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Everything posted by Jeffrey_Epstein

  1. Logitech Macro been thru all the hack shields for this game and still runs well. I paid for the mouse, am I allowed to use it then or nah?
  2. das it not finna bother, Matt Scott hates fun uninstalling GG
  3. The times I've got in, the servers are empty at least fight club is. Seems to only have a queue problem
  4. I dreamt about Saints row 1 on xbox 360 and I hadn't touched it in along time
  5. *applauds* Thank you for not making it reskinned vehicle. It's great to see y'all putting in work to try and add a new vehicle. Best of luck to you and the team.
  6. Well, I can see this fixing the hitbox triggerbot.
  7. Hello, recently been having this problem for awhile so figured it would be time to report it. Every time I go to try and save my tattoo after purchasing them, upon leaving the kioski customize screen sometimes you'll run into issues where the tattoos don't save or just duplicate itself and overwrites a tattoo that was intended to be placed. It's really aggravating when I'm working with 15+ tattoos and labour only to find out my hard work been demolished. Any ideas if this can be looked into? Even multiple friends of mine said they had the same issue. Thanks.
  8. You welcome, and to be honest, I have no opinion on that. Just hoping for a good community.
  9. Some of my favourites I can think off top my head.
  10. The gulag seems nice.
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