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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I do agree that we only have the word of the companies involved. I also agree that Innova has legal obligations. But I don't think going to court to force Innova to hand over the records is as easy as we may think. As a low-mid gold player myself, I know too well what it's like facing Gold 10's. But if everyone who should play in silver did play in silver, matchmaking would have an easier time finding balanced matches.
  2. FakeOFF lied, and they continue to do so. Shady fucks. So if you want someone to be mad at...it ain't LO.
  3. The biggest issue is even a year after the program was started, we still have very few GMs. So few in fact, that getting coverage even for the few populated districts APB has just isn't possible. /report is the way to go, video sent to support may help too... Though I'm not sure if LO will take actions off of video. But yes, dethreating is the norm not the exception in APB at the moment, and has been for some time. Until it is properly dealt with, this game will never thrive.
  4. Ok... This idea I like. It's ok, everyone who plays APB is a bit of a weirdo.
  5. God I hope we never get to 290 or if we do they change the symbols... the snake is bad enough, but the mongoose is just... yikes.
  6. Bruh, LO ain't responsible for what adults choose to do, nor are they responsible for raising people's children. Or maybe we should make anything that can be addictive illegal... like gaming itself.
  7. Christ how many times are you going to post this?
  8. It's kind of a cheap list...ntec, crown, ursus, raptor, atac, far, star, beyond those I don't even bother. Again, just personal preference.
  9. I've no use for the FAR when better ARs exist. For me at least it doesn't even make the top 3. Though in the end it's all down to personal preference.
  10. All I know is it's a great gun to use. Super fun.
  11. different from who? LO? the cheaters OP is talking about?
  12. That's not how odds work, you know that right? 1/200 means any box you open has a .5% chance to give a legendary. Same for the next box and the next and the next. It doesn't mean 1 legendary per 200 boxes.
  13. Look at it this way, you have an MMR. MMR decides matchmaking. Adding colors wont change your MMR. Therefore, adding colors won't change your matchmaking.
  14. I dunno man, we used to have a player with no hands who played using his feet and a controller. Not only did he play in silver districts, he was perma-gold. But I suppose if a player had never progressed beyond bronze, neither I nor anyone else would have a problem with them staying in the beginner district. Other than that, come play with the other vets.
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