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Everything posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. Why would they buy the game to let it die on purpose. They trying, not sure if it's gonna work, but they're trying.
  2. Can't afford to lose half of playerbase.
  3. Even worse. Does this mean they're just working on adding a texture pack and a filter to make light and shadow look more "realistic"?
  4. Just uninstall the game and play other stuff while you "wait". Let's face it, it's never going to happen, and even if it does, not going to revive the game, unreal engine 5 is out, and they're taking over +10 years to bring APB to 3.5, then 4. Let's stop dreaming and see the real picture. LO has passion but not the resources to do this. As much as I love APB and it's unique gameplay experience, it's too late. A new game would've been a better idea. Just make APB 2 in a new engine from 0. Would've taken less years, that's for sure.
  5. There's a mod to delay your car explosion a few seconds, enough time to get out and gun down the osmaw user. I like having variety of weapon types, even like this the only thing you see around 90% of the time is Ntec users and Obeyas.
  6. You clearly never coded anything before. It's way easier to write new, clean code than trying to change it all to a new engine.
  7. I feel it would've been faster to just make a new game based on APB mechanics in the new engine. Instead of having to rewrite all the code to make it work on a new engine.
  8. Hey, havent played APB in a long, long time. I stopped playing while waiting for the new engine to go live. So... yeah, still waiting. I'm wondering if the engine is really going to be a thing someday, or it's just broken promises. I really like this game, but I feel like all it's potential has been wasted.
  9. You can't really fix the matchmaking with how low the player population is, there's not enough players to choose to play agaisnt. Also, the game is F2P, meaning one can create a new account if banned when cheating, so it's gonna keep going. For the Engine upgrade... I lost hopes long, long ago. Peace.
  10. It's always the same, people using the same weapons for over 10 years.
  11. Because the game still had 99% of the mechanics Real times left, no real changes in the game.
  12. As long as people keep wasting money it's gonna keep going. When money stops, they're gonna close it.
  13. The game is going to die before the "Engine Upgrade" is finished, been "in progress" for almost 10 years.
  14. I did dream about APB having those, and a city with outsides with mountain areas, it was cool.
  15. Why do you speak as if you know what I play with? Btw, there's no such thing as "respectable" setup, there's always someone crying about what you use.
  16. It was really OP to do 1 hit + Pig to stun. Get over it.
  17. Not sure I can post a link here without getting banned. it's #ZoriasGame at twitter.
  18. People will probably say, "it's too much work", yeah, because it's better to leave the game as it is instead of working in it. Merged. Literally, I'm making a game by myself, I don't know how many people LO has in their team, but things go way too slow.
  19. You could literally make a new game at this point, aside from APB. And make it everything APB should be.
  20. I though the same, BR doesn't fit APB at all, but LO though BR is a magic key for success, but they don't realized how many games were doing BRs and failing.
  21. I miss missions with lots of people too. That's why a game mode with open map, Crims vs Enforcers, having to control areas to win the map would be awesome. Like Planetside 2.
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