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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. ... is this a troll thread dressed up as a good idea thread? I honestly cant tell sometimes.
  2. There was a thread on the old forums, I'll look it up after work, post it and mention you.
  3. ^this As a pretty standard American, I tend to do the unhealthy thing and eat most of my calories for dinner. I absolutely LOVE cooking dinner, and Im getting the dad bod to prove it!
  4. I feel like you need to see this, since you are obviously not understanding how things went with Fairfight. I love Kemp as much as anyone. But he's just a man, he has no inside information, and like the rest of us, is sometimes wrong.
  5. Yeah I think only the non CA was incorrect, otherwise looks the same.
  6. Those numbers are incorrect Salvic. For the correct numbers:
  7. Sadly I often skip lunch. Its a bad habit I know, but no one is perfect.
  8. Ive not really seen cheaters nor a dip in player skill at least on Jericho since BE was taken off its leash. If anything there are more good players lately.
  9. Unpopular opinion: Maybe there werent that many cheaters to begin with, and BE has just lessened our paranoia.
  10. Damn... that looks way better than anything Im eating.
  11. I normally have a light breakfast, some fruit and maybe a yogurt, oh and of course some fresh ground coffee from my french press.
  12. Well Im always happy to talk, to anyone, about anything.
  13. Are you accusing me of padding my post numbers? If so, can we talk about it?
  14. That was the odd part, I wasnt seeing any fluctuation in either. Tomorrow I'll try the steam overlay for fps, maybe the in game one just isnt showing it.
  15. Hah! Thats both terrible and awesome at the same time!
  16. Did a few missions as well... completely unplayable. Still showing stable fps and latency (100fps 60ms), but the game just stutters and freezes whenever I shoot.
  17. Just played some Baylan, /fps showed stable latency and fps (60ms 100fps) but the game was just a stuttery mess. Gonn try some mission districts and see if its any better.
  18. lol, everyone has abandoned the carbine for the OSCAR
  19. Unpopular opinion: If you ever needed to extend your ignore list, the problem is you... not them
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