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Everything posted by vsb

  1. half the “english speakers” can’t even type in english, what’s the difference?
  2. i don’t pay much attention to chat, so i don’t find the community all that toxic tbh
  3. it requires a GM to start the minigame in a district, iirc times are usually announced beforehand here on the forums
  4. put ur right hand on the right side of your monitor, and your left hand on the left side of your monitor then pull each arm away from each other as hard as you can, repeat until ur monitor is at the desired stretch
  5. we need less abusable spawns, not more
  6. bold of you to assume i have no performance issues irl :^)
  7. lol what, half the people in this game use their grenades more than their secondary they had lower damage (still a 2 grenade kill tho) but the same radius as frags, with the lower fuse time, faster throw speed, and extra grenade they were pretty much a direct upgrade
  8. special treatment for the furries? way to out yourself bro lmao
  9. recoil scripts are a legitimate issue, but that's generally far more in-depth than what a majority of mouse software allows as far as my opinion on rof macros, most weapons just aren't as useful when fired at max rof and even if they were those weapons are balanced around that max rof - sure a person might be able to undeservedly win fights they may not have otherwise, but at the end of the day they aren't really doing anything that anyone with decent muscle memory couldn't thats not to say that macros should be officially allowed, but i don't think they're anything near a priority all of those people are reportable so i'm not sure what that has to do with anything if you're complaining that they are still in the game, keep in mind that some offenses start off with lighter punishments (temporary bans) and escalate possibly several times before a permanent ban is issued
  10. frags are the default grenade type and as such need to fulfill a similar role as the star, an all purpose option their wider radius allows new players to maybe still hit other new players despite poor mechanical skills, and lets veteran players use them as area denial tools against other veterans who know not to stand around for 10s and get killed by 2 frags not really sure what else to say since frags have remained unchanged since release iirc, why are they suddenly a problem now?
  11. i thought i made my opinion pretty clear, but let me help out those among us who are a little slow frags are fine, and have been fine for almost a decade
  12. this is still the case, otherwise you would be killed instantly by fbw users instead of in 1s
  13. hot take: people complaining about people not explaining their opinion are making even more worthless posts than the people they're complaining about
  14. rust is the only game i know of that bans mouse software, how do they account for people who may legitimately need to use a macro? you're going to have to be more specific on which pistol, but a macro cannot make a gun fire faster than its coded rate of fire for example the fbw can only fire once every .2s - a macro will allow you to fire exactly every .2s (give or take a few ms) but it will not be able to make the fbw fire once every .1s instead im fairly certain the artists designing cosmetic items are not the same people working on the engine upgrade, and even some of that stuff is being held back until the engine upgrade releases
  15. this is a parody "nerf this" post right? someone please say yes
  16. nothing like being forced to sit in cover for 17 seconds so the hvr can't one tap you thanks ca3
  17. afaik the dmr-sd has the same ttk as the dmr-av, even comparing practical ttk the dmr has such a low rof that the increased recoil of the av variant is basically irrelevant
  18. every since the condor was added to the live version the radar has been bugged - single shots will often not cause a radar indicator to appear its particularly noticeable with low rof guns like most snipers and shotguns, i've seen a lot of situations where an hvr or csg user ends up killing someone without ever pinging on radar
  19. tracers are the little bullet trails in this image: they were broken years ago and have effectively not existed ever since
  20. the only silencer mod that affects radar is the condor's legendary mod
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