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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I get where you are coming from no doubt, I can imagine that for some players, this really stings. But try to remember, this is just one of many messes left over by the old G1 that LO has to deal with. They seem to be trying to be as fair as possible, but they have limited resources and time, so sometimes compromises have to be made.
  2. Yeah, I think we all have at least a couple of players we hope are cheating. Every time I face Jarko my ego is like "Can we just pretend he is cheating? Please?"
  3. Just be prepared for not that much to change. Cuz I think it probably wont.
  4. Did you just accuse TheKek of cheating? Or are you saying Kek thinkz others are cheating?
  5. Dont change anything. I like this game.
  6. FFA R&D III is just a gimped Obir. ... someone had to say it.
  7. I dunno, I am exclusively a solo player, and yet I still manage to win around 60% of my matches. Silver district only.
  8. Might be better if they just had a specific district for this. Its already hard enough to get decent matchmaking in a 40v40 pool without half the district having fun with OOB. That being said, I was never around for the OOB stuff, and I would absolutely love a chance to experience it.
  9. iirc APB uses a bayesian modified version of the glicko rating system, the formula for which is pictured here
  10. Even if we had ten times the population it would make no difference so long as matchmaking only has a 40v40 pool to draw from. This is made even worse by both premade groups and players who are in district but do not ready up.
  11. Threat isnt just based on score. Its actually a rather complex formula.
  12. If you are just playing for fun and dont want to try, then I dont understand why losing is such a big deal. Aside from that, if you are getting gold in bronze, giving it your best shot in silver, losing gold, and going back to bronze, I dont see that as really that bad. But if you are getting gold in bronze, then INTENTIONALLY losing gold, I think you are kind of a banana. That being said, Matt does believe the threat system needs to be reworked and possibly even scrapped completely. So hopefully when this happens, things will get better for everyone.
  13. Yes. You can stop using the forums while you wait for your salt levels to decrease. Or you can stay, and try and have a little fun maybe? edit: Damnit VSB! Is this revenge for telling that guy about the unbans?
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