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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. While I doubt they were clueless when they walked in, yes APB was in a sad state. And we certainly shouldn't hold them accountable for anything but what they've said and what they've promised.
  2. Obviously I have no reason to distrust you or this info. But why doesn't the server know what buttons you are pushing? Honest question.
  3. Thats actually a good point. I can confirm, would be mad.
  4. We dont want it both ways. Aside from cheaters, I dont think anyone wanted LO to admit they have no real working anti cheat. It was just a dumb idea. LO screened the questions before hand. They decided which questions Kemp could and couldnt ask. Some questions were turned down, that one was not. They did not tell us "everything" they told us what they chose to tell us. Which was smart aside from this one topic.
  5. All sources for that info are Goat like. There are no reputable sources for that idea. If you have some reputable proof, please DM me, I think we've derailed this convo enough.
  6. This is true, but if they cannot handle players crying they bought the wrong freaking game lmfao. And regardless, a bad decision is a bad decision. Just because it was easier doesnt mean a thing.
  7. I think what people are upset about is not that LO hasn't yet made the game cheat-free, but rather that by announcing to us all that FF is out of date, they dont trust it, and are having to manually evaluate every single ban, it has led to a surge in the number of cheaters in the game on a daily basis. Sort of a "thanks for making things worse" type of anger, not a "why havent you done anything yet?" anger.
  8. According to the folks at Fairfight, this is not true. Its just something Epic Goat has been spreading around. The info is literally on their front page at gameblocks.
  9. Once PunkBuster was removed, no cheat for APB could ever be "detected" as APB had no client sided anti cheat. Like any cheat site will tell you, undetected =/= you wont get caught or banned.
  10. No I meant cuz you play in bronze, Ive been facing the same blatant hackers every day in silver since LO announced they basically dont have a functioning anti cheat. Also, other than giving us a new forum, Im not sure what else they have "done". I have no problems with LO, but at least where I come from actions earn trust, not words. That's all Im trying to say. But just to be clear, you are saying you know of players who have been banned for "cheats" since LO took over? Also, this thread isnt the application for GM / Mod
  11. So... people are getting banned or they arent? Im confused. Of course people get banned for many things. So you say people are getting banned, just not for cheating? Or something else? Trust is earned my friend. LO seems to understand this, you should too.
  12. Wait people are getting banned even now in bronze district? And I don't even know LO, little early to expect trust, no?
  13. I was once playing on an alt account with a bronze friend, got kicked from district, when I tried to rejoin again, still as a T, was told my threat was too high for that district beyond that I dunno though and iirc dont new characters on same account still start as T? its been a while so Im not sure
  14. Trainees can also have threat iirc. So if he has any other toons on that account, his T gets the same threat. And you can also be the only character on the account and be a T with threat.
  15. GM's cannot ban anyone in any case. They can only report to actual LO staff.
  16. I use all blue LEDs... for lower temperatures.
  17. Second reminder that Matt Scott already stated that the name Gamersfirst is not going anywhere.
  18. Honestly Im not sure why your thread was deleted. I dont remember your thread, but going through the forum rules it doesnt look like it would have broken any. In any case, Lixil or one of her mods should have sent you a message explaining the "why" of it all. Did you check your messages?
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