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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i’m going to give orbit the benefit of the doubt and assume this was a test for the eventual shift of all current armas items to account bound, and not orbit assuming all the people asking for new clothes wanted poorly designed “sets” (i use this word very loosely) of preset clothing
  2. it’s not the only gun that needs a nerf in fact i’m not even sure it needs a nerf at all, just a pellet mechanic revert like all other shotguns
  3. ursus actually has a longer recovery delay than ntec, although realistically the .005s difference might as well not exist
  4. i really hope not - despite the ntec and ursus similarity i don’t think they should be “balanced” the same, and using the ntec as a baseline will be pointless if the current test changes go through side note, if they do balance ursus and ntec the same i can’t wait to see how much more shit the new glory gets lol
  5. remote det mods that are already active immediately explode when affected by EMPs iirc and also iirc EMPs actively damage players in affected vehicles, the intent for them is to basically be a hard counter for sweaty carplay - of course, balancing vehicles would achieve the same result, but that’s a little too inside the box for little orbit
  6. it’s less versatile mod wise and it has less overdamage other than that the ursus is so close to the ntec in terms of performance that it’s almost negligible, it’s kind of crazy to me that one is being nerfed so hard and one isn’t being touched
  7. that wouldn’t be massively overturned at all and even if it was, other stats (bloom, recovery, recoil) could be adjusted to keep the frenzy feel like it currently does just with one less stk balancing the frenzy around its inability to make optimal use of ir3 is a pretty shallow change, and wouldn’t give it its own niche at all - it just makes the misery more irrelevant and moves the frenzy from “far, but worse” to “ursus, but worse”
  8. knock 1stk off (7stk > 6stk) but keep the same ttk, gun competitive
  9. i’ve said that nowhere, thanks it doesn’t matter how a potential macro user sets up their mouse the point is that once you activate the macro you’ve lost control of your fire rate, at the very least for one shot which puts ttk well outside of 1s ur still dumb
  10. there’s like 800 pop, every player could sit on like 10 names and it wouldn’t even be a drop in the dictionary bucket
  11. given the jg’s min ttk is above most cqc weapons, a macro isn’t magically going to make it start shredding more and then on top of that being forced into nearly perfect tracking since you’ve essentially turned the jg into an automatic weapon, as well as losing the benefits of cornerplay because you no longer have control of your fire rate yeah still gonna call you dumb, since this is just basic common sense
  12. the ursus will easily take the top AR spot once the ntec is overnerfed seeing as it’s nearly the same gun, just with slightly less versatility - and if it’s (somehow) not the ursus it will be the far neither of which orbit should want if they’re being true to “moving the game away from p2w elements”
  13. someone already posted the relevant info so im just here to call you dumb
  14. you might be confusing some info every cheating ban is a temporary ban at first, then that temporary ban is reviewed by a staff member and they either lift the ban or make it permanent cheating bans are temporary to ensure that any false ban situation that isn't immediately resolved is not permanently blocking players from playing but there are no second chances when it comes to cheating itself iirc afaik other ToS violations can have temporary bans of increasing length which will eventually change to a permanent ban for multiple violations
  15. considering they're called "preset pieces" i think its safe to assume they arent new clothing assets nor are they that expensive im also unsure of how much money one can save in the few hours until these are likely put on armas, and if that's your financial situation you shouldnt be buying pixels
  16. at this rate it sounds like the server merge is going to happen before the name wipe, which is honestly what should have been done in the first place
  17. no what part of making secondaries equal to a primary sounds like a good idea?
  18. the obeya fires almost as slowly compared to the ursus as the ursus does to the ntec obeya is already meta
  19. yes please nerf the ursus as well so there's only one functioning AR
  20. yes continued failure to acknowledge (correct) feedback, a lack of effective time management, and either intentional or unintentional ignorance of the side effects from changes are all very minor issues haha good joke
  21. most of the issues you've outlined here were pointed out over a month ago when the name wipe/server merge were first announced, what possible reason was there to wait until almost the last second to announce this? players who bought a name change will essentially be locked from playing on those characters until "you think of a solution" - thankfully i'm not one of them, but will there be any support for players who purchased name changes, because this post makes it sound like there won't be
  22. why does the range reduction still exist if you're also making the ntec worse at longer ranges via other changes? there's no need for double nerfs why are we just wasting an entire balance cycle for test district A? this would be the perfect opportunity to test a version that retains its long range capabilities but nerfs its cqc capability
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