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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Nope. Thats just something silvers say. Just imagine how many /reports good players get. Theyd all be banned.
  2. How about we just make hackusating punishable?
  3. why are you fighting new players? You play in silver districts I thought?
  4. I dont want to be mean... so Im not saying anything.
  5. I gave up playing Jericho earlier. Bouncing between 20ms and 300ms from Chicago. Went and did some Wildlands instead.
  6. Its considered griefing and can result in temp bans to start .
  7. People actually use their ignore lists? ... interesting
  8. But its either just as good or better than the Obir. Its certainly nowhere near as bad as the Anubis.
  9. If thats the case, contact support and they should be able to help you out.
  10. Im afraid I have to disagree on this one my guy, especially against multiple enemies the Bullshark can be a beast. At worst its equal to the Obir (3 burst to kill) and best its better (2 burst to kill).
  11. The thing to remember about hitreg with shotguns is damage is per pellet, so just because you get a hitmarker does not mean you do full damage. (due to pellet spread)
  12. Ahh thats interesting I never noticed that the store differed from the database. @Lixil any idea what the actual equip and reload times are for the IRS?
  13. Both should have a reload time of 3.2 and an equip time of 1.2, but yeah these guns have always been a bit of a puzzle to me as well.
  14. AFAIK the only difference between the Coroner and the IRS is sprint modifier and the jump modifier... Sprint modifier for Coroner is 6.6 vs 8.8 for the IRS, jump modifier for the coroner is 48 vs 64 for the IRS. Range is a little harder to say as I do not, and would not recommend owning these guns, but iirc they both have a damage dropoff starting at 75m and ending at 95m. I also would like to say that until the upcoming weapon balance I wouldnt recommend buying either of these weapons unless you are looking to handicap yourself.
  15. I mean they very clearly explained that would be happening, no?
  16. I would be surprised if they did. Its already just an NFAS-12 with a .99 ttk Yukon on the other hand they might since people cry so much about its bugged fire rate.
  17. Better than CookiePuss / CookyPuss !
  18. I'll admit you have a point. Unfortunately dethreating is still rampant. But afaik, Lixil and co are taking the problem seriously.
  19. Send evidence to support, Lixil mas mentioned temp bans can be given out for intentionally dethreating.
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