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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. It is partly true that EAC seemed to work better. But regardless all the shitters are gonna whine even if there isnt a single cheater.
  2. Don't worry, we are going back to punkbuster next.
  3. 2014 was the peak of APB. Not 2011. The blue colour grading we have now looks better. Change my mind.
  4. No. The 20% is needed to help fight against economic inflation.
  5. The N-TEC reworks and its consequences have been a disaster for APB.
  6. I have a VPN. Could you tell me how I can use it to teleport when getting shot at?
  7. Do people not realise that reticles show accuracy at a 10m range.
  8. That is just usual packet loss or some server lag. Stuff happens randomly. How does one use a VPN to exploit APB?
  9. I'm still waiting for an explanation to this VPN exploiter term.
  10. All the old movement mechanics should be brought back.
  11. Don't forget that after they started doing blind balancing changes numerous devs had to be told how to actually play the game during dev play sessions. And the community manager at the time instead playing PUBG and boosting their APB account to 255 while still not knowing what basic controls were.
  12. Alt-tabs furiously between monitors any time they die.
  13. NotZombieBiscuit


    Yea. And tanks too please. Oh and bikes. ANd choppers. And a zombies mode.
  14. No one said it's not hard or next to nothing. It's just a nice QoL improvement that makes the gun more approachable, creates more consistent muscle memory, and allows lower skilled/casual players an easier entry. Also allows those already familiar with the gun to be a little more consistent with their shots.
  15. Eh, keep some of these nice unique 'collector' items. The rest yes. Some new designs would be nice too. Also where is my APB contact bobble head figurines. The bullet USB was a gift for RTW devs iirc.
  16. hAhaHA just kidding guys, these suggestions weren't meant to be serious.
  17. Just get rid of the exponential recoil and then players could actually use the muscle memory learned for it again.
  18. Jiggle peaking is a nice way to fight against it instead of nades too.
  19. I honestly don't find explosives annoying at all. And even if someone is dumb enough to spam them, which lets be honest is pretty stupid unless its a missions stage that calls for it, its quite easy to counter around it like you would with any other weapon. Sure they might get you a few times, but overall if they are using explosives at the wrong time their impact on the mission will be overall less than using a proper weapon.
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