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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. So you have multiple friends whose parents were born at least 73 years ago in various (or were they all in the same?) concentration camp(s)? Honestly man just let it go, you lied to try to bolster your point. It happens. Please just move on, this is getting weird.
  2. You realize what this thread is about, yes? "Is the RFP too strong?"
  3. Reported for invading my safe space with your patriarchal microagressions. My dad is little orbit, enjoy your bans.
  4. You are really bad at history my friend. The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah, was a genocide during World War II in which Nazi Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered some six million European Jews,[c] around two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe,[d] between 1941 and 1945.[7] Jews were targeted for extermination as part of a larger event involving the persecution and murder of other groups, including in particular the Roma and "incurably sick",[8] as well as ethnic Poles and other Slavs, Soviet citizens, Soviet prisoners of war, political opponents, gay men and Jehovah's Witnesses, resulting in up to 17 million deaths overall.[e] Also, you never answered about your age. Bottom line, check your facts before you run your mouth, and never make up lies about "friends' parents being born in concentration camps" because not only is the lie easy to spot, it does nothing to bolster your argument.
  5. Actually it makes us stronger. Think of Highlander, but with chocolate chips.
  6. Im not sure I understand the point you are trying to make. Could you clarify?
  7. Your friends' parents are in their 70's? How old are you? Also they killed millions, not hundreds of thousands. So don't just pick up any book, pick up a good book.
  8. Sounds like your average LO white knighter mentality right there. Yumm, poop!
  9. Lets say I agree with you, is that not balanced? One is better at range, the other cqc?
  10. Im just trying to do some damage control against the wave of "wtf is this shit?" comments that are going to flood the forums once 3.5 hits, pop gets boosted for a month, people realize its the same pig with fresh lipstick, pop tanks, and white knighters have to find another excuse to use than "old spaghetti code" for why nothing works as it should. I could probably be a little less heavy handed in my choosing of words, but no one has seemed to have heard Matt's caution of not expecting much with 3.5, certainly at least not for a while.
  11. Well if you ever catch me actually using my Fang... I will paypal you $100.
  12. Bruh, why do you keep hyping 3.5 as some sort of cure all? If anything you should be playing that shit down, people are already going to be disappointed as it is.
  13. Crap you may have a point there. I have no interest in the rewards either, and I also have no interest in the event. Always been a bit of a mission purist myself.
  14. Just report and move on, let the people who get paid to deal with these idiots do their jobs.
  15. Im talking about maybe 10 or so different players. All with KRDs you and I could only dream of.
  16. Fun fact: If you let yourself be bothered by every moron you run into, you will have time for nothing else. Most you ever wanna do is report and move on. Not worth your time. Oh you could also ask in /d chat if there are any hidden GMs lurking around... cuz thats a thing now apparently.
  17. Its not always about rewards guys. Sometimes it just about having fun, no?
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