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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. ALWAYS eat the cookie. Back on topic though, we should all try to keep in mind that none of these changes (except for maybe the Yukon fix) are permanent. I can only encourage everyone to download OTW, get on, test the weapons and the mods, and give as detailed of feedback as you can manage.
  2. Is this your way of saying OTW is the place where you get to spam all the legendaries you cant afford? Cuz Ive seen you on quite a few times... and I've yet to see you use a single weapon involved in the balance patches.
  3. I don't think you've been keeping up with the changes to Improved Rifling.
  4. Somebody call the ambulance from asylum
  5. IR still increases range as its primary benefit. IR1 by 5% + 1m IR2 by 10% + 2m IR3 by 15% + 3m That means ARs will now go from 45m to 54.75m Carbine from 35m to 43.25m Obir and Obey from 60m to 72m Even the OCA goes from 30m to 37.5m (not that you'd put IR3 on an OCA)
  6. Sorry your opinion no longer matters, I have more rep and a higher post count than you. My input now counts for twice what yours does.
  7. So what you are saying is, these mods SHOULD do exactly what they DO do?
  8. You do realize that the only reason Heavy Barrel is useful on those premodded CCGs is because Heavy Barrel only affects health damage right?
  9. Lol. If someone doesn't even visit the forums that's like saying I care about my country but I'm too lazy to go and vote. Is it though? Really? Im one the forums pretty much non stop, I guess that means I care about APB that much more than you?
  10. I don't think you have to be a forum user who participates in polls to care about APB. ... but thats just me
  11. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever. I only have a problem with those who intentionally dethreat. Clan mates can still play with you if they want to... in your district. I didnt write the CoC, Little Orbit did. And the only proposed "fix" to the threat system yet given by Little Orbit is to make changing threat much slower. This does mean that it will take longer to go from gold to silver, it also means it will take longer to drop back down to silver from gold. Sort of a passive was of deterring dethreaters. But the bottom line from my perspective is something needs to be done to protect any new players we are lucky enough to get at this point. I also believe dethreaters have deterred a greater number of players from sticking with APB than allowing dethreating has retained. LO would have access to actual data about this, and I am confident they will do whatever makes the most sense from a business standpoint.
  12. I get what you are saying. I really do. My only point was that in this actual circumstance, this nerf actually makes all ARs more balanced when compared to each other, as well as making the Rifle class more viable as well. And honestly, IR3 on an ATAC was just a waste of a mod slot imo (pre balance). As far as pre slotted ARMAS guns, thats a different subject and one I think we already agree on.
  13. Didnt you see the clip in discord? This dude actually WAS cheating.
  14. I did a little research... and as long as Ronald Weinland's prediction for the end of the world in 2019, Jeane Dixon's in 2020, F. Kenton Beshore's in 2021, and the Messiah Foundation International's in 2026 are incorrect, then yes, I am reasonably certain you will get PS4 fixes by 2075. Of course, you may only have until 2129 to enjoy them if Said Nursi's predictions are correct, or 2239 if the Talmud's are, and only til 2280 to enjoy them if Rashad Khalifa's predictions for the end of the world come to pass. Aren't you glad you made this post? Cuz I am.
  15. Oh dont get me wrong, I think the economy in APB is batshit crazy. I was just giving what is one of many expamples of how it makes no sense.
  16. ATAC and Raptors suck past 40m anyways, so this "nerf" wont really affect them. If anything it narrows the gap in usefulness between them an the other ARs.
  17. Majority? Honestly I'd be impressed if you could find even a single poll in which 1% of the population participated, let alone a "mojority".
  18. Current account is less than 2 years old. Ive owned and given away every legendary at least once, and owned some as many as 3 times. All were bought with in game $, except a few that I have won from gold boxes. I keep all characters on all accounts (8 characters total) fully modded at all times (character weapon and vehicle mods). Im pretty low on premium at the moment, mostly because I dont buy JMBs, so I tend to just buy prem outright whenever Im low. Though had I not always had premium, I would not have been able to make symbols and never would have had so much income. Now I only "need" money for car spawns and ammo. So if I do sell symbols anymore its just so I can buy stuff to give away. Such as vehices and mods or even just to buy some noobs sock for 250k.
  19. As a symbol maker, for me money HAS become worthless. APBs economy is dumb imo.
  20. put your cursor behind the mention and hit backspace twice (worked for me) Oh sick that works, thanks Kev!
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