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Everything posted by vsb

  1. this is impossible tbh a macro automates user input - it can only affect the same things that a legitimate player could the rfp can fire once every .35s, a macro can be programmed to fire perfectly every .35s (if we ignore things like latency and framerates but whatever) but a macro cannot force the rfp to fire more than once every .35s are you sure you didn't confuse the mountie 'yukon' with the rfp? the yukon has a similar burst fire function when in marksmanship mode but can also fire full auto from the hip
  2. i don’t think that word means what you think it means
  3. an entire paragraph about how you’re totally not having a temper tantrum 100% means you’re steaming mad rn lmao
  4. i’m not sure you can try to call someone out for not acting like a proper GM when you’re literally in the middle of having a temper tantrum because of a perceived insult i feel bad for whatever community you’re in charge of managing, yeesh
  5. is that what i said? because i don't think that's what i said
  6. where is my compensation for this downtime???????????????????????????????????????????
  7. and you don't think that the objective should be your primary target?
  8. hello are the servers back up yet?????????
  9. hey guys i keep getting this error when are you going to fix the servers
  10. no one knows but little orbit they revealed the drop rates of legendaries from the normal joker boxes but haven't said anything about the gold joker boxes, even when asked
  11. really starting things off on the right foot with this new provider huh? lmao
  12. lol my bad theres really no way to avoid this completely even with segregation, especially if you’re silver best thing to do is find some friends who can stand playing apb with you - it’s a lot easier to shake off a stomp session if you have some friends you can fuck around with
  13. "but you have to face better players to get good" they'll say, ignoring the difference between a tough match against slightly better opponents and getting vaporized without being able to react
  14. do you ever get tired of posting the same thing over and over?
  15. no one is arguing that ltl is more challenging
  16. the car spawn cd only takes effect after you use car spawner once
  17. so you're still killing an enemy twice, and my point remains whether or not you have trouble with arrests isnt the point (and its anecdotal at best), ltl mechanics limit the category to worse performance than every lethal gun
  18. the actual issue is highlighted pretty well here car spawner and radar tower (less so for radar tower now that it's bugged and unreliable) can have such a huge impact on a mission that they essentially have to be dealt with, they become almost like mini-objectives forcing your opp to waste time running hundreds of meters and grenading cars (car mods going dark reveals location just as well as anything else btw) on mission stages that are already usually pretty short is a giant passive advantage, and the only way to counter it is to not blow up car spawners/radar towers and risk getting fucked in the patootie mid fight
  19. afaik apb can only use like 4gb of memory anyway, since its 32bit can someone smarter than me confirm this?
  20. vsb


    the /report system itself will not recognize cyrillic characters, whether someone has the appropriate keyboard or not this was supposed to be fixed with the name wipe but that was cancelled and we've had no further updates
  21. no shit sherlock that's why ltl has always been trash, its objectively worse performance wise to be forced to "kill" your opponent twice
  22. ltl actually has generally higher tts vs ttk because g1 made the mod “energized” (-15% incoming stamina damage) a standard character stat instead of carrying the mod over from rtw regardless, ltl is trash just because of the fact that a successful takeout requires you to expose yourself for an arrest animation
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