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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. With the changes to legendary weps you get a higher chance from buying joker tickets + spending them + guarantee, as well as more joker tickets in the economy. Prices are gonna drop. Sell now!!!!!!!!! This is going to be APB's latest market crash. stonks
  2. If you use Nvdia Geforce Experience Whilst on APB , Please take time to submit a submission requesting APB to be added to the Supported Games List for Nvdia Freestyle , at https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/chat/chat_launch/ I request the game to get added to the supported games list everyday I feel if there are more people involved in requesting this process , there could be a turnaround to the possibility of the addition to the Geforce Experience Freestyle supported games list happening please help me get more inquiries into the Nvidia Support Chat to make this a dream come true , for the glory of visual aesthetic For those that dont know what the Freestyle Overlay is is a built in to Nvdia Graphics cards that customize the gameplay overlay realtime with custom modifiers , its all visual and can create an amazing ambiance for the game For gods sake please don't move this thread into the Games Suggestion Forum Topic Keep it in Social Discussion , you have done so more times than I can count and this thread always dies with no hope of getting views by the mass public of Social Disccussion , Don't do that. It's just a **** you to the creator of this thread. Please be kind , have fun in APB , and look ahead to the moments that will unite us all even further when the changes occur. With a taste in mind of what could be please assist if you may to the onset of creating this chance to make the game even greater. Thanks everyone I just got informed that Thanks for your comments and request they are noted. However, its up to the game developer to incorporate Freestyle functionality in their game. Please send the game developer feedback on this instead. redeye <3s Lil' Orbi pls lend out a hand to the homies get the game on the Supported Games List for Nvdia Freestyle Experience
  3. I can't read this. I see words that I understand....but I can't read?
  4. Oh shit. This legendary change might actually be the best change that LO has done.
  6. Another good way to think about this is if you had to draw the character for a comic/manga. Would you want to draw that character numerous times per page in various positions/actions/poses. That means everything they are wearing in enough detail they are recognizable. If you have too many details that you'll find it tedious to draw that character back to back to back then it has too much going on.
  7. You're going to get downvoted for being right. People won't listen. But hey, at least you'll get to say 'I told you so' after it all.
  8. Na. The loss in players is a few new games coming out, Covid restrictions being lifted so those boost in numbers for all games are dropping, and also just moving about seasonally as always.
  9. Wow it's almost like nerfing the N-tec doesn't matter or solve anything because the issue is actually with the other guns not being easily accessible and need brought up to the level of the only other easily obtainable free AR besides the STAR. Crazy. I wonder why nobody told LO that for months?
  10. Let's go back to faction specific spawners and machines :^))))))))))))))))))))))))
  11. Yeah, lot's not go back to the days of RFP being a pocket obir. No thanks.
  12. Only if we get tanks and choppers and helicopters and a zombie pve mode. Plus they have already shown that their work on 'new maps' is quite poor. An example being the hilarious changes done to social and financial during the Riot district stuff.
  13. Really surprised they haven't removed this restriction yet.
  14. NotZombieBiscuit


    I miss Colby. Especially the forum sub section. Please come back. This is the only way to save APB.
  15. In fightclub its unnecessary. For missions I wouldn't want to see it gone.
  16. ZombieBiscuit Enforcer ZombieBiscuit was far from what the CSA wished an Enforcer would embody. The true definition of a criminal with a badge. It’s a surprise her license hadn’t been revoked by now and locked up with the rest of the scum of San Paro. Her father likely set her down this path, being locked within San Paro Prison for much of her childhood until the prison break. His return brought no joy however, only a fist or two for both her and her mother. The family’s descent mirrored the city’s, one coming to a breaking point that neither could return from intact. In retaliation she sought out a CSA licence in an attempt to enact revenge upon her father. He was to be her first arrest. Of course with how inexperienced she was it was to be unsuccessful, as he just laughed within her face while she struggled. For now he was to remain free of consequence, while she instead chose to diverge and better herself. There was no bettering though, not even close. Her career as an Enforcer quickly delved to less than stellar depths. Taking cash here, a bag of drugs there. It wasn’t uncommon for her use of force to go far overboard, some already in cuffs arriving back at the station dead. The Enforcer became more reckless, uncaring as some sort of justice against her father that was rightfully protected by the badge she held. By now she cared even little for her own life, door kicking without a care, almost hoping she would take a bullet. There was no justice left within her, just another common criminal protected by the city. @CookiePuss Said they would vouch for me. Won't you CookyPuss. You always said I'd make a good contact.
  17. I'm still salty about the Joker Carbine sound getting changed to two trash can lids being banged together. Or the PMG getting turned in to a stapler gun.
  18. Gameplay peak. Also we never had a separate Asia and Aus server. Han just did a little tour around including a stop over in Aus before going right back to asia. The worst cheater years were 2012 and 2016.
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