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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Just came across this, doesn't appear that it's been mentioned with limited searching. I'm assuming this is an example of the mobile port they're working on. Seems like a mix of RTW APB and EU APB:R, especially the UI. Notice that all the guns have the same sounds though. Very strange.
  2. How about no? Go play that other game if you want that kind of gameplay.
  3. Technically that's not a bug, it's to prevent multiple deployables being deployed at once from a given player. That being said, with Mobile Cover being an orange mod now, it's a question if LO still wants it tied into the deployment check with the yellow consumables.
  4. Yup, and to some Chinese company that's going to butcher it into yet another shitty mobile garbage fire. APB literally has no future thanks to that.
  5. Yes, but they need to be careful about it. Mobile Spawn Point was originally added to help alleviate the problems with the vanilla spawn system (specifically, that it's complete shit). The problem is that in an effort to make it highly usable, they tuned it a bit too strongly. To fix it, they should start by: Invalid if within 20m of death location Increase to 40m Snipers should need to actually move back into position after a death Invalid if enemy within 35m Increase to 40m For the sake of consistency with the previous Add: "Invalid if mission objective within 100m" This is so that defending teams can no longer put cars inside the objective area This would be a good set of initial changes. After being life for a bit of time and the quirks have been shaken out, further tweaks may or may not be needed. Reminder that in real life, vehicles don't violently explode. Gasoline is highly flammable, but not explosive.
  6. They need to make a decision about player vehicles not in your mission, and change the way they work accordingly. Option one is to make player vehicles fair game regardless of ownership or mission status. They will take shots from players outside their owner's mission, taking the damage and possibly being destroyed. This game's core design is an open and chaotic world, essentially a warzone within a city. Your vehicle being destroyed by random people not in your mission should be expected, not something limited to random occurrences of people driving the grief trucks around. In the instances where this change is used for abuse, it is Little Orbit's responsibility to take action against the abuser accordingly. Option two is to make all players and vehicles not explicitly inside your mission phase out. Disable their rendering, and disable any collision. This is a garbage option, and definitely not correct. This current half and half design is just... bad. It needs to be fixed.
  7. The Cisco's speed is perfectly fine, the issue with the car is that it has no weight. The slightest tap from another car sends it careening out of control, which usually ends up with it impacting several other vehicles and/or the environment causing massive damage that you can do nothing to stop once it starts happening.
  8. Game isn't designed for big group matches, as proven by literally every big match turning into a stalemate shitshow.
  9. Shh, you can't just go bringing logic to the table like that. It might break their already over-stressed brain processing!
  10. To make it even weaker than it already is, probably.
  11. Would be cool to see those, as well as enforcer vs enforcer missions. Just general "faction infighting" type missions.
  12. Once upon a time it was, but they forfeited the right to call themselves that when they brought the average TTK down below one second.
  13. I mean, 99% of the playerbase isn't even aware (Medium) exists. I wouldn't be surprised if LO didn't either.
  14. Are you sure about that? There's no mention about (Medium) in the notes.
  15. I wonder if it would be too much of a buff to Satchel Charge if we were able to detonate it on command by re-pressing the consumable hotkey. Would make it significantly more useful against moving vehicles.
  16. Considering races are pointless anyways (literally "who screws up a turn first"), that's a [non-]price worth paying(lol) to allow players the ability to practice trick jumps.
  17. Along similar lines, remove (or reduce to 1 second) the cooldown on all activated mods (both player and vehicle) while outside missions. Big one of note here being Nitro, of course.
  18. I don't disagree, as I literally clearly stated in my post.
  19. How about no. If you're jumping, you shouldn't have any accuracy whatsoever. That's literally the drawback to jumping. The fact that some weapons still maintain accuracy while jumping (high-velocity rifles are the prime example here, mostly the Scout/Pathfinder) is absurd. That being said, there's nothing wrong with the shotguns keeping accuracy while jumping. That's one of the perks they should have for being unusable past arm's reach.
  20. So this confirms that we aren't changing the yellow consumables into proper mods then. That's a shame. What's the logic on reducing the hard damage at max ramp for the AAEPD? If anything, it should have its health damage reduced to move it away from anti-personnel. Why is Remote Detonator still not heavily nerfed (or better yet, removed from the game)? Really good update though, fucking hell. It's nice to see the game actually being developed again. Also, did LO miss the existence of Resupply (Medium) in the JT shop? Cause that's literally what they just changed Resupply (Large) into.
  21. Your refusal to upgrade your PC from the hardware of a decade ago isn't the fault of Little Orbit (or any other game dev/publisher). They owe you nothing, get out of here with that nonsense.
  22. There's nothing to argue about. Replace "midtown" in my previous post with whatever the name of that section of the city is (if there even is a name for it, since as we well know this game's lore is unfinished and G1/RG fucked what little there was from top to bottom with endless butchering) and the point still stands. Whether or not you're capable of comprehending that isn't my problem.
  23. That could be easily solved by simply fixing the game's issue of putting objectives on the other side of the map from everyone. Which if memory serves, is one of the many reasons LO plans to completely revamp all the missions in the game after the EU and etc. Regardless, point still stands.
  24. All of my yes. That being said, moving into this next quote... Perfect opportunity to add midtown to properly connect them. Adds a whole new area to explore (the "new map" you keep seeing new players ask for), as well as new contacts and missions. This would also be one option to solve the whole "can't progress because nobody's in X district that I need!" complaints.
  25. He wasn't sprint jumping, it was an extremely fast jump/pickup/drop cycle that let him move significantly faster than heavy items allow in normal carrying. The standard/normal exploit for the heavies that I've seen being used since beta. Sprint jumping is more of a thing for mediums, especially when trying to cross gaps in the environment (usually to put in hard-to-reach places).
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