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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. That's what I figured... in reality, its a Bayesian modified version of this formula...
  2. Just curious if you know anything about how threat is actually calculated at the moment. If you could explain how you think it works right now, Id appreciate it.
  3. So this means that these invisible GMs have never once spoken in chat the entire time Ive played the event? Cuz Ive been on every day farming the event on a total of 11 characters, and Ive not once seen a GM tag in chat.
  4. Two things about this bother me... First off, why wasnt an announcement made about this? Why are we having to make threads like this to get information? How hard is it to make a post saying "GMs will now primarily be invisible in game as they seem to be more of a distraction than anything when visible." Instead we are all just left wondering where they all went. Secondly, it is a little bothersome that if I have a problem in game now, especially in the event, my only recourse in regards to asking a GM for help is to just shout into the ether (/d chat) "Hey, if there actually is an invisible GM in district, could you maybe do something about (insert problem)?" and then never know if anyone even heard me. Thats all really. I mean, its super easy to make a forum post in order to keep the community informed. Instead of just getting the old Tiggs response of "they are invisble lul", when we finally do get an explanation.
  5. Realtalk... thank you all for keeping the game alive.
  6. Ngl... I giggled like a madman when I read this. You are gonna fit right in!
  7. ^this^ IRS is very bad. Coroner is like next level bad.
  8. What? Im not sure if you are new, or just making a joke.
  9. I guess this is just karma for defending LO when they fucked everyone over who owned IR3 presets. That'll teach me.
  10. so what you are saying is, the entire GM program is a complete waste?
  11. Mothertrucker.... this better be a gosh darn mistake. LO/10 job... again.
  12. Best guns will always be the ones you get for free... FBW RFP OCA/PMG Ntec cr762 HVR Beyond that I find a few others nice to have... .45 AP Kris Raptor ISSR-B (Dog Ear) note* CBMP is just a PMG, C9 is just an OCA
  13. Next time use the building itself as cover. You cant blow up the building. Just stay away from the edges. GG EZ
  14. Maybe... Those are still my favorite all time events though.
  15. Huh...I.must have just been lucky with mine. Remember those 500 kills per weapon class in a week events? Thats more what I would call no lifer event.
  16. I dunno... spending 30 or so minutes on an event 8 out of 14 days doesnt seem that harsh. How would you have done the rewards?
  17. Just my opinion, but everything the Thunder does well, other guns do better. Id just feel bad if someone traded 3 legendaries for it. Its not (imo) worth that. I feel you on the skin and the sound tho lol.
  18. As an owner of the Thunder, I feel like I should tell you its not great. While the MP prices are high, I can tell you from experience that its just not worth it. Just my opinion, so take it as you will.
  19. Hey guys. When you mention "engine upgrade", can you specify between 3.5 and 4.0? I feel like it helps clairfy both where you are coming from, and if you have any idea what you are talking about. Thanks!
  20. Like get a 2nd job? Or another Masters degree? I draw the line at the chair tho... I love this thing. Jokes aside, that wasnt directed at you. I dont even know who you are. It was just a comment on how frequently some players change their names. I know 2 gentlemen in particular with around 50 name changes each.
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