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Queen of Love

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Everything posted by Queen of Love

  1. the problem is not the chase itself, cause is funny, the problem is the tag over the chasers.
  2. Keep: Everything And: Trash: OOB "Nofunallowed" limitation. Restore: Nude bug and Old Login Menu Rework: Volcano ,TrueOgre, Remote Noobnator Develope: Motorbikes,Pets Integrate: Artistic Body If possible Add: Trench Clothes Beach Sandals Mini PvE Artistic Body Editor If everything goes well Transform: PEGI APB:R for PC in Mature Only Elegant Artistic Body Customitation (Integral)
  3. granted, but APB will allow to mug players , you could buy a mod called "life insurance" for 499.999.999 apb$ for save 50% in case of steal, scam or mug. ****insurance dont cover mission district. I wish Social Beach district.
  4. Discord fiesta_ CLICKKKK Car Price= Chassis price+ 50% Extra Painting +100k Apb$
  5. means Opening Post. link is this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MbFSe_Pz9ru6YREYE00YW2lBFxO8L5u1xYoIEEwqd1M
  6. are u a java coder ? to many scripts :D use C++ :D really, is hard follow the reading, try to syntethize.
  7. @SilverCrowhola :D i like crow +8/10
  8. è lui :D thank you for restore my friendlist ( o^,^)o they were all innocent ( U_u)/ There will be a little JT bonus for who had been never banned during these years?
  9. Good Morning San Paro This is the collection of best (and worst) suggestions, there are a lot of topic about them, but i prefer keep it all in one. Mission "Gold-Whale": the purpose of the mission-concept is to use the existent AI inside civilian vehicle/character ,already able to find a path around city or detecting player and aim them, ,giving them an active role inside a missione How it works: An heavy armored truck spawns and is going to reach a very far zone in the map. after a bit, an alarm signal like bounty alert appears in district or only to a random team/group/player. the truck will be equipped with an npc surfer,with a random strong OP anti-vehicle weapon ,its health will be regulated like a KV3+CA3 benefits, and aim will work like the civilian detection (they turn head if u are near, so increase the value should give an input for shot & aim too) The goal is destroy the truck, (setting its mass upper to 1000*normal truck should avoid break its path following) With damage car crash ,bomb or fireweapons. (opponents can get in missionfor save the truck ,if ,and only if, the truck get a certain amount of damage or after a certain amount of time after first blood/damage) When the vehicle is destroyed the first goal is reached. (mission ends when item is delivered to safebase,no time limit, if there are no opponents) If there are opponents ,team have to deliver an item dropped by destroyed supertruck to a safe house , before opponents get it and deliver to their enemy base. (like classic system, but without large time for item-hold ,deliver first==win) random reward could be deployables,joker tickets, or also a "Key Truck" a deployable that allow player to drive itself the truck if is in defense team during this type of mission, or ,if is attack team is possible deploy a "E-Guard" that works like an automatic turret for shoot the target crossing the path. Deployable Roller Blade: it allows for 30 seconds to give to character the same physics type of a little ,fast, light, vehicle,the ramming power is limited, brake sys is very low too. when equiped (F), player can literally skate, also on ramps. canTperform action or use any kind of weapon, shoot, climbing or complete object. should not be hard to do cause is simple an object with same propiertyes of a vehicle, the few difference are the size, and a little set of animations, just for moving. when the player "dress"the rollers is like inside a vehicle, but littlest. Homerun!! If activated as orange mod with key 5 ,it allow for 3sec to bounce back any 8 ball / Half brick back ! time for cooldown 30 sec / 1 minute Add an Animation could be cool. Reduce the cooldown to 2 sec / 5 sec could be a nice mini ball game between 2 user with this amazing mod. Miranda Law: « You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. ....... But we are in SanParo! We need Interrogatory Orange Mod! (only for enfo) How it works: Enfo stuns a Crime Near the stunned crime, Enfo press 5key for active the mod (crime is arrestable too during attivation) All the opponent's team is spotted on Radar at every distance for 5-8 seconds! Pros: Spotting enemyes better than Dogfish. Cons :requires great cooldown, Enfo with this mod is spotted on enemyes radar during activation. Tactic Broken Bottles. (only for crimes) Like the fireworks or stereo, but with parallel fuctions: Type:Grenade (3 for equip) How it works: Crime launch the bottle (obvious silent on radar when used) When the bottles impact the ground,cars or walls create 1 single fake target on radar for 10-15 seconds) if bottle impact directly an human target deals +-10% damage, +-40% stamina Pros : Fake target, amazing sound, 3 bottles combo is a stun weapon for crimes Cons: Somebody could drink them instead of launching. DOG-MOD as video explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxrAYI1HG2o Enfo should have the ability to interact with Citizens too! An identiki tool for find criminal hidden in map. V,IV,III,II,I How it should works: Enfo interact with Fkey to a citizen (it works also without the tool, but very slow), citizen begin to "talk" with enfo. If a crime is nearest to 100-200 unit is spotted for 5-8 seconds (icon of handcuff will be shown too, if active) if the crime is nearest to 30 unit witness mission automatic starts. time for gain the spot depends by grade of tool (I,II,II,IV,V) like other tools. Is treadable. new titles! new ranks! \^--^/ Could be cool and avoid the insane advantage of crime and balance cop's finance just a bit. Repair ToolBox (suggested before BLOWTORCH release, but still useful) when activated, all vehicles near player are under fixing for 10 sec max. (player is hold like ammo bag open) time for reload = 3 minutes Fast Check In: when activated allow to shooting with secondary while carrying medium items, or opening doors for 10 sec, deployable after 3/4 minutes Posted 18 June 2013 - 11:44 PM someone did this suggestion too? Repair toolbox.
  10. Dethreating exists due to useless district segregations.
  11. Add new nice content and money will income. I dont see why do this tricky way of fund-refund. If LO will, they could just add some new loyalty reward for the current g1c spent. For my next purchase i would really appreaciate new and complex dresses / clothes / shoes. Example= The Female trench. Is ingame in some pedestrian, why dont put it at 5/10 dollar? everybody loves it. cheap and for all. Example2= The Armored Van This could be a real exclusive item, overpriced like a real F16 TomCat :D
  12. = The problem with Remote Detonator is the absurd 2 sec time for explode, Neither a Calabria can be destroyed so fast with a good ALIG.
  13. Remote Detonator should be removed due to fact that there is not a real defense for it. Neither with Flak Jakcet is possible survive to a big kamikaze car with Exp3 Remote detonator should nerf the character/vehicle speed of 80% and active time should be never less than 10 sec.
  14. With a better PC/Server performance a CarSurfer on roof is the most easy and funny target to hit. With every weapon. Problem :Carsurfer in opposition. Enemy tactic: one is driving while other one surf on roof. Counter tactic: if the car is moving, shoot that ez target, if it is not cheating he will miss 50% shoot than you. if car is hold, ehy wait, is hold?? canT you kill him???l if you are chasing a car surfer , means that they like cheap tactic, Equip a good ALIG, plus some nice Ntec , go to to ram that bunch of lamers and you should kill alsoa vegas in less than 4 sec, exactly the time for brake and let driver come out. Burn'em all ! yee (LTL weapons Not recommended) Possible Results: opponent Un-equip Car Surfer opponent lose mission opponent dethreat opponent whisper "Alig-n00b"
  15. Queen of Love


    @LilyV3 they could add a new threat level, the "GGsc4m", instead of be banned, the cheaters are labeled with this HIDDEN nice feature, this will do some nice effect: first: they canT have opposition, only with other GGsc4m, so they will have a lot of fun. If they are in group or in team when catched ,they will be reduced of 90% of health a 90% stamina and 100% ammo primary and 90%secondary plus, a trolololo song will be added on their audio, possibly at 340db, volume setting will be restored to default, if they try to reach any object song will twice the volume. The threat GGsc4m will be automatically decreased to Goldyes after 3 weeks, so no more false positive permabanned. GGsc4m could be obtained also for scamming griefing or simply district vote poll report. (no more dethreaters )
  16. Thats perfectly true. A nice feature in TDM could be: distance overflow 150 mt: TAG OFF for both sides. after the distance trigger there will be every 20 sec: Tag spot for 1 sec. permanent tag will not be restored in any case. In this way who run canT effectly choose the good way. But who is chasing could perfectly plan the oppo movement . and win.
  17. I guess you had been in this unfair chasing situation a lot of time, and many times is nearly to be impossible reach the runners in time. But how much fun you get the few times the running of opposition fails and the item is reconquered with pain and tactic? :D this is apb.
  18. i guess the problem is related to different amount of efforts due to opposition available. is normal have a 10/15/20+ strike kills if the oppo is a dethreater. is normal do neither a 3 strike kills if the tryhard begin to use a TrueOgre. is normal do neither one if there is no oppo at sight. Maybe should be elaborated better: Be 3 MVP in a Row could become : Be P5/N5 for 3 times in 1 hour. 15 strike kill could become: kill 3 P5/N5 Hardly p5 or n5 is a dethreater /collaborazionist oppo
  19. aslo have a "favourite items" inventory with a fast light submenu could be a nice solution, like Skyrim. and maybe using directly light icons, not full 3d model. example: pressT: enable favourite Option mode (near Supply points) press1 Equip Alig press2 Equip Ntec press3 Equip 2nd Outfit Slot press4 Equip Piooner 4slot press5 Perform emote "dance" press6 Equip Oca press7 Horse! press8 Equip Percussion should works.
  20. If you dont feed the system ,it will die and begin to eat you. Tax are a need for keep system existence. If i have to explain, you will never understand.
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