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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Oh look, someone who bought into the PR smoke and mirrors hook, line, and sinker. True, they removed direct JMB purchases. However: Golden JMBs from loyalty still exist, and still work exactly the same. So no, they didn't completely remove JMBs. You still have a random chance to potentially get a legendary for as little as $5. Every $5 is 1% chance for legendary drop when buying JT. You still have a random chance to potentially get a legendary for as little as 2,500 JT (equates to $5). Every 2,500 JT lease has a 5% chance for perm instead. You only get the gun guaranteed when you reach $100 spent. Which is an absolutely absurd price for a single gun. So yea, still feeding off people's gambling addictions. Just slightly less egregious now. Learn how to think for yourself, it kind of helps in life.
  2. Whenever they add more legendaries to prey on people's gambling addictions.
  3. Firework Launcher is pretty much strictly superior to Flaregun in 99.9% of situations, why are you bitching?
  4. It continues to amuse me that people still think the engine upgrade is coming. If you've been paying even the slightest attention to things, you'd realize it's a PR stunt to get people to keep playing and spending money on the game for as long as it can be milked. All of the open betas were identical, no improvements or changes made. The things that MattScott blames in those "update" posts, are the same handful of things on a repeating rotating cycle. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, people.
  5. Day one install, and would be slotted solidly as my #2 priority for luxury spending after my #1 (Arknights). A friend of mine would also hop in without hesitation (and would also spend money). There's 2-3 other people I know who might hop on it too.
  6. Moving around a doodad or two (which is all they ever really did) is not "extensive". For most of those roofs, they would have to add entire new sections of traversable map that would allow proper counterplay, and those sections would in turn need to be playtested extensively to ensure that they are also balanced.
  7. Most rooftops that had their access removed were completely broken (balance-wise). Others were essentially impossible to access in any reasonable way, which made them basically exploit locations. RG/G1 did so much wrong, but don't try to blame them for shit if you don't know what you're talking about.
  8. Half the time there's not even anyone online to play with regardless, so probably wouldn't even notice service outages.
  9. Learn how to read. I was replying to your statement that implied RG/G1 made those districts for a legitimate test of higher TTK. They did not, and this isn't something you can argue. Those districts were completely broken, with half the game's features being non-functional in them. Not to mention the various guns that were bugged in any of several ways (SHAW-PGL, never forget).
  10. Except they didn't, and I really wish people would stop spreading this misinformation. They opened those districts in an intentionally broken state in an attempt to make people think it would be a bad idea to raise the game's TTK. Thankfully, most people saw through the bullshit.
  11. I'd be more interested to see what would happen if they just doubled health (from current 1,000 to 2,000) without any other changes. I feel like it would work out decently well, and also make currently not so obvious gun imbalances a bit more obvious.
  12. I'm assuming you're referencing tracking the invisible edges of the player hitbox when a player is taking cover. This shouldn't be something a player can do. If you want to take shots at someone who's behind cover, you should have to risk the waste of ammo when your shots miss. If you get hits, then they're earned due to the other player's misplay. Shooting under cars is something that should require skill and good aim. As for shooting over or around their sides, that's a small sacrifice for bettering the rest of the game's combat (and can be fixed later with a pass to the long known issue of vehicle hitboxes being complete garbage across the board). You mean the DMR, which was given a weapon gimmick by RG/G1? Weapon gimmicks, which should be universally removed from all guns because they also universally did nothing of value while simultaneously degrading the consistency of the game's formerly incredible gunplay? Yea, good riddance. Fix the broken crosshair design, which literally only affects the Anubis. Don't even try to make this seem like some widespread issue, that's pathetic of you. Begs the question why you're so intensely defending a game function that only benefits cheaters and hypersweats, while degrading the game for the 99%...
  13. Oh no, they won't be able to precisely track people through completely opaque smoke clouds and at 90m+ where the other player literally isn't even rendered. The absolute horror of long known extreme niche gameplay tricks (that are also objectively bad design) being removed, whatever shall we do? Get over yourselves, that argument is a fucking joke and always has been.
  14. They literally can't remake from scratch, they don't own the game's IP anymore.
  15. You'd think LO would have done this very, very simple change by now. I guess it's asking too much of their professionally paid staff to do something that an unpaid intern could do in less than 5 minutes.
  16. Why do you even bother? It's not like you're actually doing anything that requires downtime, the game's on maintenance mode while you wait for the last few people to stop spending money on it.
  17. What? I'm not high tier. Back many years ago when threat still meant something, I floated at about gold 2-3, which is the low end (I'd probably be around gold 4-5 now, due to increased game knowledge and practice, but I don't play seriously anymore so meh). High tier would be gold 8+ at a minimum, the top few percentile.
  18. Ah, the good ol' days of OSMAW heroes hopping out of their cars and instantly ending someone with a point-blank OSMAW rocket. Also, corner rockets. Yes, yes it was. Which is why they added the windup timer to the OSMAW. Thankfully, when they later released the Volcano, it also had it. The OSMAW's rocket travel rate has never changed. -------------------------------------------------- On a semi-related note, they really need to give the OPGL a windup timer as well. Also, add a more noticeable trail to the projectile so the origin can be instantly discerned. Also, increase the projectile's size by at least a factor of 10x so that it can be immediately spotted at a glance like hand grenades.
  19. They aren't broken, they're literally just turned off. Along with a bunch of other removals, it was part of a pass G1/RG did years ago in a pointless attempt to improve client performance (spoiler: it didn't do a damn thing to help performance, but a few of the changes actually hurt certain areas of the maps gameplay-wise).
  20. Fuck no. Spend enough money to unlock the loyalty tier.
  21. Will Little Orbit do anything? Or are they going to continue to prove they don't take action against cheating/griefing/etc? The answer is obvious of course. Actions speak louder than words, and their actions prove they have no interest in actually taking action against those that break ToS.
  22. Making it 5 STK would make it beyond overtuned (just look at beta SR115 for context). Giving it a refire rate buff would be interesting, but I doubt that'd ultimately end up making it good. What it actually needs, is a buff to its accuracy. It loses too much accuracy per shot, and takes far too long to recover accuracy.
  23. It's not an assault rifle like the NTEC, it's basically just an automatic SR115. While it definitely needs to be buffed a bit, more ammo isn't the way to go.
  24. Can Vivox be stripped from the game install now? Since it's confirmed no longer supported, it would make sense. One less thing the game would launch and run in the background...
  25. That's how they're handling the speedhack in APB? Figured they'd just boost the character speed, since it's not like this game checks for irregular movement at all. I've been saying the same for years. If a person's ping goes higher than, say, 250ms for longer than, say, 3 seconds, automatically kick them to the district selection lobby and block them from re-entering that region's districts for, say, 1 hour. If it continues after, escalate the duration of the block through a few stages (ie 24 hours, 72 hours, 1 month, permablock). If a player can't maintain a reasonable connection, they don't have the right to play in that region. Their lag causes actual gameplay problems for both their teammates and their opponents, and that's completely unacceptable, period. It's effectively griefing, especially since it's an intentional choice.
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