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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Wow, how the heck did no manage that? You literally couldnt ask for more of a positioning advantage!
  2. Is that really that bad though? Making some achievements hard to get? Do we really want rewards that 100% of the player base can get?
  3. Man, imagine an APB where people didnt change their names every two weeks.
  4. In English, saying one thing is more difficult than another thing is not the same as saying that thing itself is difficult. As an example, lifting 2lbs is more difficult than lifting 1lb, even though both are easy to lift. #themoreyounow
  5. I feel the same about remdet users as I did about pre-fix Yukon users... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. That being said, I don't use remdet (nor did I use Yukon)... So change it, leave it, remove it, keep it, I don't care.
  6. No. Literally anyone who has ever played the game can answer that.
  7. Dear Yood, Please stop spamming shitty music over VOIP. Sincerely, All of APB
  8. Thanks for posting this... I was afraid that was the case.
  9. Yeah after posting this Ive both gotten a lot of thank yous from people as well as complaints that it doesnt work. So it does seem to be very inconsistent.
  10. I made a post asking why we dont have any GMs monitoring the event, more than 24 hours ago... Shockingly it still hasnt been approved.
  11. Im pretty sure I know a little bit about symbol making. But thanks Mitne.
  12. Mine all took around 3 months. The ones that actually HAVE been handled that is.
  13. When you add an outline layer, some of it gets cut off. Posting here to see if anyone who has other primitives can find out if those too have this issue? and a shrunk down version to prove its not the size that caused it... Shout out to ChaosCody for the screenshots.
  14. wtf? Bro why? Just think of all your creations!!!! Plz dont do this.
  15. People actually want those decals? ... interesting
  16. I would just put a barrel in my pioneer, equip a whisper, and carplay. Super quick and easy. This is super obvious I know, but for whatever reason a lot of folks weren't aware it worked this way. And no, you do not have to get the barrel out of the car.
  17. Bruh even I was able to farm you for kills... you just aren't very good at the game.
  18. Would be nice if someone could do something about teammates camping team spawns and blowing up any and all teammate vehicles that are spawned. I mean, we did have nearly a thousand players apply for GM spots several months ago so... where are they?
  19. Check your mail... you get to choose from these
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