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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Unless you were banned for something like credit card fraud, you should eventually be unbanned.
  2. Both hardware and software macros are bannable. Not to mention, how special are you that you cant simply click a mouse?
  3. Or if you'd rather you could DM the link to me or anyone else willing to watch it.
  4. That was the weird part .. I had stable latency the entire time at 25ms. Just constant and extreme packet loss.
  5. Keep practicing... ALWAYS keep practicing. Maybe upload some game footage or do a stream, its kind of difficult to give general tips without.
  6. Yeah, but the strangest seem to be in Germany and of course Florida.
  7. Yeah... suddenly APB feels like the worst of The Division.
  8. I was so frustrated last night, Im not even playing today, and Im a real APB junkie.
  9. I wish I was only getting 1-3 packet loss. Last night it was as high as 12. Literally unplayable.
  10. Hard to say without seeing you play. If you wanted to stream or upload some gameplay, Id be happy to look at it as Im sure would others.
  11. Source? Regardless of the numbers. That'd be more your fault than theirs
  12. gottem In the end, the only opinion that matters is LO's. Hopefully we get an answer someday.
  13. The main problem I see with kdr based threat comes from APB being a team based, objective based game. Its hard enough to get people to play as a team, making kdr the defining factor of threat would only encourage players to ignore the objectives and only worry about kills which in my opinion would make for a pretty dull game.
  14. NTEC-5 base accuracy at 10m is 24 cm. The jump modifier is 12. The marksman modifier is 0.35. This means the starting accuracy for a jumpshot like you've mentioned is 100.8cm at 10m. Hardly accurate at all and entirely dependant on rng even if you manage to lock on center mass.
  15. I too love sausages. Especially a nice Maxwell style polish with some grilled onions. Yum.
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