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Everything posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. At this point I lost all my hopes in this engine upgrade, if it ever goes live, it'll be already old enough to need another engine upgrade. I don't understand how can something take so long to make.
  2. Hey guys, I got excited when LO took over G1 and I was expecting great things in APB to happen, (Not saying they didn't do anything.) I know LO has done a great job so far with APB, but I was wondering, how close is the Engine upgrade from going live? It starts to feel like a dream that will never be true.
  3. Dreaming is free. If only APB would have had competition over all this years, the developers would've worked hard for real to keep the game alive.
  4. ZoriaDunne

    Merge the map.

    APB is ded. This game can't afford any changes, everything is "too much work" or "can't be made."
  5. A non japanese person who wants/pretends to be japanese but ends up being cringy af. You can like japanese culture without being a Weeb tho.
  6. An enemy that uses something YOU don't use. So it's bad.
  7. You guys act like the engine upgrade is actually going to happen. lolol
  8. Yeah, but we talking about a new engine that was supposed to come out in 2014.
  9. I asked for this once, visible weapon mods, better reaload animations, you know what ppl said? "Too much work" Like devs don't have to put work on the game.
  10. It'd prefer if Kevlar had a 30% damage reduction instead. HVR would still kill in 2 hits, but it would be better.
  11. If only the hipfire animation was different.
  12. What we need is a revolver that: Marksman: Slow, accurate shoots. Hipfire: Fastshooting (Fan the hammer). less accurate. Unique Mod: -Increased damage and accucacy in marksman mode (3 shoot kill up to 70 m.) -Increases firerate from hipfire, decreases damage. (4 shoots to kill, up to 20 m.) Really important to wear a cowboy hat while using it.
  13. ZoriaDunne

    Consumable Mods

    Consumables should be permanent as any other player mod... they already have a Delay to use it again, why limit them when you can't even buy them as you please?
  14. Talking about APB and Cyberpunk, imagine if APB had the Aesthetic of Ghost in the Shell, damn... APB has potential, too bad no one knew how to boost it to the max.
  15. Problem isn't if it exists, is if it works.
  16. Sadly you have to wait for 1 month+ for a response.
  17. "When you make a post about editing game files, but it's illegal."
  18. Making an engine upgrade doesn't mean you can call it APB2, it's the same game with better graphics/engine.
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