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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope
  2. Might just be a server restart. That apparently temp fixes some of the issues.
  3. Its not your setup. Its the game, and they are working on it. You could probably do a /latencytest and send the results to support along with your rig info and server info if you wanna help.
  4. Well the big 4 are still up and selling, so I dont know where you got yours. And what non rule breaking threads have been deleted?
  5. Public hacks still exist and are just as easy to find. Mods only delete threads that break the forum rules, as they always have.
  6. I do not. This is how the game works. Ramraiding was never supposed to be free money. Districts were never meant to be empty.
  7. Thats literally how its designed to work. Literally.
  8. Yeah but "permanence" is the only reason to buy most ARMAS guns. I'd worry that unlockable permanent weapons would hurt sales.
  9. DM some links to this cheater proof of yours, Im honestly curious if Im just clueless.
  10. Ahh man, that sucks. Hopefully they can sort that out for you ASAP.
  11. The Pioneer isnt better than the Espacio? Care to explain?
  12. Running is just super boring. Thats really my biggest gripe with it. Its just... boring. I know I can chase, and I know I can ambush, but often i'll just spam /cointoss to get back into a real mission... or I'll just use it as an opportunity to grab a snack or make some coffee. The only upside to runners is you get to tease them in /d.
  13. I dont feel bad that you cant abuse a broken game feature, and I dont think anyone should feel bad either.
  14. Calling this terrorism is a bit much, even for hyperbolic gentleman such as myself. Also, most players have reported significant performance increases with recent patches. That being said, Ive made angry posts myself in regards to ddos and stuff so I cant judge too harshly.
  15. Orange mod AND red mod??? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  16. I think 1v1 VIP missions are important because it gives hackusators a chance to see what its ACTUALLY like when your opp can see exactly where you are at all times. #more1v1viptocombathackusations
  17. Can we at least take a moment to appreciate the sense of humor shown by whichever dev added an orange mod to a shotgun?
  18. That doesnt sound so bad, I just sit in a glass walled office overlooking a giant space filled with machining centers and so long as there are no problems (and my team is amazing so there rarely are) I literally have nothing to do like 50% of the time Im working. If not for APB and the forums, I'd probably develop a drinking problem lol!
  19. Shows what you know, Tobii doesnt have any friends.
  20. We really dont know what LO's policy is on this just yet. But so far they seem to be quite fair and reasonable. Like has been said, just hit up support,. I bet you will end up being pleasantly surprised at how they handle it for you.
  21. Unless there is some automatic feature preventing "I was false banned" posts from showing up, there just arent any being made. Im in my office most days just nerding out on the forums, so Im sure Id be seeing them if they were there. (My job is boring)
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