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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Oh, I'm fully aware. I'm just tossing it out there because it's still relevant, and still a disgrace that it hasn't been resolved to this day.
  2. You and me both. Had I known that they were going to add Steam achievements to the game, I would have been more diligent in collecting them. That being said, it's still a total dick move to have achievements that can only be acquired at a certain point in time, because that breaks the fundamental foundation of what Steam achievements are. Will always remain a black mark against this game for me, unless Little Orbit decides one day to right the wrong and remove those seasonal achievements from the listing.
  3. Considering you literally cannot 100% the game (unless you've played since the beginning), yes they are broken.
  4. That's not something Steam will do, which is good because that is beyond absurd to even suggest.
  5. If only anything new were added, to give any incentive to spend in the first place.
  6. Can you really consider it an update, when it didn't provide any information?
  7. Then allow me, as someone who played highly competitively and was low-mid-ish gold (fluctuated roughly gold 3-5 depending on various factors, likely wasn't my peak either) back when gold actually meant something (before RG/G1 shifted the curve way down so anyone could get gold if they pointed their gun in the general direction of the enemy), to explain it to you. There are many golds who (for a variety of reasons, depending on the player) have intentionally lowered their threat to enter bronze district. Some are down there to farm the generally lower skill level players who play there. Others are down there because they're sick of the competitive grind in silver district and just want to play casually (I myself am in this group). There's plenty of other reasons I've seen as well, but those are the main ones. I see these people every time I play, consistently. They are not hard to spot if you pay even the slightest attention.
  8. That would be because instead of fixing the very simple issue the guns had, LO decided to instead effectively delete them from the game. All they had to do was swap out the Improved Rifling 3 the Fang variant had, with Improved Rifling 1. That's literally the only thing the RFP-9 line needed to be put back into a balanced state. The Fang was the only one that was overtuned, the rest were average to decent at best.
  9. You know the sad part? It's still outclassed in that role by the TG-8 as well. The Nano literally doesn't have a niche to excel at.
  10. They really should add the Valentines snubnose to ARMAS, for those who don't want to go through the excruciatingly painful grind on that role. It'd also be nice if they could add more Valentines weapon variants. Considering it's literally just applying the Love Gun weapon skin and Tagger - Valentines mod to an existing weapon, I see no reason they can't just do this. Would be easy money, especially considering there's plenty of us waiting for new stuff to be added to ARMAS to buy.
  11. If that's happening, it's for one of two reasons: They're a cheater, and thus deserve to never have opp. There's something off with the matchmaker, and it's putting that person against people who are vastly under their skill level. This is resolved by identifying the issue in the matchmaker, and then fixing it. Neither reason is a valid reason against the re-implementation of being able to /abandonmission against opp.
  12. Implying it's difficult to kill someone who can't attack back (because shotguns are completely worthless now).
  13. You assume that people will just forfeit left and right, which is an idea that is laughable and consistently proven wrong in pretty much every game ever that features a forfeit feature.
  14. Go create an enforcer, and then rank up the cop role to cap. When you've done that, come back and try making the same post again with a straight face.
  15. How to show that you have no clue what you're talking about in one simple sentence.
  16. You are absolutely correct on the subject of the game's actual design heavily favoring the criminal faction. However, as you clarify in the segment I left in the quote, the spawn system is just a simple case of perception bias. I've raised a multitude of characters in both factions over the 10 years I've been playing this game, and I can confirm that both sides are relatively equal on spawns. They spawn system just simply sometimes gives you good ones, and sometimes fucks you over. That being said, there are certain sections of the two maps that kinda break the spawn system. The most well known of these is of course the warehouses on the shoreline in Waterfront. One side will pretty much 100% of the time get fucked over with spawns on the other side of the artificial river. Which while only like 50-200m from bird's eye, is more like 300-500m in actual travel that cannot be hoofed on foot for shortcuts like most bad spawns can be.
  17. So you aren't even interested in pretending to have a serious discussion, got it. Historically, bad PR is one of the only ways to get an uncaring corporation to lift a finger to do the right thing. Course, some corporation's lack of fucks goes so deep that they just ignore bad PR (points at the likes of EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Epic, etc etc etc) and keep on truckin' with their cancerous behavior regardless. I'd like to believe that Little Orbit isn't in that camp, and that a bit of bitchslapping with the stick of reality might get them to put their asses in gear for the future health of one of their primary games.
  18. Yes, let me spend X amount of my time submitting a ticket, for the support staff to summarily ignore it like they do with every ticket regarding ToS/CoC violations. Definitely not a waste of my time. Which again, we have plenty of actual, objective, and presentable proof that this is what they do. But we can't make it public, because then we're the bad guys, and we're the ones who get actioned, while the people actually violating the ToS/CoC continue to go on doing what they do with no repercussions ever suffered.
  19. Each piece of mail should have a listed expiry date along the right side of the interface. I can't remember what it specifically says for infinite / no expiry items, but IIRC all JMB payouts fall under this. It's possible it was just unfortunately lost during the merge (merges in any game have a tendency to cause data loss, after all), but it's also possible that you had it on market for one reason or another and after the listing expired it was sent via the ingame mail. I would suggest first going through your ingame mail log (at least the first few pages of messages) to see if this is the case. One of the first things Little Orbit did was introduce a proper direct trading system. Alongside this, they introduced trade locks (prevents any marketplace usage or trading) for accounts that return from inactivity and/or access the game from a new IP address (along with a few other more niche things). If you simply wait a few days, it'll pass.
  20. Imagine thinking forum join date has any meaning or relevance to a player's actual join date, especially considering most of the OG veterans have had at least one forum account (in some cases, dozens) unjustly banned by Tiggs at some point.
  21. Hexerin


    Your reaction to that section makes me think you play Final Fantasy XIV.
  22. You would sound more convincing if we didn't have an ever growing list of objective, presentable proof that your "CS team" literally does nothing about ToS/CoC violations like cheating and harassment. But of course the "no name and shame" policy means we can't share said proof, as it's one of the only things your team actually does take action on (which makes the actual truth so much more painfully obvious). So no, I (and most others) will never bother to submit tickets, as it's a complete waste of our time.
  23. Why would I bother bringing people in, when I'm not able to play with them because of segregation? This goes both ways, and our side has significantly more of a valid argument here.
  24. They won't even put the LCRs on the store permanently, and you expect them to debundle everything? Good joke. Despite what they claim about "standing for non-predatory practices, and clarity of marketing/microtransactions", they still engage in many unsavory things.
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