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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Having not been there I cant comment on why Tiggs chose to do what she did. Ive not seen any video or chatlogs either. But I think G1 technically could do whatever they wanted with our accounts, no? By the way, what was the name she gave you? I think it was mlp themed, right?
  2. oof, well thank you for keeping the servers running!
  3. I only bring up ARMAS costs because if you dont think you should have to pay more for a legendary than for an account bound ARMAS gun, then what is the point of having JMB anyways?
  4. Far too high. Im wondering, DO you think acquiring a legendary should ever require spending more than you would for an account bound ARMAS weapon ?
  5. Weapon balance is all over the place, and yeah this is their first time balancing weapons like this, but at least they are continually refining the balance, so you should give them credit for that. And as far as testing, I don't know if you've spent much time on OTW, but most days / nights is a ghost town and that's more on us than LO. As for the mod thing, it has long been known that for many weapons Improved Rifling was a direct upgrade, and in some cases one that allowed certain weapons to encroach on the territory of other weapons and or weapon classes. But I suppose whether or not mod changes are a good idea is more opinion than fact, so I think its fine you have yours. As one of the players who had an account unbanned I wont bother to comment on whether or not I think it was a good idea, but I can tell you I never stopped playing after my ban, and my guess is many of the "nasty sociopaths" you mentioned hadn't either.
  6. send me a private message with your in game name, I'll hook you up with an Anubis for $1 I just happen to have a few laying around And whatever you do DON'T TRADE UNTIL THE TRADE SYSTEM IS UP!!!
  7. this better ? Oh I dont work here or anything, I was just giving you the heads up. What server do you play on btw?
  8. All you can do is contact support my friend. They wont give your weapon back, but if you have enough proof, they will punish the scammer. Also, naming and shaming isnt allowed on the forums, so expect this thread to be locked or deleted.
  9. I used to dread the daily 4 shotgun kill activity and now Im just pwning with shotguns. .... seems balanced to me
  10. Google translate: Hello dear Administrators, please return the sniper rifle, now it is impossible to play with it, especially against Shrederra, some players complained. So-how could not understand how to play with her, now the same rifles stopped taking, you put a sniper in the trash, why do you need it? Please, return the SNAJPU, please!
  11. I dont think we were ever give numbers on bans without evidence, no?
  12. What more documentation do you need aside from "Hey thanks for giving this account back, and I totally was cheating on it btw" ?
  13. Yes, JMBs should stay as they are or be made better. Jeebus, poll tutorial when?
  14. >its fine >maybe just add another .37 or .74 ttk tho
  15. So you werent even the one to give the name? Christ thats hilarious. Almost as funny as the GM telling you to take it to the forums. lmfao Well, likely one GM is losing their position... with a little luck maybe a mod as well.
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