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Everything posted by Raichu

  1. Yeah they literally just copy pasted the halloween event from financial and didnt even change it to make it work for a small map. Have been in instances where people try to get everyone to just not shoot eachother so everyone can survive but always someone that ruins it xD
  2. Would be soo amazing if they added the 12 deaths game mode permenantly all year round, i always wished they would do this too. Its the most fun event. Really sad they removed it this year and replaced it with the impossible halloween event.
  3. +1 for 12 deaths event. I also wish they would just remove the snowball fight event. Its always such a slog to have to go through that everytime after the real event ends and having to wait til the end of snowball fight to continue with the event.
  4. Another issue i encountered was that the filler snowball fight event has no time limit and the match didnt end when one whole side left the instance, so it was soft locked in to a never ending match.
  5. I wish they still used the 12 deaths of christmas event, it was my favourite event this game has had. It is very hard to survive the halloween event in the small beacon map. They should have at least tweaked it to make it possible like lowering the time needed to survive instead of completely copy pasting an event designed for a big map, and I really want the weapon skin Also the filler snowball fight event has no time limit so you get soft locked into a never ending match if one side leaves.
  6. I would say a veteran is someone who has played since 2011/2012, has alot of game knowledge and is decent at the game.
  7. Since many of us are forced to use minimal graphics because of crashes with RTX cards, it would be nice if the character and clothing quality were higher on minimal. It really sucks to have to play with a blurry looking character and customisations that you can hardly tell what they look like for the next year or so until the engine upgrade gets finished. And I know theres the advanced launcher but for those who'd prefer not to use it, something of a more official fix would be welcomed. Since customisation is quite a big part of the game and this is quite a serious issue.
  8. Hmm might have found how to make my characters skin look better but the clothing is still blurry
  9. Thats true and might have to try it but shouldn't really need to use a third party launcher for even being able to do customising in a game about customising. And id hate for LO to think that is the solution. ohh does editing the file manually work to increase character quality? Im not sure how to do that
  10. I know that, but thats probably at least a year away. And many of us are forced to play with low quality looknig characters until then. So seeing as they cant fix it until the engine upgrade its the least they can do for us in the time being.
  11. Id hope they can at least increase the quality of our characters and customisation on minimal graphics since thats a large part of the game while many of us are forced to play like this and have blurry looking characters
  12. Both me and my friend have been getting the Ran Out of Memory crash many times in the past week also. I have an RTX card but she doesn't, but still gets the same crash. It only really started happening for us since the update a couple of weeks ago that messed up the apb catcher file. It also only happens on the spawn screen.
  13. Oh phew so its not just me. Ive been getting this 20fps drop and mini game stutter every minute or so since a few weeks ago, exactly like what its like in the clips in this thread. Even standing still in social it happens. Side note: at least it seems they have fixed the 30 minute d/c problem as it hasnt happened to me for a while. Oh nope not fixed
  14. The only time I get annoyed is when the game gives me no hope of winning. Like when the matchmaking gives me some new players vs a full team of golds and no backup option.
  15. Agreed. There are alot of things in this game that you need to look at outside sources for to understand how things work or what they look like which shouldnt be the case honestly. Adding better descriptions on things or pictures of things in game would be a nice quality of life thing and be helpful to alot of people.
  16. I just think this reward structure design is really odd and shouldnt be in place for a big main seasonal event. Im fully aware of how daily and weekly grind things work to keep people playing and subscribbed to mmo's, but these things are usually when the system is in place indefinately so there never comes a point where its impossible for anyone to get the rewards, it will just take longer if they miss days or weeks. The only time rewards should be impossible to get from an event, especailly a big popular seasonal one, is when the event is over.
  17. I feel like the reward should be grindy, but the kind of grind where you have to put in the hours of play to get it. Not having it be daily with a set limit you have to play before you have absolutely no chance to get it, which is only half way through the event period, theres no point to the event continuing at this point. Daily or weekly limit grind content is fine if its indefinite, but an event that only lasts some days is a bit of a silly design choice. They should try to make people play for longer by making the event itself fun to play.
  18. Not happy with how you can be locked out of obtaining some of the rewards from this event if you have not done it everyday at specific times up to a certain point throughout the event. All rewards from events should be able to be obtained at any point during the duration of the event, especially if its one of the big holiday season events like this. Apparently I am unable to get the rewards that I wanted from this event now as I have only just gotten round to starting it, which I didnt know.
  19. Is it really 1 second? Thats insane, I had no idea. Would love for it to be increased by alot or even better the mod removed entirely.
  20. For anyone wanting to customise clothing during this pixelated issue, if you click customise on clothing you are not currently wearing as part of your outfit then they are displayed correctly. So unequip the clothing first.
  21. Have never liked that hazard suit since it got released on armas so not gonna bother with the event if im forced to wear it. Also many people create their own halloween outfits which im sure they'd like to wear for halloween event.
  22. The loading screen that you get before you get to the login screen seems to now take 4 times as long as it did before the recent patch.
  23. Honestly never understood how people can get so mad at dying in a regular way in an online pvp shooting game and feel the need to make the effort to insult someone over it. Getting told to die of cancer for shooting at an enemy is great. Or those that go gg ez after winning a mission, as if its their first ever win or something. Even if you don't play lame at all they will always find ways to insult you. People on this game are just trash. It feels funny when I see people in stream chats acting all nice when they have trash talked me and others for no reason in game before.
  24. i7 7700K runs APB at 120 fps on maximum 1440p.
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