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Everything posted by vsb

  1. roses are red violets are blue you like apb? theres something wrong with you
  2. more likely that the general community hasn’t been able to overcome past perceptions yet, the thumper was a trash gun for years before the shotgun buff unlike the ursus, which has been a solid gun from day 1, who’d “waste” money on a gun that they remember as shit?
  3. you say it like apb is the only game with a meta and metawhore players
  4. the strife is not a 20-30m shotgun the nfa-9 has significantly less ammo, less range, and less accuracy than a majority of its primary smg counterparts in order to balance it's absurdly low ttk the base showstopper does not have these downsides when it comes to shotguns, and while admittedly it has less of a ttk gap it still has an edge over more than half of the available shotguns this is statistically untrue, and if you're arguing that a showstopper user will rarely hit min ttk then the same goes for a jg user
  5. the thunder is a shredder with a lower ttk, despite being decent it does still fit into the secondary weapon design ethos i would be fine with a spread adjustment, ideally the thunder should have slightly less accurate pellet spread than the shredder as well
  6. ah yes the perfect item to bring together my $399.99 Reymour & Flanigan living room set seriously tho can you just put more stuff on armas so i can stop buying joker boxes?
  7. tbh i think the thunder is fairly balanced which makes it difficult to change the base showstopper, as any change will affect both guns the base showstopper has primary weapon functionality as a secondary weapon, that’s 100% not balanced it takes time for meta fads to catch on, the rfp took months before people realized the accuracy buff was too good and even the troublemaker didn’t become “must own” overnight
  8. orbit specifically broke radar tower, and they even claimed to have fixed it despite obviously not
  9. how will they compensate the people who currently have completed these achievements?
  10. vsb


    not really looking for a fight, just tired of people spreading dumb generalizations and misinformation as if it’s fact you are the 1% of “advanced launcher is cheating” speakers who hasn’t continued to sperg out when presented with correct information
  11. so it's balanced now? :^) Removed insulting part. ~@mayii
  12. i don't think there's really any way to know that until we get public access to the engine upgrade testing, there's no better testing than 100 fully customized players actively playing
  13. laughs in masquerade mask code giveaways
  14. given the, uh, quality differences between the sweaters in the contest image i can only assume several different people designed them maybe the orbit staff had their own ugly sweater contest already
  15. you probably are tbh, a quick google search shows that this sweater concept is not exactly uncommon its just a bad pun dont make it weird
  16. vsb


    the server merge will have no effect on advanced launcher we've already been told that the advanced launcher will be officially allowed by little orbit until the engine upgrade, at which point most of the advanced launcher settings will be available in the ingame options so i guess i'll be just fine, thanks for asking
  17. vsb


    your "research" seems to conveniently overlook that most (alleged) cheaters use advanced launcher because most of the population uses advanced launcher i'm also hesitant to believe anyone who thinks apb - the game with thousands upon thousands of reviews citing poor performance from rtw day 1, up to and including the 3 separate dev teams themselves acknowledging the poor performance over the years - "runs fine"
  18. are you even jewish or are you just getting offended for other people like a busybody
  19. iirc its ten thousand constructive practice hours is considered as mastery for almost any activity
  20. grinding for JT is a great way to encourage players to play, but that doesn't mean there can't be alternative methods added as cookypuss said, a more expanded rare daily system with more rewards offers more chances to "hook" a player
  21. i’d much rather the rare daily system was expanded on rather than deleted, i think we need more ways to encourage people to log in and play not less
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