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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Not naming any names, but someone told me today that they had been playing APB for 8 years and that cheaters have never been a problem. Imagine being THAT ignorant!
  2. I remember my first time in APB. I typed "Hey guys!" into /d chat and about a dozen people responded with "kys". So I guess, welcome to APB LO!
  3. Isnt downhill better? Like its easier to walk downhill than uphill no? Am I the only one bothered by that saying?
  4. NO offense my dood, but its not just about you?
  5. Oh sorry. Why would someone lie? I guess if it served their immediate interests. Like covering up a GM abusing their powers almost immediately. (if that is what happened) Surely you know people lie sometimes? Better?
  6. I agree, next people will say G1 bought apb just to neglect it and have GMs abuse it. Sheesh... people these days.
  7. IKR? And people still say old G1 and Tiggs used to lie. But why would they? amirite?
  8. I percieve you, me, and a bottle of wine in my hot tub tonight.
  9. Well thats all true, but it shows an abuse of power immediately after GMs returned to the game, not to mention Iixil is either lying or being lied to... not sure which would be worse tbh. But its def a problem either way.
  10. Go sit in the shame corner with the flat earthers and think about what youve done
  11. Well fuck... this is disheartening.
  12. ... and so it begins If LO hasnt started the process for volunteer GMs, does that mean its an actual employee?
  13. as soon as this doesnt come true is my guess...
  14. I think they posted it like a day or two before it happened.
  15. ... thinking anyone but us even knows who Gamersfirst is
  16. Name: C00ky From: Murica Prefered faction: Enforcer Likes : sleep Hates: himself Phrase: oof Ingame:
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