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Everything posted by vsb

  1. at the risk of being branded as a cheating jg defender i’m curious how you’re claiming to be at least semi-competent at apb and yet you think the jg, a weapon that several secondaries can out-ttk, is somehow more op than the nfas edit: oh and it has less range than the nfas as well
  2. you're a veteran once you realize there is no escape from apb anymore
  3. iirc one of the forum mods (amayii?) posted a single use code in a thread at some point today
  4. laughs in showstopper
  5. looks ugly, shitty firing sound, and the model is awkwardly small
  6. whoever does the promo pics is probably just choosing guns that the skins look best on, they might not even be aware that they’re using legendary weapons or that those weapons can’t use the skins ingame iirc the riot skin pack used the condor to showcase weapon skins too
  7. yeah pretty much every time i log in i wish i could quit apb
  8. at the very least consoles are running on the engine upgrade, so idk how anyone can think the engine upgrade doesn't exist at this point lol
  9. most likely garbage collection, its been an issue basically forever at this point there's a way to extend the time between stutters but that results in more severe performance issues when it does occur
  10. remember when the nfas didnt have the new pellet system and literally no one used it yeah its totally the gun itself thats the issue here haha
  11. find me one modern (up to 8 years old) online pvp game that’s still running which doesn’t allow players to adjust their brightness settings, because i don’t think i’ve ever seen that
  12. most people like less zoom because it allows for a wider fov, which comes in handy when using the obir in closer ranged engagements the render distance is only 100m anyway it’s not like you really need any zoom to begin with
  13. i think they're fine as is but i can't lie, a completely fresh roster would be pretty great
  14. of all the thousands of games that have balance changes why is it that apb needs to be the one that apologizes for bettering itself? why are you assuming that “completely neutered” weapons are the end intent for balancing?
  15. its been like that forever, i remember mouse wheeling the carbine as an obt scrub
  16. vsb

    Too EZ

    i’m actually a type of garden snake but ok
  17. but epicgoat and his crew of shawcopters don’t get any benefit from muzzle brake
  18. vsb

    Too EZ

    are we doing this again?
  19. i think the base showstopper is slightly overtuned, it’s a little too close to primary performance for comfort not that i won’t keep abusing it in the meantime :^)
  20. they all have to be alliteration tho i look forward to unlocking the Winter Wallop skin :^)
  21. after playing a while you learn that a center crosshair isn’t going to magically improve someone’s aim to the point where you can perceive it just by playing against them for someone who’s apparently a veteran expert you sure seem to have a poor grasp of the capabilities of different skill levels from your own “currently my stance is "We're not banning for crosshairoverlays, anything outside of the game. Don't go editing any of the images or any of the crosshairs ingame, don't start tweaking around with things. If you want to run something outside of the game, we can stop them but we are not going to police to that level of what's happening on your PC while you're playing the game. The trick is don't modify the files, but overlays can be used. “ thanks for playing source: mattscott q&a #2 op didn’t come in crying and raging, and unlike certain other idiot posters he also didn’t hackusate half the active population, it’s not really surprising to me that a constructive thread gets mostly constructive responses
  22. considering you can use a cj3 obeya almost exactly like an ir3 ntec, that's like being happy that you've only got tumors in your balls and they havent metastasized yet
  23. its just experience for the most part - knowing what range a gun will reliably land shots at no matter what the crosshairs show, knowing when to push with riskier strategies (like using a gun when its inaccurate), how to manage spread and bloom in general, and how to effectively counter your opponents weapons unfortunately that means there's no real shortcut, you just have to put the time in to learn the game there are a few "pick up and play" weapons in apb that can be effective immediately, but they're generally balanced out by being worse (either statistically or through a lower skill ceiling) than more "skilled" weapons, so in the long run its better for you to rack up experience than cheese off guns with limited potential as for tips i think the biggest one would be to settle on a primary (i would suggest the ntec5 or the obeya cr762 so that you have more all-round capability, but really any gun will do) and really commit to mastering it, only then move on to another gun keep the starting fbw - its easily tied as the best secondary in the game, its free, its permanent, and the need to fire it at a set speed to get maximum effectiveness will help you when it comes to other weapons
  24. i'd wager a decent portion of the younger audience thinks its cooler to be a criminal than a glorified mall cop based on the new character screen descriptions, so there's likely a slightly larger amount of less-skilled players on the crim side that plus you naturally paying attention to one faction more than the other, either because they're opposition or teammates, is enough to give the impresssion of a significant imbalance
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