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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. wait... there are other guns besides the ntec?
  2. Ban all the weebs plz. Wait dont... game would be empty.
  3. Dude, all accounts will be unbanned in less than 24hrs.
  4. If I had a dollar for every hairstyle #2 in this game... I'd have a lot of dollars.
  5. Oh man, I was one of the first kicked and banned. I nearly pooped myself.
  6. Who remembers that time PB banned everyone who was logged in at the time? That was fun.
  7. Shit.... no i havent. Thanks for the tip!
  8. Well to be fair OP's post wasnt very easy to decipher. But now that I understand the point, if $1 US = 5 in local currency, as long as the prices reflect that, I dont understand how it is unfair. I mean the US has over 2 million people living on less than $1 / day. Every country has poverty friend.
  9. What we have are two competing theories: 1: Static dot crosshair offers benefits 2: Static dot crosshair offers no benefits Neither one of us has any data to back up either claim. Its simply a discussion. Which is what forums are for.
  10. Well I guess for now its settled then. Static dot crosshair overlays offer no benefit. So there is no reason for LO to allow 3rd party crosshairs, or to add static center dot crosshairs in game.
  11. Couple of things, first Im not claiming "much improved gameplay", and second I dont know what you mean by "you and your crew". I already said I would like to do an experiment, but again its not currently allowed to add a crosshair overlay, static center dot or not. So all we can do is discuss. All I am saying is having a center dot is better than guessing where your center is. Might not be a big difference, but it would be different.
  12. I think he means selling Legendaries for real world money.
  13. I dont think they would dramatically increase, but I would expect an improvement in situations where your crosshair would normally be gone.
  14. Hmmm... I wonder how this would play out. I do use my .45 AP a lot, and I tend to always miss that 1st shot when hipfiring. I kind of am curious how much a center dot would help. But unless LO gives the go ahead, I'd rather not break any rules.
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