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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I wasnt. @Ritual If you get a second, can you pull me out of this hole Ive dug for myself and close this thread? Lesson learned I promise.
  2. Well I mean, when the state has insufficient evidence to convict, you are found to be "not guilty". Also I was never involved in trading on this account. Also also LO said these items wouldnt be removed. And yes, Ive sent in a ticket. And no, I dont think they will be able to help. You guys can stop picking on my now. Buncha bullies. Thanks homie.
  3. Didnt exactly go off without a hitch for me, but I do want to say thank you. Its nice to have the old account back.
  4. Dont be, Ive asked around and cannot find anyone else this has happened to. Im just lucky that way.
  5. Relax fam. Ive already calmed down and apologized for being so pissy. But you are right, it doesnt look like this was LO's doing, and yes, Ive sent in a ticket. Now I just need to wait for them to get through 3,168 tickets to get to mine! lol You are right of course, I should be, and am grateful. It just caught me by surprise is all. And I dont think LO did this, as no one else Ive spoken to had it happen to them.
  6. EU as in Citadel? But all I did there was make symbols. Im a Jericho player you meanie.
  7. this is the closest we've been given to a time frame...
  8. Yeah, seems someone at the old G1 really hated me. Anyways @Lixil if you wanna close this thread go ahead, I realize its not productive, I was just venting.
  9. I know guys I know. Its just... I spent a ton of money to get those legendaries. Like real money. And other than the name, its all this account had of value to me. My new account is higher ranked and better equipped. Im not trying to be ungrateful, its just this wasnt part of the deal. .... Im not going to get any sympathy am I?
  10. Sorry for being salty earlier guys, I probably should have waited til I calmed down a little before posting. Thanks for the advice everyone.
  11. No I get that, its just that for me, since Ive been playing and paying nonstop since my ban, the only worth my old account had to me was the name, and a dozen or so legendaries. Im only upset because LO said they werent taking anything we spent money on.
  12. Yes falsely accused of murder and sentenced to death row, now they find out Im innocent, and how dare I be upset that also bankrupted me and stole all of my possessions. (To use your analogy) Some people amirite? Yeah someone else brought that up too... Geez I wonder if old G1 really was that corrupt?
  13. Not unless someone figured out a way to access a banned account.
  14. Please, dont comment on things you know nothing about my friend. And regardless, LO never said they were taking our weapons away.
  15. Yes, I now have access to an old account that is lower ranked, less well equipped, broke, and all of my legendaries have been stolen. Lucky fucking me.
  16. So you took my money, and you took my Joker tickets... and now you have taken my entire inventory of legendaries? *edit* removed foul language... sorry just wasnt expecting this
  17. ARMAS changes will happen after the upgrade to UE 3.5, which is apparently happening "relatively soon"
  18. Probably just transfer all my legendaries to my new account and log back out tbh.
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