rank back. (Really? You have zero tools to add xp/rank to a character? Bull. Shit.) They manually gave me 1 singular legendary weapon back, and that took about 4 attempts because they kept sending me a bugged one (assumed debug weapon) instead of the actual legendary (a new glory). Honestly, from the sheer amount of mental gymnastics Ive had to endure through this entire process, and just now attempting to restart the process today to get my shit back, I get told "oh hurr durr shouldve followed the ToS durrrrrrrrr". Keep in mind my character is still bugged and completely unable to use any equipment, consumables, mods, or vehicle mods. Literal core game mechanics. How the fuck do you tempban someone and proceed to completely annihilate their character, work, and time while youre at it? Arma, Rust, WoW, CounterStrike, no other MMO Ive ever seen in my time on this planet has ever managed to completely and utterly massacre such a simple process of tempbanning someone. @MattScott Tagged because I literally have no idea who to talk to (above support) about getting my character into a playable state again because support has been utterly useless in this entire process. Potentially offensive symbols censored. Check rank, JT, credits. Before the ban: After the ban: Notice the locked slots, and rank? Yeah. Completely unusable now. That consumable slot shows as open, but I cant equip anything in it. No equipment, no char mods, nothing. Absolutely and utterly incompetent support. UPDATE: I also found out I no longer have access to any vehicle customization parts Ive bought, and I had every single one available for every car except the Mikro. This is a *significant* amount of monetary loss/damage. UPDATE 2: As a big f-you to everyone who dislikes me, my account now has full functionality again. Reaching my old rank of 251 has somehow, bewilderingly, fixed my account. GG.
  24. 1) Little Orbit. 2) Gamersfirst was bought by LO. 3) Yes. They could stop all work tomorrow if they wanted to. 4) What about them? They dont exist as an entity anymore. 5) See 4. 6) They have. Gamersfirst is still used as a namesake address. I hope that answers everything.
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