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Everything posted by neophobia

  1. that's not gravity and requires much more than "just" having them affected by gravity hair right now is pretty affected by gravity, it's always falling pretty much downwards. you want dynamic hair physics with movement, affected by gun fire/explosions, maybe wind? would be cool in my opinion... but: name one other game that has that (and where it looks good)... oh and runs on potato pcs (or is expected to do so), has a pretty small budget, way bigger problems i mean come on, this is apb. not the newest already ultra polished triple a title. many more pressing issues before one could ever move to nice-to-haves (that could require an assload of work) such as this
  2. well, or the crown, the few kits or anything, really! i've roughly spent 1.5k (almost none on jmbs, always account bound when possible, almost always durig sales, still lack a few weapons though) and have 2000 hours logged on steam and own a JT 4x4 4 slot on one char - and nothing else bought by jt. across all chars i do have a bit over 12k. personally i think the more open jt store is great - but the yield of JT could still be higher. grinding for a weapon is more achievable than ever - but ultimately, in my opinion it should still be more easy to do so passively through normal play, by just doing missions. 10jt would be okay in my opinion if it was consistent, every mission - it's not like you have to hit the daily cap, i suppose the cap us just there to prevent people from exploiting it (remember gold rush? or refer a friend?) i guess it should be linked to mission length/some minimum score...
  3. this is the definition of a shitpost well played hexerin i never saw your true genius
  4. because it's like his "tracking customer support" thread, which is supposed to give you an overview and make trends visible. i agree there should be a separate discussion thread - but since everyone can create those, i don't see an issue here??? it's not like anything is getting censored lmao but i suppose having an official one would stop people from creating useless threads like this one right here, lul. (but would create more cries because of "censorship" because i'd expect official threads to be more heavily moderated so off topic (such as @mentioning matt or other mods because of totally different things, as if they don't get spammed by those mentions enough already in every other thread) gets deleted more strictly - which is obviously censoring x fucking d)
  5. it's about making a net loss because mission rewards just cause inflation... well technically. maybe it's not needed in apb anyway though. you may be right...
  6. i think the latter is rather the issue. having a fixed, idk, 50k? on legendaries and lowering market tax appropriately seems quite reasonable to me - to still have personal trades but also a money sink.
  7. is this used for personal trades too? if so, i'd prefer if they left it in and reduced market tax to 10%.
  8. I don't see where it says "sniper" apart from your post... although the description does mention "excel[ling] in medium to long-range combat"... which is just a marketing text. Come on, e.g. "This fully automatic pistol will help you tip the odds in your favor and ensure that you always get your man." - it says always, hence you have to havea 100% chance to win whenever you whip this one out? So... no, it's not "+100% compared to the Ntec" or supposed to be. I agree it should be better at higher ranges - but... that's not a bug, but bad balancing. no glitch, no bug, no nothing else. we have a shitton of weak, underbalanced weapons. the issr - especially the semi auto version, the issr-b - is actually in an okay state compared to others. and even the issr-a is okay-ish if you do use it below the max firerate - you said you tap, but probably still too fast. it's not great, i agree. it's not a competitive weapon. and hopefully will not be in future, it should be niche, a weapon you play for fun, more or less. a 4 shot, long-range autorifle (which doesn't even have a high min TTK in its current state)? sounds a bit broken, eh? tweaking weapons is hard. people cry about the quite reasonable ntec nerfs already - and buffing a weapon too much, hell, even buffing an "ARMAS weapon" (like the ISSR) at all will always lead to p2w accusations. remember how they introduced the new "shotgun pistol" that performs a bit too well, at the same time as FIXING the BROKEN yukon? people say the did this just to push sales. sure. apart from nerfing shotguns, includign the pistol shortly after. (it still performs better than some of the "actual" shotguns in so scenarios - here's to hoping they just got scared of fickling with shotguns too much rn and this is on a future agenda)
  9. that's just how the issr-a has always been. just don't use it in full auto and you're fine. that's not an error but just the weapon being weak.
  10. ^ i'd say just up the last login time - but also exclude newly created chars.
  11. oh. i didn't even know about this. i guess the more ridiculous settings like 12k are not too reasonable then? but you could definitely go higher than 1k, especially with newer sensors like the 3360, 3366 and whatnot.
  12. nononono, up the dpi - your mouse supports up to 12000 - and lower the sensitivity accordingly so right now you are on 1000*11 basically. 2000*5,5 should be the same 10000*1,1 etc. it's still the same speed but more precise. the sensitivity is more or less just a multiplier, so when your move your mouse x, it moves sens*x pixels. that means it could skip pixels. (idk if it actually behaves exactly like a multiplier in apb etc but... yeah) this obviously also depends on how accurate apb is in that regard though. here's a way better explanation:
  13. why, if i may ask? your mouse supports (way) higher dpi and higher dpi with lower sens = less skipped pixels tbf not only you in particular but since you also listed your mouse if one doesn't like high dpi because it's too fast for normal work, you can set sensitivities<1 in windows or maybe even in whatever mouse tool you are using. higher dpi = more accurate measurements though - whilst higher sensitivity only multiplies those measurements so high dpi+low sens>low dpi+high sens, even if both combinations result in the same speed
  14. can't mass migrate if there wasnt a mass anymore :^) tinypic was so garbage compared to imgur and god them deleting images and replacing them with their annoying placeholder, kill me why does their shitty site need that much js when imgur doesnt
  15. if it's the only "balanced" gun, maybe that means it's not? "there's one wrong way driver currently on hwy 123" - "what do you mean ONE, i've passed thousands!" the ntec is too versatile, full stop. no, it's not. not teaching the players how to play properly??? what? how would a gun do that by itself? the star is a versatile weapon, but not great, i agree. but: if they were given e.g. an oca on the other side, they'd think the game consists of rushing in only. i'd also prefer a different starter weapon buuut... yeah, maybe the atac. although: both are quite easy to use and don't require getting used to tapfiring. that makes them good starter weapons. i agree that the star might feel quite weak in the beginning though.
  16. that's not what "must be nice" means.
  17. lul @ the units, math 10/10 xd but nah that's... a bit much. not like you need to farn max cap but... uh yeah. something to look into
  18. uh-oh. i believe i had the same issue with bandanas when putting on facial/neck tattoos? (has always been like that too i think) i hope this is something fixable though. (i guess it's the same as how you cant put anything on the inside of fingers and all that...)
  19. indeed, i agree, this is also in line with the statements but - it wasn't serious to begin with, those statistics don't mean anything (especially since there are/could be a vast array of other influences such as more enfos than crims either way or whatnot) (and not really in this context either) and.... since the whole context seemed like a joke anyway i doubt anyone could deliver actual evidence for that statement - since enfos are clearly superior to begin with :^)
  20. because you already put biased answers, of course another sportscar way to go
  21. todesklinge yet at it again with the ridiculous kevlar changes i think this was discussed enough in the old forums but fair enough, if you want to hear it again... there is nothing wrong with kevlar in its current state. why would remove different levels? currently you can always adapt to the situation. how is DOUBLING the current effect a reasonable change to you? it is already a fair bit crutch if you just use it well and situational. yes, the speed nerf is a lot. but with epiphrine injectors or if you center you gameplay around rushing in with cars it always gives you a good advantage. ca does need a real downside. no doubt there. flak having that huge downside is the only reason i'd ever use low yields. in comparison to the other mods it's far too drastic. but how is turning it into a mod without any downsides a reasonable option to you lmao. the explosion resistance is already huge and now you want to ADD AN ADDITIONAL GRENADE? whAT? AND increase the resistance? sorry, please, this is a bad attempt at trolling, right? jk, known you long enough.
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