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Everything posted by Jeffrey_Epstein

  1. You're a good man, Bolan. I wanted to stop the griefers but gave up, too many of them. I rather artistic trolls come back using dump trucks for road blocks over being rammed by cars repeatedly.
  2. I'll be willing to translate for @CookiePuss, let me know if I made any errors. I'm quite good at decoding what non english people mean to say, I'll translate. Instead of the "Starter member" title you get when you register the forums, (s)he wants their own title labeled "Silly willy" instead to stand out differently. Second sentences, basically says (by their perspective I assume) that anyone with the "starter member" title usually are the same members who constantly post or create threads ranting about cheaters, hack shield, third party apps, etc. Hope this helps.
  3. I'd rather whole new cars so the car roaster don't look so empty. In my opinion I feel we have too many kits and less cars on the list.
  4. Didn't Tiggs try to implant one at some point?
  5. No need to get hasty now. But yes, I honestly play APB like this a lot. I sometimes enable bloom if I feel I need to. (It's only dark during night time) I love playing this game casually and I do enjoy the game.
  6. hm, pretty dark out here in San paro. (Bloom disabled ^~^)
  7. I'd love those Steelies also. Glad most players has taste in rims.
  8. NPC has some nice assets. I always liked Charlotte's hair style but it was never available to use.
  9. https://www.thewindowsclub.com/disable-data-execution-prevention bcdeditprogram /set {current} nx AlwaysOff on cmd bcdeditprogram /set {current} nx AlwaysOn on cmd (This will enable dep) If it don't work I guess Battleye is conflicted by the deps and this actually would need to be fix. It was a deterrent to have players enable deps to make it harder to execute third party apps.
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