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Queen of Love

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Everything posted by Queen of Love

  1. Queen of Love

    No missions.

    In any mission district (FIN or WF) the time for wait a single mission is "forever" . yesterday = 22 minutes ,full district. NO mission today 1st attempt = 15 minutes, full, no missions today 2nd = 30 minutes, full, no missions there ahd been also players that were waiting more than 50 minutes.
  2. the amazing customation system is a gold mine for know what people like. the service of data collect is a dollars revenue daily.
  3. ok, let's try to have an old version of APB online (version 2012, with p5n5,out of bounds, a lot of glithc and bugs that were FUN) and see how many will prefer This instead of current fixed pro" version.
  4. Mostly, cheaters and tryhards complains about a decent way that stop them while stomping legit &/or humans players. Without a score like 24k/0d vs 0k/24d ,the match are not fun enough for them. Sportsmen, really.
  5. now is too much, for some reason, also with opposition available . i suggest to restore P5N5 old system for have something to play. OR Make some PVE activity. Like as: -chasing suspect pve cars. -have suspect to recognize with special identikit traces. (an outfit, a face, a object carryed.) -allow street war between crimes gang .( like trading system, 2 groups could engage) -interrogation civilians (found or spot crime activity, Investigations) OR nvm, i am gonna play something else.
  6. is impossible. Now. anticheat allows cheat ingame but instead block creative addon for export characters.
  7. the game is mutilated, that's the truth. NO p5n5 No out of bound fun No Ninjaripper export. No old login screen. (the soul of game) Without these simple features, APB is just red vs blue.
  8. How common are Escalation missions and do you think their frequency is going to decrease over time? Is common, and useful most of time, i guess will not decrease. Are Escalation missions common enough to warrant an in-game option that lets you opt out of being called into Escalation missions via their Escalation calls? Sometime teamleader doesnT call neither for backup cause is a tryhard or a blatant cheater. What could we do to help the attacking side as they seem to be at quite a disadvantage in those larger missions? Increase time mission (1-2 minutes, depends of mission, restore VIP) Do you think 10vs10 is a good spot for Escalation or should we lower/increase the cap? Increase, All district fighting fever
  9. Best MM ever. Now there is a lot of fun and there is more chance to defeat the cheaters ! THANK YOU I love APB as usual but now more !
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