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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Huh... thats weird cuz some of the best NA players are australian and play with 300 ping or so.
  2. You realize the .45 AP has the same range but a faster ttk than the RFP, right?
  3. Welcome to the real world, millenial.
  4. GG Its nice to finally be getting events again. Its been too long.
  5. I think we gained like 11 players globally on average with the all new Halloween event. I think its gonna take a little more than rehash of gun game to bring players back. Still, its one more step in getting people uaed to the idea that APB of old is getting replaced, so thats good.
  6. 1. People use the n-tec because it feels good... because using it is fun. IMO we need more guns like the ntec, not less. That is, lets make apb MORE fun, not LESS. 2. The fact that you don't even mention the Manic, which is the ACTUAL best smg in the game says it all I think. 3. "An example: the Yukon, which passed from being simply OP to barely being able to kill in a mag" Damage output wasn't changed on the Yukon. It still deals the same damage per bullet and per mag. Only now, it fires at the same rate as the Nunavut and Northwest. 4. Anubis crosshair now closes more quickly. This is a bad thing? 5. Silencers already give the added benefit of stealth, and this benefit will only increase with 3.5 and the return of tracers. As for what else silencers do, well that depends on the silencer... 6. LMGs are in no way underpowered or bad. They even offer different playstyles based on LMG chosen. The reason people tend to stay away from this class is because they require more skill to use. Because they are less forgiving of mistakes. Need to smoke some vehicles? Nothing as satisfying as an ALIG. Have lightning reflexes and excellent tracking? SHAW / Euryale / Stheno is the way to go. (mind you the SHAW has a ttk of just .56 seconds and a damage dropoff of 70m, if thats not insane I dunno what is). Now for the most important SMG, the N-SSW. Not only is this gun an absolute beast, but it plays very much like an N-Tec. If you dont enjoy the general run with secondary, switch, crouch, and fire style gameplay of other LMGs then this is the gun for you. Hell if you REALLY wanna rack up kills, slap HB2 on that sum-fuzzy bunny and you can full auto up to like 50m. Its literally in fucking sane.
  7. Hey, Im just trying to save you from wasting $700 to get a gun that, at best, is meh. But sure, get pissy, that'll help.
  8. This is what we called the series of parties that would kick off Uni every fall.
  9. I just play APB to pew pew pew. Rank only matters in so far as it is beneficial to be at least r195. That being said, events ARE fun, and I too would like to see more of them.
  10. From where do you get this data? Not being mean, Im just curious where you got the idea that so many players were cheating.
  11. I think what we need is a month where all of the good players out there (not me), use nothing but off-meta weapons. Then, maybe after a month of getting rekt by any weapon a better player uses against them we would see less of these types of threads. Side Note: add the Fang to the joker store... let people see its not some super gun.
  12. People use the n-tec because it feels good... because using it is fun. IMO we need more guns like the ntec, not less. That is, lets make apb MORE fun, not LESS.
  13. No worries, my posts are still requiring approval. So it sometimes takes days for them to show up.
  14. /report hasnt worked in a while now all you can do is send a ticket to support, then wait several months for a reply We've never actually been given a statement on a listed set of action for symbols. But Lixil has been quoted as saying you can have ALL your symbols deleted, and more recently some maniac was spamming the forums claiming his account was banned for symbols. Unfortunately, as I said before no actual official word from LO on how this is all supposed to play out.
  15. Yeah, I too hear sounds just fine. After playing without ambient noise for so long... the stuff is almost deafening to me now.
  16. Not at all. Just giving advice on the easiest and most effective way to deal with the problem.
  17. step 1: put them on ignore step 2: move on with your life
  18. Rent the Stheno from the Joker store and you wont be so eager to own the Euryale.
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