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Everything posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. Just one question, what is the maintance for, if there's no new updates since 3 months ago on new engine or anything in general?
  2. Let's just accept this game is dead. 3rd Month in 2022 without any news, nothing of 2021 roadmap was made. The captain left the ship long ago.
  3. You really think LO has the skills to code AI?
  4. RIOT was a lame and desperate try to milk some money from the Battle royale hype train. Doesn't fit APB and that's why it didn't work. APB would go better with a game mode like Planerside 2, open map with areas to conquer.
  5. Hey, April is near, maybe it was just a very smart april's joke, there's no engine upgrade.
  6. 100% Pretty sure this game in some good hands would've been amazing. So much potential. I'd like to be able to see what Little Orbit is doing all day. The only way to have no progress to show is literally doing nothing.
  7. This game is ded. Not even the Dragon balls can bring it back alive.
  8. They made the smoke bomb and gonna keep the servers running until they die. As long as they get money.
  9. You need an actual engine to do that, didn't you notice by now the engine isn't real? Been waiting since 2012+
  10. Best joke I've seen lately. Like the Engine is going to happen. Waiting since 2012.
  11. I wanna think COVID hit their productivity. But it's been years of no progress.
  12. I'll give you a cool tip: "Stop playing the game while you wait for the engine upgrade." It works really well, been free of playing for years.
  13. 100%, Always been called a Noob for using Alig + Kevlar 3, Heavy playstyle, play whatever you want, there's always someone who is going to call you a noob because you don't use what they think it's the pro stuff.
  14. I'm kinda glad I stopped playing with the excuse of "waiting to the engine upgrade." So It's less painful when I hear it shuts down.
  15. Hello, I'm just jumping in the forums to check if the game is alive or not, is the engine upgrade still going to happen? Any news?
  16. There's no point in matchmaking in a game with 400-ish players.
  17. Yeah let's keep milking this game with 0 updates! While promising a never coming engine upgrade that is already obsolete before even coming live! Upgrade to UE 4 while 5th is already out.
  18. "Oh no, anyone that is better than me must be cheating!"
  19. What matchmaking do you expect with 400 players.
  20. So they're never going to release them. If the game kept getting new content even with old engine it would've been better than staying the same for years waiting for a never coming engine.
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