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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. "It'll be here by end of year 2018." Oh wait... "Okay okay, it'll be here by end of year 2019." Oh wait... "Fine then, it'll be here by end of year 2020." Oh wait... Q1 2014, by the way. Some things never change...
  2. Imagine expecting people to spend their holidays working instead of being with family.
  3. Limit to how much data you can transfer over your service before your ISP shuts your service off (or throttles it down to basically nothing) for the rest of the month.
  4. Friendly reminder that the root cause of most of the game's current problems stem directly from the original institution of forced threat segregation all those years ago, and the equally problematic zero-foresight actions of a few players in response to that segregation.
  5. You vastly overestimate what's required for a DDoS (especially on something as small as APB, which is run on the bare minimum of server hosting).
  6. You joke, but that would probably show to be a net gain for the game's overall health once past the steep upfront cost.
  7. Not many people are going to be willing to download an entirely new client just to test something that has been repeatedly shown to be an unstable and broken mess. Especially when most of the ISPs in the world impose data caps and other bandwidth restrictions on their users (unless they pay exorbitant amounts of money to expand/lift them).
  8. You realize that's business as usual right? We're always on fire, the only people who make a big deal about it are those who don't live here.
  9. You clearly don't, considering you think this intended game mechanic is a glitch.
  10. I mean, if there's nobody on then what's the point of hopping on? There's plenty of other games to play, hopping on to an empty server in the hope that enough people might also hop on is... yea. The overwhelming majority of the time, nothing will happen and the time spent will be wasted.
  11. This happens when you attempt to ADS while sprinting, because sprinting has higher action priority than ADS. This is working as intended, and does not need to be "fixed" as people are saying. You simply need to learn to let go of your sprint key before you ADS.
  12. We're getting it with the new contacts, so... ask for the engine upgrade?
  13. Account ban: Brb, creating new account. IP ban: Brb, restarting my modem. HWID ban: Brb, spoofing a new HWID. All of which only take like 5-10 minutes, at which point the cheater is right back ingame doing things cheaters do. There is, always has been, and always will be, only one solution to cheating (in any game, not just APB). Active ingame moderation by paid and trained individuals, who are also subject to oversight to prevent abuse of power. Of course, we'll never see this, because no modern game developer/publisher is willing to do it. Thus, cheating will continue to be a rampant problem.
  14. Because that would make sense, and improve the game.
  15. Hazardous is terrible, but only because Cooling Jacket as a mod is terrible. The horrendous loss of accuracy isn't made up for by the minuscule fire rate increase.
  16. Ha, good joke. The changes they made do nothing to fix what keeps that gun in trash tier. I still love it though, as someone who doesn't care about winning every match.
  17. They've stated in the past that while you can update this early, the build we play on isn't finalized until work day ends on Friday. For those with limited bandwidth, updating now would be a mistake. EDIT: Clarification provided otherwise.
  18. A few of the veteran players were closet cheaters at one point or another (back when the game was still popular/populated), so for those might just be some kind of sense of obligation to not blow the whistle on others or something along those lines. As for the rest... they just enjoy watching the game's corpse burn. All it takes is observing their behavior here on the forums to realize that.
  19. Yes, just yes. All guns should be exceptionally accurate if fired in single-tap or short bursts, but lose accuracy past the first few rounds in a sustained instance of firing. Specifically how accurate the baseline is, should have slight variance based on class (long range marksman rifles like the CR762 should be pixel-perfect on the first shot, while CQC spray'n'pray like OCA should be tightened to ~10% of what it is now). "Effective range" should be determined by the existing stat of the same name, not how (in)accurate the gun is. Want the OCA to be only used indoors / back alleys? Have its damage start dropping off at 10m, with it hitting minimum damage at 20m (say, 25% base damage). Want the sniper rifles to no longer be used with quick switch? Give them all reverse falloff like the DMR, so they need 3+ shots until 70-80m and then ramp up to their 2-shot at like 80-90m. Recoil should also be either removed, or made consistent across every weapon in a given class. Your ability to control your weapon's aim shouldn't be dictated by RNG recoil that is completely different from one gun to the next. Recoil gimmicks (like M-1922 and SWARM), while amusing for a mission or two, quickly become tiresome (and thus have no place in the game).
  20. A handful of guns also have incorrect holding states. LO fixed some of them (most notably the ATAC 424 NFCP 3, which was held in one hand like an SMG), although some of these fixed ones are still using incorrect holding state in some stances (usually the crouched hold). There's also the long list of guns that have incorrect model sizes. The most notable here is again, the ATAC 424 NFCP 3 (and its variants), which is comically oversized to an embarrassing degree.
  21. Always has been. It's also the source of a whole slew of client performance and gameplay behavior issues (just like it was before).
  22. Yup. If you ever see one in district, they're going to be doing one of three things: Answering questions the players toss at them (unscheduled Q&A/AMA, basically) Running simple events (hide and seek, kill the GM, etc) AFK If a GM sees something that breaks ToS/CoC, they can pass that info along to support staff, but it's handled no differently than any other ticket. If you try to tell them your own accusations, they'll direct you to submit a ticket to support yourself, as that's how things are handled now.
  23. You seem to have missed the memo where the GMs have no power to do anything. MattScott revoked their ability to do anything when LO took over the game.
  24. Ah yes, I too enjoy my car exploding from a single concussion grenade with no time to react! Armored Engine is a terrible mod, especially since everyone runs concussion grenades now that low-yields got effectively deleted from the game. For the OP, it depends slightly on your group composition. - Nitro Booster 3 is mandatory, just like on any other speed-oriented car. - Fast-Fix Chassis 3 is "mandatory" in the sense that nothing else really fits the slot anymore. - Fireproofing 3 is your best bang for the slot here. Increases effective vehicle health with no downside. Chassis Strengthening 3 is an okay alternative if you crash into stuff a lot. - One member of your group should run Mobile Supply Unit for easy resupply. Mobile Spawn Point should be used by the rest, although Extra Cargo Capacity 3 can be useful on missions that feature multiple items on a single stage (Creme de la Crime in particular comes to mind).
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