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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i was waiting for posts like these cant wait for them to pop up every time the meta changes due to balancing, as if people gravitating towards the easiest weapon choices is somehow a grand conspiracy orchestrated by little orbit
  2. vsb

    Weapon roles

    adding new ways for players to obtain f2p content is something that needs to happen imo i think role level 5, 10, and 15 should unlock the corresponding 0slot, 1slot, and 2slot armas weapons for leasing perhaps role 16 could unlock 3slot armas weapons for leasing, or possible even create a role 17 for that i really like the idea of roles being account bound tho
  3. personally i dont really have an issue with running itself, but i think theres too many things that indirectly unbalance it (car surfer, blowtorch, low mission timers, etc), but its easier to nerf running itself than all those different things i like your idea but i'd prefer if the area was for the item instead, a 300m radius where if the item crosses the border it respawns somewhere within (similar to how items work when dropped out of bounds) not sure if it should respawn in the same place every time since thats potentially exploitable
  4. male walking animation is horrible, its like rtw brought a gorilla into mocap that day and got the captures mixed up female walking animation is generic stripper walk, therefore it looks bad on just about every character
  5. i counted 6 or 7 shots, which would put the ttk at about 1.5s - 1.7s the shredder might be slightly overtuned but a video of you running around in the open missing all your shots and getting killed doesnt really help your case
  6. armas weapons should never be more powerful than a free weapon the fang isnt really worse, its just more specialized - better at range in exchange for cqc ability, altho realistically its cqc ability hasnt changed much since you'd rarely hit min ttk anyway
  7. i dont think it being a "reskin" would be an issue tbh maybe im biased since ive wanted a customizable version for ages
  8. flare guns already do pretty decent hard damage, altho its kind of a waste to use them for that i feel the same way about stamina damage, altho i guess giving them the ability to stun is fine i hesitate to touch the flare gun at all since its very well balanced atm - giving it more ammo is relatively minor but it does mean more chances to tag someone or more coverage of someone who is tagged, which is a really big advantage
  9. https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2018/06/apb-roadmap.html the only concrete info we've gotten iirc the version numbers seem to indicate this is before the engine update and we've already gotten the new gun, so we might see it in the next month or two
  10. have you tried turning it off and on again?
  11. yes for real tho, getting scammed in apb is entirely your own fault so he doesn’t really deserve any sympathy
  12. yes? in fact it would probably be underpowered
  13. atac is .7s for 50m and it’s piss easy to use, it’s balanced just fine
  14. i honestly think it should be everything, however the prices should be really high move armas back to a more convenience-oriented function, where (similar to guns and cars) you either grind the hell out of the game or pay to skip that grind
  15. mb helps a a lot with the initial recoil imo, and the only other mod i’d consider using would be 3ps 3
  16. i think they may have spliced together some existing animations for it, rather than creating an entirely new one from scratch
  17. they’re probably playing the game instead of whining on the forums
  18. there’s usually a few days a week where the population decides to play in wf
  19. tbh that was the clearest thing ive ever seen him write pretty sure hes saying that orbit shouldnt listen to us forum goons too much since we're not always interested in objective changes for the better
  20. 1 / 10 i cant even simple
  21. vsb

    Risk Assessment

    i live life a quarter mile at a time
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